Engineering / Eclipse Launcher Healing / Efficiency Points

(Typed this part after I finished the actual thread. Sorry for repeating similar things along the way but I will have to stress out that this thread is not about asking any kind of “number tweaking/buffing/nerfing” as far as modules/active modules/base ship stats go. This thread is only about suggesting adding  efficiency points  to an engineering ship which heals a friendly damaged ship by  Eclipse Launcher  even though I touch some other things aswell.)



-The title itself is a tl;dr so you can avoid this long part.


I admit I am slightly biased about this suggestion as I like and can almost say I “main” engineering ships in pvp. The last bit of the needed push to make this thread came to me after manufacturing the Octopus.


As we know, engineering ships do not favor “main weapon damage combat”. (This obviously does not mean that we can not fit an engineering ship to deal better main weapon damage nor does it stop us from using our weapons on enemies.)

This feature and the fact that it is kind of a nice and fast projectile weapon makes me lean towards the Eclipse Launcher on all my engineering ships starting from the lowest available eclipse rank. (Especially on PvP which I mostly spend my time on.)


I have had battles where I tried healing that oblivious_ destroyer_ pilot who can’t be bothered to dodge any of the incoming damage. It is quite time consuming. With 3 team heals (2 of which are used with huge energy reserves to increase the amount of healing) and constant eclipse launching, I can barely negate the incoming damage to a lazy destroyer.

The battles result with me having some assists and at a very low place in the board whereas the sitting destroyer got multiple kills because he was able to keep sitting there and bursting out projectiles. Effectively moving around, dodging hostile things and keeping eclipse spam on the destroyer almost 100% of the time and essentialy having very high “activity” results in very low amounts of efficiency points. Heard lots of “Thank you, I won’t forget it!” sentences but apparently they all forget to give you that lovely “thumbs up”!


Now, I am not complaining about the healing values of either the active modules or the eclipse launcher.(I find those values pretty much “balanced”.) I am only concerned about the fact that doing healing on a damaged friendly gives no efficiency points at all.(Damaging an enemy also does not give any efficiency points but it can lead to killing an enemy - which is the second biggest efficiency point source after capturing a beacon - I believe killing the enemy captain rewards even higher efficieny points than capturing a beacon but that is rare compared to capturing a beacon.)


Damaging an enemy will also lead to a Damage Assist which, again, I believe to be rewarding more efficiency points than a Buff Assist which only makes sense to me since when we deal damage to an enemy and one of our friendlies kills him while getting “buffed” by our healing, we never get a Buff Assist, we get Damage Assist instead.


Healing alone (not dealing any damage at all) gives us “Buff Assists” when an enemy gets killed by a subject of our healing. Comparing classes to each other is a bad thing to do in this game but in this case, it is very similar to command ships getting buff assists with their active modules. The same command class that also gets to use a team damage amplifier, in most cases leading to more efficiency points overall the whole team and/or the command ship itself. (Buffing your team by healing will lead your team to survive longer which will/might _eventually _lead to more kills whereas buffing your team by increasing the overall damage, especially at a time of opportunity, is almost guaranteed to give your team a higher number of efficiency points.)


(Just to clear possible confusions; I will not like to see a “damage buff” active module on an engineering ship nor I would support it. Active modules are adequate for me as they are now.)


Personally I like doing pvp battles and I like it more when I _feel _I have been useful in a battle and I will like it even more if I could actually see my efficiency as points rather than _feel _how efficient I was. -still only talking about eclipse launcher healing efficiency points.




Essentially what I am suggesting is making the Eclipse Launcher so that it rewards the engineer with efficiency points when they actually heal some hull damage. It should still not award anything on overheals. (Like trying to do eclipse healing on a friendly ship with 100% hull.)



The benefit of this change would mainly be to please those who feel like me and most probably encourage engineering ship piloting.


The only disadvantage I can see would be that there might be “too much encouragement” and lead to engineering ship overuse which has its own benefits - In the end, who does not like to see more engineers in their teams? I reckon the number of those people would be pretty low. (Almost everyone that wants a win would like to see more destroyers before engineers in their team but I am neglecting that part.)



This has been a rather long thread to read for a petty efficiency points change but I hope what I suggest is seen reasonable and supported by other players. I also hope I opened this thread in the relevant section of the forums.


Good hunting!

Tl;dr but +1 for the title idea. Efficiency points for healing would make engineering pilots much happier. ;3

Yeah, edited to state it. :slight_smile:

I’m afraid that will send engineeres to the top, and get everyone else out of it.

I’m afraid that will send engineeres to the top, and get everyone else out of it.

Also I think its prone to game exploitation.  As two engi’s could never stop healing one another for close to unlimited synergy.  Especially two premium ships getting free synergy at 20-30K a match.

I’m afraid that will send engineeres to the top, and get everyone else out of it.

not if the eff number is very low, but still attainable



Also I think its prone to game exploitation.  As two engi’s could never stop healing one another for close to unlimited synergy.  Especially two premium ships getting free synergy at 20-30K a match.

true, and bannable? like beacon switching? an idea

Smple fix: ban those who exploit it like the given circumstances.


Smple fix: ban those who exploit it like the given circumstances.


Or don’t add it so it won’t cause damage.

Or don’t add it so it won’t cause damage.

Look who’s here!

Even though I stated many times, I suspect I need to do it again;


This is about adding efficiency points when an engineering ship heals a damaged friendly by the use of the weapon, Eclipse Launcher. Similar to how you gain small amounts of synergy when you shoot at an enemy but in this case, you shoot at a friendly with an eclipse launcher to heal some damaged hull and get efficiency points out of it.


It can not be abused in any circumstance. Since the proposal is to award efficiency points when you heal a damaged hull, I simply can not figure out a way to exploit it.

A damaged hull is a damaged hull even if it is between 2 friends flying both engineering ships. Only thing they get is efficiency points and only way to get those points is having a damaged hull on at least one side. 2 engineers can not abuse this while sitting at the furthest corner of the map with nothing to hurt them. They can, on purpose, fly into asteroids to get some hull damage but then again, that will simply mean someone flew their ship into an asteroid and better gets healed.


Would it be reasonable to accuse and give some kind of punishment to someone that flew their ship into an asteroid even if it is on purpose or not?


Not to forget, there will always be someone that is trying to exploit some part of a game. I do not believe those people can be taken into consideration in the grand scheme of things while adding a change. Otherwise, picking up the bomb, flying to a far corner and constantly dropping and picking it up through the use of some sort of stealth should be bannable and not added into the game in the first place.(I see at least 1 person doing this everyday and sometimes the name stays same - leads me to think they are not getting any punishment as I report them everytime I see them.)



This change does not necessarily need to send the “engineers to the top”. I did not think about the number of efficiency points that should be rewarded, thinking the game staff would figure this out themselves but I could aswell think of some numbers if asked.



Most of the ships, even guards and recons are about dealing damage but then there is the engineering ship which is sort of out of line compared to other classes. It “feels” like it is made for healing but the game currently favors and awards dealing damage and destroying ships. The rewards for healing is nonexistent in case of Eclipse Launchers. (Does not even provide synergy on successful heals while damaging an enemy does so but that is not my point.)

Two guys could simply position behind an asteroid on the map and one guy flies into enemy fire and gets out with 20% hull remaining while the other guy starts healing him. Repeat and get efficiency.

Two guys could simply position behind an asteroid on the map and one guy flies into enemy fire and gets out with 20% hull remaining while the other guy starts healing him. Repeat and get efficiency.

So what you are basically saying is that it would be an exploit for one player to fly into enemy fire and get out just before dying while another engineer pilot stays behind an asteroid, hiding from enemy fire while healing damaged ships. Interesting.

So what you are basically saying is that it would be an exploit for one player to fly into enemy fire and get out just before dying while another engineer pilot stays behind an asteroid, hiding from enemy fire while healing damaged ships. Interesting.

If these two players repeat it the whole battle without helping their team to win it, wouldn’t it be somehow frustrating for team? Even more when these two get on top of the scoreboard.

If these two players repeat it the whole battle without helping their team to win it, wouldn’t it be somehow frustrating for team? Even more when these two get on top of the scoreboard.

If what you said is done by two players, they will effectively be helpful to their team. There is no reason for the “enemy fire absorbing” ship to be on top of the scoreboard since tanking damage is also not rewarded by efficiency points. If the eclipse healing efficiency points is kept to an average number, it would not be able to carry the engineering ship to the top of the scoreboard alone.


The “enemy fire absorbing” pilot will be doing a great thing by getting focused by enemies while his team can move relatively freely, taking less damage. I do this ALL the time in my Octopus. I tease the enemy by getting in their range and try to peel them from their team as a 330 speed adaptive engineer.


The “hiding and healing” pilot will be doing even a greater thing by healing the team and/or the “enemy fire absorbing” pilot’s ship.


It would be frustrating for the enemy team if they keep doing the same thing by attacking the same pilot who keeps drawing their fire on himself. That is not an exploit, it is one of the many ways of playing a battle with some effect on the outcome of the battle.

I agree with Synergy generating for healing with Eclipse (and now RepBeam) but i do not agree with efficiency generated from healing gunz
Good Engineers already score high efficiency scores in random PvP (and in team PvP those scores are 101% meaningless and win/loss is the only thing that matters)
But Synergy wise, since we have introduced synergy gains for just doing dmg to enemies, when you heal your friends and contributing towards the win, you don’t dmg enemies and don’t get synergy, so some amount of synergy for healing would not hurt, which opens up a room for potential abuse, which can be deal with a healing synergy cap per target. It comes down to amount of synergy granted, so abuse in 2 man teams would be less profitable than healing teammates that are constantly under-fire.


To be honest to me it is more of numbers popping up on screen for an action rather than actual values, creating an impression of a reward.

I’m fairly certain it’d be impossible to exploit this. Not only is efficiency just an end of match epeen at this point, but there’s no way to get significant hull damage without actually doing something that helps your team, even if it’s just pulling enemy aggro.


Plus, y’know, what’s few hundred synergy at the end of the day? Especially considering how much synergy you get at the end of a match…

So they are worried about people farming healing - make it only give 10%)(I’m sure devs can calculate this number) efficiency/synergy compared to damage. You do realise you can still farm points by damaging an enemy and letting them heal etc. Think about it instead of just flicking it away. You don’t have issue with people farming fleet strength points/synergy by buying premium ships now do you?

I hope this gets some attention from staff.

I hope this gets some attention from staff.

Already  :00999: