Engine Overcharge. (make it a tackler module.)



It would make the tacklers actually able to tackle, without needing to use the cruise engine.

Also, make it work alongside the tackler’s chameleon. (doesn’t need to, but would be nice) For instance, it could only work if you activate it right before going chameleon. After all, they’re supposed to be rather speedy in the first place. Get them this module, 

and remove it from the gunships.



Looking at the gunships, why do they need two modules that increase their speed when they’re supposedly supposed to be vulnerable after their *temporary* burst of speed, weapon fire rate, etc… after the use of their overdrive?



This module does not belong on tacklers. Cruise-engine tacklers pooping out drones everywhere is bad enough, they don’t need another module to make them faster. Gunships need this module because they are slower fighters (empire ones especially). This module works as a retreat option, (to help you get back from the front lines to your engie to heal up) as well as an attacking module (use it to reach the front lines faster or get from one beacon to another faster). The Overdrive of a gunship is to make them better for dogfighting (the entire purpose of gunships). The engine overcharge allows gunships a temporary burst of speed to bring them closer to the fight or move from point A to point B faster.


This module should say exactly where it is.

That module is available to all of the fighter classes.

If you want to get from place to place, why not use the cruise engine on the gunship? :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s right, you want to keep the gunship slightly overpowered in the sense that it can escape as soon as it finishes its overdrive while still retaining its turn rate for combat.

It is no longer vulnerable because of this one module. It belongs to the tackler class.

If a gunship wants natural speed, it can sacrifice its turn rate for it using the cruise engine like any other fighter.

(seeing as the gunship gets an increase in its turn rate anyways with its special module, I’d say it’s perfectly fine.)

More active modules so people can drop even more slowing modules for this?

I say its fine as it is.






After reading those, which one is actually supposed to have speed?

Forget the Cruise engine, that’s universal.

Well they aint slow. Fed Taclers can get 400 speed without effort. Id buff Jericho ones speed 10% but I still think they are fine.

With the Engine Overcharge they’d be able to hit into the 600’s or all the way to 700 for those few seconds needed to close the gap between them and the enemy before the chameleon runs out. Making them actual interceptors of the interceptors. (this way they will actually be able to fight inties close range without having to sacrifice so much turn speed for speed they’re already supposed to have.)

Am I stupid or this idea is?

Am I stupid or this idea is?

Why those have to be exclusive?  :005j:

Why those have to be exclusive?  :005j:

so it’s just as I thought(yea it happen sometimes but it’s more like a wild thought than actual thinking))!

It’s decided then! >> both!

As a general rule pole questions should not have a negative in them. IE: “Should Engine Overcharge be a tackler module?”

Acceptable question though.


At this point tacklers are so ungoshly over powered I don’t know anyone who would bother with this module if it were a tracker module.


Tacklers are such a good ship that it is hard to play general modules with them. As in you play regenerative hull because your modules are too frikkin good not to play all of them. Then you want a 5th module spot so you can play engine supression.


Every pilot has one in there lineup. They get better with multiples…


Stupid projectile speed buff. See two in every T5 matchup.






After reading those, which one is actually supposed to have speed?

Forget the Cruise engine, that’s universal.


That only states that tacklers are naturally fast, which is true. Tacklers are faster than gunships by default.



With the Engine Overcharge they’d be able to hit into the 600’s or all the way to 700 for those few seconds needed to close the gap between them and the enemy before the chameleon runs out. Making them actual interceptors of the interceptors. (this way they will actually be able to fight inties close range without having to sacrifice so much turn speed for speed they’re already supposed to have.)


You also forget that engine overcharge would turn off chameleon, or visa-versa.


This module is fine where it is, tacklers don’t need the extra speed. It is extremely easy to build a fast tackler without cruise engine.

Give gunship drones, give tackler speed.
Watch Empire gunships struggle.


Deal ?

If speed tacklers are cheap, gunships are even more so. They are way op and have you seen how fast 2 of them can take out a guard frigate?


I think that it should be for all the fighters because Commands are too slow also. 

Even the commands have their own speed buff (which is also used for the entire team)

Speaking of the command speed buff, shouldn’t the gunships be relying on that?


No. Tacklers don’t need more ways to xxxx out


If speed tacklers are cheap, gunships are even more so. They are way op and have you seen how fast 2 of them can take out a guard frigate?


I think that it should be for all the fighters because Commands are too slow also. 

Gunships don’t cloak and their speed boost is temporary. Speed tacklers are the opposite

Speed tacklers are not speed tacklers.

They’re relying on a module that gunships, and commands, can all use. i.e.

The Cruise Engine, which hinders all fighting styles aside from the hit’n run.

The Cruise Engine: is more suited for the gunship, anyways. I’d call them “speed gunships” if that’s the way you’re going to go about it.

Gunships will not lose their speed. they’ll just have to trade off something if they want more speed than what

they’re getting from their special ability and a command’s team speed buff.



With the second speed boost module, and the potential third speed boost from a command nearby, I’d say the gunships never stop being speedy because of this one module that is more suited for the tacklers.


With the buff, (a MK.1 module, at that) the gunship easily reaches speeds over 600, while holding a bomb, without ever touching

the Cruise Engine. With it, it’ll reach 700 with ease. By having a command right by it pushing its speed further, it won’t even have to try,

and that’s with an Empire gunship. Now, imagine the federation gunships.






You also forget that engine overcharge would turn off chameleon, or visa-versa.

I didn’t forget. You can activate it before you activate the chameleon.

I think tacklers do not need a speed module, nor do gunships. Maybe jeri tacklers need a litte speed boost but tacklers in general remain fighters and don’t need to be as fast as an interceptor. Speedy tacklers with drones is enought, we don’t need op 700m/s drone dropping ships.

The problem is engine overcharge is neither a gunship module. Gunships are meant to be dogfighters during overcharge and turrets otherwise, but surely not meant for escaping combat when things start turning bad. They are not solo ships but “support” ships, as they have to stay with the team to provide firepower and receive engie/command/guard buffs and protection. Empire gunships are tanky, the speed is not needed. Plus fed gunships are very fast. And it is very enerving to survive an overdriving gunship, hoping to kill him during his cooldown just to see him fleing at full speed dodging all your shots.

So what are the options? :s

Maybe devs should just remove engine overdrive. Commands are here for the speed boost. Then they could introduce another module for gunships because this ships’s mechanics are very interesting. There is plenty of possibilities, I won’t give any ideas because I have too much (or maybe because some suck really hard).

What do you guys think? :slight_smile:

nope to the op



Speed tacklers are not speed tacklers.

They’re relying on a module that gunships, and commands, can all use. i.e.

The Cruise Engine, which hinders all fighting styles aside from the hit’n run.




This is such a lie. -deleted  due to inappropriate language-. Cruise engine is a great way for players in fighters to make builds that can cross great distances on maps in short amounts of time, while still retaining their status as a fighter. Just because you have a cruise engine doesn’t mean every single playstyle aside from hit-and-run is prevented. You can easily make a cruise engine build that can dogfight without afterburners. The problem with cruise engines in PvP is most players do not understand how to use the module without resorting to hit-and-run/drone pooping tactics.


This modules should stay on gunship because gunships are meant to dogfight, which the cruise engine makes difficult (but not impossible). I have personally found that any fighter class without a cruise engine is more effective, as you have more maneuverability, but I have seen cruise gunships and cruise commands be extremely successful. (Cruise tacklers can be, but most cruise tacklers poop drones everywhere and do very little to help the team).