Exclude T4/T5 Destroyers from the League mode

I will only address the League mode here.

Whatever is your reason, don’t introduce them in the Leagues, at least not yet!


DO NOT ADD any Destroyers for now!



Thank you.



“For now”

“For now”

Until better solution is found.

They will have to find it.

You should not be able to compete against 5 T4 Destroyers in Standard/Premium or Secret Projects ships, unless if you have all 5 Destroyers of your own in your Wing!

Also, League mode is still in Alpha-stage.

Exclude them from weekly tournaments too. Not everybody want to build and fly them, so its mess where one team has more than other.

just give us one mode in T5 where you can play without them! leagues is perfect!

Exclude them from weekly tournaments too. Not everybody want to build and fly them, so its mess where one team has more than other.

I forgot to mention this.

It is futile to play T3 GS Tournament event now, especially if you don’t have a Wing with a full setup of Destroyers!


I forgot to mention this.

It is futile to play T3 GS Tournament event now, especially if you don’t have a Wing with a full setup of Destroyers!


Quite the opposite, T3 Tournament gives you something you guys all crying about - team work, and with team work you can wipe the floor of teams full of destroyers, it is a matter of being prepared and not sux

Quite the opposite, T3 Tournament gives you something you guys all crying about - team work, and with team work you can wipe the floor of teams full of destroyers, it is a matter of being prepared and not sux


Not that you don’t get your point. I said many time that in tournament destros are not a big deal (apart the fact that they made the game even more campy).


But in that video after half match on 10 kills 7 of them come by killing always the same guy in a bear flying straight to enemy lines.

Other kills are a on an engi and an isolated destro. After half game i stopped watching, way too boring spawn camp.

Ah and i didn’t mentioned that on desu squad, the worst players, with all due respect was niripas (compared to the others). 

The enemy team? RRP: Randoms Russians Pubs

So if you want to post a video as good exemple of teamplay in tournament against destroyers: that was not the case.

Not that you don’t get your point. I said many time that in tournament destros are not a big deal (apart the fact that they made the game even more campy).


But in that video after half match on 10 kills 7 of them come by killing always the same guy in a bear flying straight to enemy lines.

Other kills are a on an engi and an isolated destro. After half game i stopped watching, way too boring spawn camp.

Ah and i didn’t mentioned that on desu squad, the worst players, with all due respect was niripas (compared to the others). 

The enemy team? RRP: Randoms Russians Pubs

So if you want to post a video as good exemple of teamplay in tournament against destroyers: that was not the case.

Very true. The solution is VERY easy: just limit the number of destroyers in one match. Destros are like capital ships, there should be just 1 and the team should try to protect it and help it in killing the other capital ship… Like a dread battle, but in a much smaller size. I think that should be perfect.

I don’t get it, you want a video of a Random xxx Pubs team-play in the tournament? Team play is something that comes with the team, and it is up to the team to teamplay or not.

This video was a simple reply to the regular BS that comes from Koromac, and if you are going to play in a tournament as just a team of randoms, it doesn’t matter if opposition, actual team, is full of destroyers or not, you are gonna have a bad f time anyways, leading to the boring spawn camp of your asses.

we dont need destroyers at all this is Star Conflict not World of Warships  :01313:

I don’t get it, you want a video of a Random xxx Pubs team-play in the tournament? Team play is something that comes with the team, and it is up to the team to teamplay or not.

This video was a simple reply to the regular BS that comes from Koromac, and if you are going to play in a tournament as just a team of randoms, it doesn’t matter if opposition, actual team, is full of destroyers or not, you are gonna have a bad f time anyways, leading to the boring spawn camp of your asses.


Chill , there is no teamplay in that video. It’s just a bunch of sitting destros against good players.But those good players actually did nothing to win. Since after half game they already farmed a guy in a bear 7 times, while all other ones were sitting in respawn.


I’m saying that if you want to show a good team playing against a destro’s ball, you posted the wrong video.

Intent wasn’t necessary to show how to play vs destroyers, but rather playing T3 Tourney is not hopeless if your team does not have destroyers, like Koromac makes it to be.

You guys play tourneys, so why don’t you post an actual teamwork vs Destroyers, better than me looking for it.

Intent wasn’t necessary to show how to play vs destroyers, but rather playing T3 Tourney is not hopeless if your team does not have destroyers, like Koromac makes it to be.

You guys play tourneys, so why don’t you post an actual teamwork vs Destroyers, better than me looking for it.


We kinda stopped playing tournaments and dread’s fights. :( 

Quite the opposite, T3 Tournament gives you something you guys all crying about - team work, and with team work you can wipe the floor of teams full of destroyers, it is a matter of being prepared and not suxhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpMUPZc4DDo

i don’t get your point… a team of experienced players killing “beginners”… they would have even won with 8 recons! and they also had a destroyer. you see that here in the forums many players are against destroyers… some like them. developers say having a gamemode without destroyers is not possible… but i think that’s not true. there are enough players for it! just give the people who don’t want to play with destroyers the chance to do it! otherways many of them will leave:’(

Intent wasn’t necessary to show how to play vs destroyers, but rather playing T3 Tourney is not hopeless if your team does not have destroyers, like Koromac makes it to be.

You guys play tourneys, so why don’t you post an actual teamwork vs Destroyers, better than me looking for it.

Players with low ELO get a match with players with low ELO rating.

Try playing in a wing with high ELO rating and tell me how you beat DESU,DEFT,STORM,SCORP (where you fight the same wing 2 times no matter what) with 6 destroyers 1 healer 1 command, while your team having no destroyers.

Not that you don’t get your point. I said many time that in tournament destros are not a big deal (apart the fact that they made the game even more campy).


But in that video after half match on 10 kills 7 of them come by killing always the same guy in a bear flying straight to enemy lines.

Other kills are a on an engi and an isolated destro. After half game i stopped watching, way too boring spawn camp.

Ah and i didn’t mentioned that on desu squad, the worst players, with all due respect was niripas (compared to the others). 

The enemy team? RRP: Randoms Russians Pubs

So if you want to post a video as good exemple of teamplay in tournament against destroyers: that was not the case.


Actually it was good example - corp vs corp (they are flying together). And actually it was 7vs7 - that bear had a connection problem, same as me. For 4 minutes I was flying forward few seconds, then back, then again. I couldn’t change direction, shoot - nothing, so my input in the final score was minimal (and yes it was at the “enemy half” - I have no idea why I didn’t die. 

The problem is - our adversary  had terrible positioning - engie alone, people doing stupid things. That’s why we were able to win this. 


Players with low ELO get a match with players with low ELO rating.

Try playing in a wing with high ELO rating and tell me how you beat DESU,DEFT,STORM,SCORP (where you fight the same wing 2 times no matter what) with 6 destroyers 1 healer 1 command, while your team having no destroyers.


Exactly. We made few games against Deft, different combinations - 1 destroyer as support then 1 destroyer as tank, then 6 destroyers, engie and command. Whoever had the last combination - was winning. The only single counter for team battle is to have 8 fast ships, kill engie and run away. Counter for the last one is to have 5 destroyers and ecm. It goes kill for kill then. So no Kosty, there is no valid tactics as we know it to counter destroyer spam with other classes. 

God you guys are killing me

What did Koromac say? - “You don’t have a Destro ball - you are gonna lose”, period, he did not specify teams, he did not specify conditions, anything, he simply say - “don’t have Destro ball don’t go to T3 tournament”, which is BS. Did [DESU] had Destro ball? - no, did they win? well yeah. Even if that tackler wouldn’t feed 10 kills, they have killed other stuff too.

And 6 destroyers, command and a healer is not a paramount, neither 5 destroyers ecm command and a healer, even going something stupid as going 8 covops and gangbangign an engineer out of the cloak and then avoiding the fight for rest of the game still a win, and no ECM will not make a kill when that many targets come from the cloak in close range, it is a matter of timing. And don’t give me “oh but this is stupid and boring”, i don’t care if you are having fun, there is always something that is not “fun” when win at stakes, that is how multiplayer PvP games are.

God you guys are killing me

What did Koromac say? - “You don’t have a Destro ball - you are gonna lose”, period, he did not specify teams, he did not specify conditions, anything, he simply say - “don’t have Destro ball don’t go to T3 tournament”, which is BS. Did [DESU] had Destro ball? - no, did they win? well yeah. Even if that tackler wouldn’t feed 10 kills, they have killed other stuff too.

And 6 destroyers, command and a healer is not a paramount, neither 5 destroyers ecm command and a healer, even going something stupid as going 8 covops and gangbangign an engineer out of the cloak and then avoiding the fight for rest of the game still a win, and no ECM will not make a kill when that many targets come from the cloak in close range, it is a matter of timing. And don’t give me “oh but this is stupid and boring”, i don’t care if you are having fun, there is always something that is not “fun” when win at stakes, that is how multiplayer PvP games are.

U mad bro?

I don’t particulary care about your squabbles and that one game linked, but as far as anecdotes go, I managed to score a devastating win in last weeks tourney against an organized team of destros + 1 engi with a clobbered together wing of people from main chat.


That doesn’t change the fact that destros are, if nothing else, a major upheavel to the current balance and I’m surprised to learn that they are not already excluded from “the” competetive gamemode, and would support them not being in weekend tourneys either.