Engineer heal gun change

When you get shot at by an engineer with a heal gun, it sounds like your ship is getting hurt. Often times I turn around to shoot at whoever is shooting at me, and it turns out to be one of my teammates.

I suggest that when it’s being shot and it’s healing you, to make it a little more obvious that it’s healing you, and not damaging you. It sounds like coil mortar. Originally I was thinking it should make a healing soud when it hits an ally but that’s probably impossible to code since it can hit both and ally and an enemy at the same time.

*edit* also, the visuals/sound of the explosion are “noisy” being that if someone on your team is healing you, the blue stuff obscures your vision and the banging sound interferes with concentrating on your target and being aware of your surroundings. It’s great if you’re shooting at an enemy because these are all added benefits, but if you’re shooting at an ally it’s an impedance to your ally.

Basically, the healgun sounds like an entire mountain of rocks is hitting you, it blocks your view, and confuses a lot the one thats being hit.


Why dont do like a laserlike think, but like a laser projectile like in star wars, so it hears like an energy thing hitted you, not a boulder.

Basically, the healgun sounds like an entire mountain of rocks is hitting you, it blocks your view, and confuses a lot the one thats being hit.


Why dont do like a laserlike think, but like a laser projectile like in star wars, so it hears like an energy thing hitted you, not a boulder.


Yeah I was thinking that too. I think my request/suggestion would be hard to implement. 


All I know is that this weapon is GREAT to use on enemies because it scares them and it throws them off. But on team mates they get confused sometimes and fly away.

I was once in a 3v3 combat recon.  It may have been 2v2.  My teammate choose an eclipse LRF to help heal me.  This was during the holiday weapons.  Turns out he spoke English.  He did it so he could heal me.  I just told him I hated that mechanic.


Changing the audio would at least help.  At least with incoming damage enabled you can know if it’s friendly fire or not.

Changing the audio would at least help.  At least with incoming damage enabled you can know if it’s friendly fire or not.

You already have that. Everytime I got hit by an eclipse, I just check the HUD, if the numbers are blue, time to run. if they are green, np.

yeh. I’ve turned around before not knowing whats going down then realizing its your ally. Then boom your dead because you were not looking forward, or vice versa. Oh yeah heal me buddy, wait I’m dying OH @#$#@. HUd tells you but you know we all have A.D.D

But there’s actually a lot to do.  Double check the chat for ping notifications or communication from allies.  Check your minimap, switch to 3d map and check it.  Double check your hull and shield strength.  Check to see if you need to pull off afterburners for a second to keep a decent energy level in case you need to activate a module.  Double check if you have missiles on cooldown.  Can’t forget the active modules too.  Do you have a target lock who’s a way’s away?  Check the target window to see what he’s doing, if he’s being attacked, etc.  Check the top of the screen to see how the battle’s going, which team has more kills, how the beacons are doing, etc.


There’s a lot to multitask.

How about side colour coding. Eclipse projectiles from friendlies are blue and explode in blue flashes, eclipse projectiles from enemies are red and explode in red flashes.

red indicates thermal. it would be enough if healing gun fire has a different sound (less intimidating) than attacking enemies for the eclipse, and maybe a different cloud/impact animation, like green.

Just keep an eye on combat scroll, its all the notifications ive ever needed.

Or how about inputting the sound of teddy bears hitting a wall…

Or how about inputting the sound of teddy bears hitting a wall…

Sounds like a plan… What exactly would that sound like?

Sounds like a plan… What exactly would that sound like?


Well I know for a fact that there is confusion with the weapon. 


How do you know when your being healed? A simple pleasant sound and a green color for the Tool Tips would make a huge difference. 

Well I know for a fact that there is confusion with the weapon. 


How do you know when your being healed? A simple pleasant sound and a green color for the Tool Tips would make a huge difference.

If the impact colour is green, then guard ships with phase shield set up to lord knows what might get confused, anyways. Unless the phase shield colour overpowering the damage indicator colour was fixed, and I haven’t noticed it yet.


But oh lord, the noise needs to be less obnoxious. Being hit by allies sounds annoying, but unless it’s an engi with the eclipse, they’re actually trying to be annoying.

Well I know for a fact that there is confusion with the weapon. 


How do you know when your being healed? A simple pleasant sound and a green color for the Tool Tips would make a huge difference. 

Maybe my dry humor was not clear. :facepalm:  Sorry about that . I just simply wanted to know exactly what the sound of teddy bears hitting the wall would sound like in your mind.