Engineer proficiency

I just finished a match in PvP as the supporting engineer. I saved more than my teams’ allotment of lives and probably regenned over 300k health. Now tell my why I got fourth place and just over 1000 efficiency. This is why fewer players use engineers. It’s just not profitable.

Fix this.

I just finished a match in PvP as the supporting engineer. I saved more than my teams’ allotment of lives and probably regenned over 300k health. Now tell my why I got fourth place and just over 1000 efficiency. This is why fewer players use engineers. It’s just not profitable.

Fix this.


Because it is possible to do that, AND kill people at the same time:




…and then get first place!

I wanna see five different battles where that happened.


Mhmmm. See I told you.

Only happens once in a purple moon.

This topic has been discussed a dozen of times now. I am flying Engineer myself and usually it is really easy to get into top 5 players.

Top five is easy, but a reward for your effort would be nice. 1200 measly efficiency and a few thumbs up is nothing.

I wanna see five different battles where that happened.


Mhmmm. See I told you.

Only happens once in a purple moon.


Challenge accepted :slight_smile:


























I even gave you 12 because I’m generous :slight_smile: I hope you appreciate it because it took a lot of time to find them all!


By the way, I love the chat box on the last one! XD And the third one… well… what can I say?

Oh, T3. Xp


So counting T5, that makes two. Hmmmmm…

Oh, T3. Xp


So counting T5, that makes two. Hmmmmm…


Oh come on, do you really want me to back to the times when I was in GoD and flying my t-rex in the old sec con ?!? That will take forever!!  Anyway I think I have made my point that engineer can easily come first if you know what you are doing!


I can find countless screenshots. But few where Alex is eating my engi dust




notice 69 FPS

And here’s Kurdi eating my engi dust


Got some crazy t3 engi screens but apparently t3 don’t count

. . . supporting engineer. . .

There’s your problem right there. There’s more to Engineer than parking yourself in middle of your teammates and being a glorified healbot and babysitting healthbars. Anyone can be a passive engineer and pop their heals every 30 seconds.

If you want to top score consistently, put those heals to better use. As an Engineer you have complete control over your heals. If you’re in a Empire ship, stick your nose into the fray and take some shots for the team. Work that hull tank. While you can’t tank like a Guard, you can restore lost HP much easier and much more effectively.

Or slap on some Adaptive Shields and cruise around as a Federation Engineer. Swing out at full AB and bait someone into overextending towards a teammate or two. Patch yourself up and repeat.

And that’s without firing a single shot. Better the enemy shoot you, knowing you can deal with the incoming fire and fix it up in 30 seconds, rather that someone else who may be several times squishier.

If you want more Efficiency, use something other than Eclipse. Pewpewing allies hulls up is nice and all, but Engineer guns are still guns. Heavy Blaster or Coil Mortars are flexible options and do respectable damage.

I usually haul in with my team and start blasting away with my pitifully wimpy Eclipse Launchers while babysitting healthbars. Yes I tank adaptives, but I’m actually unloading on enemies the whole while using drones and eclipses. I just somehow never get kills, only assists that are 5% of what a kill would have gotten me. It’s annoying.

Then maybe record a typical game and then we can see the issue?

Alright. I’m gonna be afk until tomorrow but I’ll get one done. ^^



There’s your problem :wink: Try torps

I just finished a match in PvP as the supporting engineer. I saved more than my teams’ allotment of lives and probably regenned over 300k health. Now tell my why I got fourth place and just over 1000 efficiency. This is why fewer players use engineers. It’s just not profitable.

Fix this.

To achieve the same level of efficiency you need to do less in an engineer (or a command) than in any other ship. Just because every time your team kills something, you get eff for free. On top of that, you can also damage and kill other enemies.


So please, please, just git gud.


But I’m afraid even with that beloved hunter of you, you would still be complaining.

Yep. I recently switched to Engineer and just stay behind and shoot sometimes on an enemy who shows up and get top score all day long.

Really Fox, you can do both

we need efficiency display gain for heals/savior just like in kills/assists/caps/debuff