Eta's Avatar & Signature Generator

I don’t think you understood me correctly. Nevermind

Terror, I think he understood.

But loading the website would be slooooooow as hell with your method if send a request everytime somebody is asking for the url.

Don’t forget that his server may not be that powerful, so he have to limit requests. An automatic 1 refresh per X hours/days is the best solution, since you can still actualize it by yourself if you need to.

The link in signature should not be a way to refresh the data. It must be the server alone that do it without any request, since it’s designed for a forum. And a forum can have a lot of views. Your method could be viable on something that may not be requested that much, but here I wouldn’t recommend it.

Eta, feel free to ask if you need some help. I’ve already done something similar (In C), so I may help you. :wink:

He understood.

No, he didn’t, and neither did you. I’ll join terror on the nevermind though. They implemented their own solution for WPK anyway.

I don’t say that it won’t work. But there’s better solution for the server.

The link provided should be a direct link to the picture for faster results.


Does that mean the player would have to manually regenerate the signature? That’s bad design


You could do something similar to this-

Script a server side image generator (php would be ideal for it) that generates the image based on parameters passed to it (script.php?u=terrorblade&ship=noobship)

First time the script is executed with those params it will generate a shiny new sig for me and store it in a cache folder.

Next time the script is executed with those params it will check the cached sig’s last modify time ( filemtime($filename)). If $time<{x} then serve from cache else generate new image


That way people can simply use the script url in their signature and the stats will refresh every {x} seconds



plz make me a custom hip version of wpk signature



swag rating -

yolo ratio -



corp logo of some vintage mis-matched accessories



Terror idea is not bad but explanations are useless, he have no idea what I am doing in JavaScript and I have no idea what he did in PHP.


Anyway no need to fight, the project is in “stand by”  01313.png 

As far SC dev team don’t want to collaborate with me anymore I won’t go forward.


If you want more feature, feel free to PM Antibus about it  (this post may be censored)

Actually i specialize in front-end development. So i do have an idea of what you’re doing it in javascript. I deal with more javascript than PHP


Wonderful   :00888:

OK, now that the drama is - hopefully - over… can we get an update on this? Are any updates to the project expected?

With the server side hosting, you could use background workers to periodically go through the database and update data. As long as you limit resource availability or player processed per minute, you can limit it in a way that with a growing amount of signatures the stress on the server won’t get bigger, simply the updating cycle will take longer.

:slight_smile: YOLO

finaly my signature is up :slight_smile:

Is there a chance this tool will be updated for the new player rating system?

How do you insert photos to your signature though? I have been having the darndest time trying.

How do you insert photos to your signature though? I have been having the darndest time trying.

The same way you insert a photo into a normal post.

:01212: Hello pilots !  
After several month to make update the API, we finally have our new rating working !
I invite every pilots to show their new rating, who will be the best ? :stuck_out_tongue:


        link is still here : Generator


About the discussion of possible extension I decided to not start working on them

because it is extremely long to install such automated process on Gaijin website.


Enjoy and … fly dangerously  :00222: 

Thanks for this!

Please, make dynamic images, like it suggested [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23535-etas-avatar-signature-generator/page-2#entry273455)

Looks nice, thanks.