"Engine Mod" Slot

Every ship T2+ should have an engine modifier slot. This is different from passive modules as it does not effect the actual engines. These engine mods will be used to change colours of engines and engine trails. Pirate trails should be rarely dropped by pirates just cuz. Every other colour should be craftable.



When will these pointless suggestions stop?

Really, dude.  No joke.  The devs will never put this into the game.  I read this and actually facepalmed.


Yeah instead, let’s make it so that adaptive camo just reduces your thruster trail. every1 happy. 


Yeah instead, let’s make it so that adaptive camo just reduces your thruster trail. every1 happy. 

Ya I was thinking black seams a good engine trail color. Hmm, maybe with random white dots, actually.


Red, this one might be over the top a bit…


Haven’t you already posted this exact subject before? Are you recycling bad ideas? Is it that difficult to come up with bad ideas?


Yeah instead, let’s make it so that adaptive camo just reduces your thruster trail. every1 happy. 


*Covert Ops happy.  No one else.

Not even Covert Ops.

“just cuz” - best reason ever ^^

The problem with this suggestion is that it is a only aesthetics, and would not change anything to the gameplay… So useless.

I like the idea of changing trail colour (it has been suggested many times before) but no need to add a slot for this, just put it is the Ship Customisation tab

The idea of custom engine trails is known, but customizations usually get added in the customization tab.

Hmmm… I guess you’re right, but that would give Gaijin the ability to charge us GS instead of Cred for them, and that would suck.

It’s customization and it’s optional. And they need to make a living out of this game.

Ya, so you would need to pay cash to make my ship trails look like farts!