Engineering frigates: you have ONE JOB

You kidding? My Crus-S was at 73k before the patch.


Edit: on Hangar.

Same here, It wasn’t that hard to get.


Though admittedly it was just the spam of “epic shield increase passives” that caused it.

Hmm, time to step back again from advancing to T4 and re-check my Crus then.

Ah, that, don’t bother. The Tormentor has less hp than the Crus-S.

hahem, yeah my crus type S have 65k surva in this patch ^^

Ah, that, don’t bother. The Tormentor has less hp than the Crus-S.

Was meaning in general, not only the guard line.



Screw you guys:



Still not at it’s best! Need 220 artifacts.

Full buffer, screw resists? R9 shield implant+shield resist booster?


I see I am close to 2500 posts…Time to make another ~I’m leaving thread~ so that I can disappear in the depths of this forum at 2500 posts and lurk, sending PM’s to unguarded prey.

Full buffer, screw resists?



R9 shield implant+shield resist booster?


Was meaning in general, not only the guard line.



Screw you guys:

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[Crus S 1.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=6977)


Still not at it’s best! Need 220 artifacts.

I have 2 buffer passives and R1/R3 Jericho + that R9 one. I have no active tank modules whatsoever.

What sorcery is this??? My Styx clocks in at only 63k survivability, and one additional level of synergy isn’t going to boost that by too much. Fortunately, my 63k is already enough to tank a fair bit of damage.


I have the best Styx possible in terms of EHP, I tried and tried and it’s literally impossible to get 70k xD


They probably got mostly armor, instead of resists. Causing high EHP, but xxxx tank once you damage them since it takes forever to repair.


28052 hull, 57/117/87 hull resists, 14319 shield, 60/0/30 shield resists. Pretty easy to repair with both repair station + aura repair, 304+127 for tier 3 is pretty sick (assuming you’re the one getting the hull repair from the station xD)

Remember when the crusader type S was able to reach 72k survavibility?

Rakza remember !


I still find my Inqui type S (lvl 5/9) with 79k surva not enough tanky.

Remember when the crusader type S was able to reach 72k survavibility?

Rakza remember !


I still find my Inqui type S (lvl 5/9) with 79k surva not enough tanky.

Inquisitor-S’ can still reach up to 80/90k. And I tested the Crus-S for how far I could take the hp thing… I did take it up to 76k on Hangar. I suspect that, on the field, I’d get close to 90k with the right buffs.

Inquisitor-S’ can still reach up to 80/90k. And I tested the Crus-S for how far I could take the hp thing… I did take it up to 76k on Hangar. I suspect that, on the field, I’d get close to 90k with the right buffs.


pics or didnt happen

pics or didnt happen

This was pre Guard nerfs.

This was pre Guard nerfs.


i though it was this patch, that’s why i wanted pics  :lol:

i though it was this patch, that’s why i wanted pics  :lol:

Nah, xxxx that, I’m lucky if I get HALF that value, now, considering how, in every match I’m in, I get teamed with complete idiots.

I remenber one of my statue udapte was about a 72-73k survavibility crus type S

I remenber one of my statue udapte was about a 72-73k survavibility crus type S

75/6k here.

All hail to the GuardGineers




:frowning: in what exactly is the Anaconda superior given it’s got like half of that HP ?


I guess not being hidden behind 5 unfun LFRs counts for something…

Its only behind 3 i think now

Everyone got done grinding for their Styx’.

I wouldn’t say Anaconda is superior or inferior, they’re just from 2 diff factions.

Styx is a slow bunker ith better heals while Anaconda is a mobile and fast engineer.