Engineering frigates: you have ONE JOB

  1. Do these modules look like this?




  1. Press their buttons until you get them to look like this:




  1. Recheck the modules every 30 seconds.

HAHAHA not going to work! half of them know how it works, but they just active them when they’re in danger. 

Damn I wish I could punch them in the face, I mean, engineers without heals, seriously? It’s like a command without aegis or coating polarizer, or a tackler with target painter and that speed inhibitor Zzzz

I see more and more engi frigates cycling their heals on / off immediately … They won’t accept any constructive advice about what they are meant to do with them though :facepalm:

A couple of days ago I finished a contract to get it off my screen.  I had to use target painter on three enemies, with the catch of it needing to be a fed tackler.


I loaded up my Lynx for it’s first match.  There was one engineer on our team.  It was T1.  Do you think heals were active?

A couple of days ago I finished a contract to get it off my screen.  I had to use target painter on three enemies, with the catch of it needing to be a fed tackler.


I loaded up my Lynx for it’s first match.  There was one engineer on our team.  It was T1.  Do you think heals were active?

Did he even have them?

Pfff Arp… OMG you Nawb? 

Those Modules are completely useless. Ignore them. Better you use an other shield-booster. 

Pfff Arp… OMG you Nawb? 

Those Modules are completely useless. Ignore them. Better you use an other shield-booster. 

Exactly why my Katana S is solo fitted instead of team buffing fitted.

Exactly why my Katana S is solo fitted instead of team buffing fitted.


But engies can’t be fitted for solo play and flown like gunships, right? Or can they?

Only the glorified trashcan(Raptor mk2) can do that.


But engies can’t be fitted for solo play and flown like gunships, right? Or can they?


Partial answer:

Only the glorified trashcan(Raptor mk2) can do that.


Any (other?? i’m sure not) engi attempting solo fit is a complete failure. On top of that nanodrone cloud and mass shield booster are even better than the solo counterparts for the simple reason they stay active and heal you to full HP bars while the solo ones are a fixed amount every now and then.


Given the insane amount of dumb engies lately i gotta keep my ships alive completely by myself.

But engies can’t be fitted for solo play and flown like gunships, right? Or can they?


Have seen one in PVE with: Warpgate, Mobile Barrier, Repair Kit and Hull Polarisation (Resistance Buff). He failed hard. 


But the Number of non healing Healers is worrying me and its increasing. 

Devs should really look into that and make a seperate Tutorial for this class. 

I wonder how this could happen… I mean those Problem seemed rather rare pre 9.0.

Have seen one in PVE with: Warpgate, Mobile Barrier, Repair Kit and Hull Polarisation (Resistance Buff). He failed hard. 


But the Number of non healing Healers is worrying me and its increasing. 

Devs should really look into that and make a seperate Tutorial for this class. 

I wonder how this could happen… I mean those Problem seemed rather rare pre 9.0.

Aces abound in this game. People that know the ships are powerful (read: Imperial Engineers) but haven’t a fogging clue on how to fly them.


This situation only arose since the Inventory overhaul. Before that, the modules were stacked in types. Survivability, Engineer, Command, Covert Ops, etc, etc. Now it’s just a mess worthy of a cess pool.  And, because of that, stupidity abounds in-game. And SOLELY that.

I think one of the problems is that in the tutorial they don’t show you the differences between instant active modules, Active modules with timing effect and on/off active modules.


I for once find myself using the command modules like they were survivability mods (I used then when under fire) or used the guard missile shield as a flare.


It took me 3 games to realize they were passive buffs which you can turn on and just cost a little bit of energy.


Also, it took me another 2 games to realize what the numbers on the left of the module meant.


And I’m not sure still what does they mean. I think the top one is the friendly guys in range of the buff, but the bottom one??


So maybe it is not that new people are stupid. It is that they have no clue what to do, because you don’t have info about it, nor in the module, or in the tutorials, or in the wiki (I know the wiki is quite WIP, it is not fault to anyone since a lot of things are changing in beta but still…)

Streamlining fail lol. They made the game more complicated with the module change than it was, apparently. I have never seen so many engineering fails before 0.9 as well, and even in T4 it is happening quite often. Nowadays it’s really a gamble if the pug engie will have the heals on, if it’s just 1 on the team it’s better to bring one of yours, since it’s only 50/50 chance he’ll have the heals. 

Actually I may have been the T1 Engi jrisom encountered yesterday. 

it was my second flight and didn’t understand how the shield heal worked, my bad. it took me 3 game to know how to use the heal ability (and on T1 engi, you only have shield heal).

There should be a special part in the tutorial about those special modules (the on/off modules).

It wasn’t you, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s half the T1 engineers.  Remember, just a few weeks ago the tutorial was “here are some tips on shooting and flying.”

It wasn’t you, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s half the T1 engineers.  Remember, just a few weeks ago the tutorial was “here are some tips on shooting and flying.”

Sure, we are just giving our opinion on how the game could improve the information towards new players. If more players get educated in the first steps, we will fare a lot better in games, and the bitter vets won’t lash our backs…

Lol i fly a command / learned the hard way


only thing i would add is to use ur radar in the top right corner and reposition yourself when you activate a module to maximize the number of ships you buff, and to refresh only 1 buff at a time , dont turn them all off simultaneously

I think one of the problems is that in the tutorial they don’t show you the differences between instant active modules, Active modules with timing effect and on/off active modules.


I for once find myself using the command modules like they were survivability mods (I used then when under fire) or used the guard missile shield as a flare.


It took me 3 games to realize they were passive buffs which you can turn on and just cost a little bit of energy.


Also, it took me another 2 games to realize what the numbers on the left of the module meant.


And I’m not sure still what does they mean. I think the top one is the friendly guys in range of the buff, but the bottom one??


So maybe it is not that new people are stupid. It is that they have no clue what to do, because you don’t have info about it, nor in the module, or in the tutorials, or in the wiki (I know the wiki is quite WIP, it is not fault to anyone since a lot of things are changing in beta but still…)

I couldn’t agree more. I had the same problem except for probably the first 50 matches.

Maybe some pop up tips and hints for modules say for someones first 10 matches to guide them to the proper mind set.

Personally, I’d just take two active modules slots away from every Engineer and have those heals as an always on ability.