Epiphany about our hangar

Oh xxxx, I hate waking up from cryosleep. Being inbetween consciousness and unconsciousness is creepy. At least we are here, and vengeance shall be ours!

Let’s see who else is awake. No one… I must be the first one.


A couple of lights flicker on in the vast hangar of the mothership SCORCHLING. Hangars are illuminated and what was once only shadows are now ships of various forms and sizes.


Ah, I see some pilots have awoken. Let’s check it out. My AI tags two of them as my squadmates WickedLynx and KaptenBinks. Well, we don’t need more pilots right now. It’s enough that the three of us to go out and recon a bit. Best if I go and inspect their ships though, a lot is at stake. I see WickedLynx brought his Hawk-Eye. Better check if his configuration of it is good enough or he have to change some of his modules for the mission. Seems well enough. KaptenBinks didn’t have a ship fit for recon last I talked to him, let’s see if it have changed. Nope, he still havn’t got rid of his trusty Raptor. I guess it’s only me and WickedLynx then.


As we make our sortie we fly past BACON and HODOR. They are both releasing ships from their many hangars. In the distance a mothership from the mercenary group RED is buzzing with activity. Today is going to be a good day. Today the Empire will pay!




Ok, enough with the fluff :stuck_out_tongue:


Instead of only seeing our on ships, what if our dock would be inside a much much bigger hangar inside a mothership of some sort, would be cool if we could see it from the outside as well in one way or another. Maybe it can in some way be connected to the territorial map. Back on track. As friends or clanmates log in, their hangars will be lit up and have their name attached to it. We could go there and look at their ships (when else will other people see our stickers?). We would even be able to look at their configuration. These motherships could contain those in your friendslist, maybe clans could have/purchase their own ships. They could also be filled with those who are in the same faction. Or it can be set up in whatever way the devs want it to be.


I would like for this to catch the devs attention and hopefully it’s something doable. Feel free to come with criticism and your own suggestions.

Instead of only seeing our on ships, what if our dock would be inside a much much bigger hangar inside a mothership of some sort, would be cool if we could see it from the outside as well in one way or another. Maybe it can in some way be connected to the territorial map. Back on track. As friends or clanmates log in, their hangars will be lit up and have their name attached to it. We could go there and look at their ships (when else will other people see our stickers?). We would even be able to look at their configuration. These motherships could contain those in your friendslist, maybe clans could have/purchase their own ships. They could also be filled with those who are in the same faction. Or it can be set up in whatever way the devs want it to be.


I would like for this to catch the devs attention and hopefully it’s something doable. Feel free to come with criticism and your own suggestions.

The hangar IS inside the Dreadnoughts.

The hangar IS inside the Dreadnoughts.


That hangar could be anywhere, in an asteroid or a space station for all I know. it does not show, and that’s one one of the things I want changed.

Go on Blackwood Shipyard PvE and you can spot a forcefield very much like the one our hangars have. The interior space is about right too, it’s just unfurnished.

In the future all factions will have their own hangars so be prepared to see some nice stuff.

Go on Blackwood Shipyard PvE and you can spot a forcefield very much like the one our hangars have. The interior space is about right too, it’s just unfurnished.

I am well aware of that. That hangar could still be a standard hangar used throughout the know universe, both in ships and space stations. But that was not the point. 


My point was it feels a bit boring just seeing my own hangar, and it feels lonely and small.


I knew I should have drawn a picture or found one + spent an hour or two on the post to make it impossible not to get what I am saying. I feel you are all missing my intention with the post.


to make a tldr:


  1. I want to be able to turn my camera away from my ships and be able to spot those of my friends/clanmembers who are online through their docking stations being lit up and having their name floating there. The hangar we are in should be humoungus! 

  2. I want to be able to inspect the ships in the hangars I’m visiting

  3. There is a lot of stuff that could be done with the players docking stations if it is an option to visit each other.

  4. I want the potential that these carriers/motherships/dreadnoughts/whatever that the factions (and clans) own to be exploited as I think you could make a lot of fun stuff with it.

In the future all factions will have their own hangars so be prepared to see some nice stuff.


Sweet, I’m glad to hear it. Hopefully you might get some inspiration from this post :wink:

In the future all factions will have their own hangars so be prepared to see some nice stuff.


Replace faction with corporation and you’ve got my attention :slight_smile:


Faction loyalty is a bit vague right now as players and their corporations can have conflicting loyalties. I can’t say I particularly care about my faction the way I do about my corporation.