Engineering Modules

Engineering frigates are supposed to be the ships that set up defenses and repair hotspots around the map, right? Then why do half of their modules vanish when they die? Hey have no connection to the engineer any more! I say that either engineering modules need a tremendous cooldown time decease, or the things they put up should stay up until shot down.


I was just doing a match like normal in my Grizzly-M and had a bot attached to me. I had just spawned and went to warp to the closest beacon and then the bot got in my flight-path and I crashed. I respawned to find that my gate had vanished and I had to wait 92973292 seconds for it to re-charge. This is unacceptable!

So you want people to use your warpgate and potentially crash like you did? Smart…

Although I do agree that things should stay if you die. If you die by warp then the gate should despawn but if you die by gun then the gate should stay. Static Barriers should stay if you die also.


I believe the gates do stay after you die. Yours might have been destroyed by enemy. But still, they need shorter recharge time



So you want people to use your warpgate and potentially crash like you did? Smart…

Its possible to crash from a perfectly placed gate and warp perfectly from a badly placed gate

I believe the gates do stay after you die. Yours might have been destroyed by enemy. But still, they need shorter recharge time

Its possible to crash from a perfectly placed gate and warp perfectly from a badly placed gate

Indeed. And I didn’t crash because of the gate. I crashed because of the idiot bot that latched on to me. There were no enemies around for it to despawn, either. I have tested gate and structure despawning many times and they do indeed go away after you die.

Its possible to crash from a perfectly placed gate and warp perfectly from a badly placed gate

Did I not say potentially? Also GG on that sec con match. You deserved it and it was really fun for me. I almost never have fun on sec con matches.

Did I not say potentially?

Ah now i see it. gotta start reading more carefully

Engineering frigates are supposed to be the ships that set up defenses and repair hotspots around the map, right? Then why do half of their modules vanish when they die? Hey have no connection to the engineer any more! I say that either engineering modules need a tremendous cooldown time decease, or the things they put up should stay up until shot down.


I was just doing a match like normal in my Grizzly-M and had a bot attached to me. I had just spawned and went to warp to the closest beacon and then the bot got in my flight-path and I crashed. I respawned to find that my gate had vanished and I had to wait 92973292 seconds for it to re-charge. This is unacceptable!

Warp gate is practically a joke module. You can use it to troll teammates, and not much else. 5000m is nothing if you’re being attacked by interceptors, not being able to precisely control where you land, like you can with recon, is silly, the fact that nobody ever uses the damn things even if an engineer brings them is particularly telling, the fact that it’s so amazingly easy to get a THUD! medal is also quite terrible, and the reloading time being a full five minutes (if I recall correctly) just puts the icing on the cake.


On the other hand, I’m pretty sure static barriers have a reasonable recharge time, given that they’re more or less a counter to LRFs and, to an extent, most other frigates. I’m not amazingly sure about the heal station recharge, but since they heal so fast, I’m sure a minute for 30 seconds is fair. I’m also fairly certain that heal stations stick around after an engineer dies. I remember killing engineers who dropped them, and then having to take them out afterwards.