I’ve noticed that in almost all of my games where I’ve functioned as the rescue-engie, I always get relatively low points in effectiveness compared to other combat oriented ships. This seems kind of weird since they would have been nowhere near as effective without me around, as they would have been killed off faster.
I suggest fixing this minor issue by granting synergy/effectiveness per units healed, instead of per buff assists. So if I healed 10,000 shield points on my fellow guard frigate, I would be rewarded with 1000 synergy/effectiveness. A greater or lesser amount can be made, depending on how the devs feel about this.
Engies already gets enough points from assists, and to be honest, if you fit them out correctly, theycan be very deadly. The attack drones can do tonnes of damage if they are used correctly, and a well-placed EM torp can score you a kill and 100 efficiency points. For example:
I still think some sort of gain from repairs should be implemented.
Oooh!!! Just thought! Like the new doe the module, just weaker or something! For each ally in range of your heals, you get a certain amount of resistance or something. X3
And the scenario you suggested where it could be abused would be crazy hard to set up and sustain. Also it would be easy to tell and report someone doing it.
Engies already gets enough points from assists, and to be honest, if you fit them out correctly, theycan be very deadly. The attack drones can do tonnes of damage if they are used correctly, and a well-placed EM torp can score you a kill and 100 efficiency points. For example:
… I’ve only seen engies get those high Eff. scores in PvE, rarely in T3 PvP.
On bigger maps it might be more difficult to score with engineers, but on small maps it is usually no problem.
The system you are suggesting could easily be abused. One team member could always stay in line of sight and get shot while you can farm synergy.
Thats the job of the guard and thats how team battle works with frigates. Engineers job is to heal, not to leave their teammates without repairs to go after kills. Healing is so little encouraged and yet is the most important job for an engi. I suggest giving an important reward for healing and supporting team, and at the same time reducing rewards for tasks meant for other ships (like taking out ships–>thats what cov ops/gunship/LRF do).