Energy Absorber Too OP

Let’s discuss the energy absorber for ECM interceptors.


They drain HUGE amounts of energy per second for a LONG period of time.  It’s well over powered, and cripples any ship it is used against—especially ships whose builds hinge on energy and/or adaptive shields (I.E. Every single ship).  The thing that I think makes it so ridiculous is that it prevents the use of any active modules by its nature, including the special module.  Every ship should maintain the ability of using this module because it is what makes their ship “special” and tactically useful.  Even when disabled via Ion Diffuser or Stasis Generator, the ship should still be able to use its special module (a bit off topic, but thought it should be mentioned).


Sure, you can build your ship to be highly ECM resistant, but in doing so, you lose everything you need to be a powerful ship in other areas.  Combat Reboot can be used to escape these situations, but with ECM ships having (most of the time) 4 modules that can completely wreck your ship, it’s kind of a “pick and choose” of which negative effect you want to get ****** by.  Especially when fighting good ECM pilots…they know how to stagger their modules to keep you vulnerable for easily 15 seconds; the best can do much more.  In these situations, Combat Reboot becomes useless, because it only escapes one, maybe two ECM modules before being taken down by the others.


Of course, implants can be used to combat ecm, too.  The Jericho Rank 8 implant prevents energy siphoning when using a multi-purpose module, but I’d rather use the one protecting engines, since I use federation gunship and tacklers are a bigger threat in many areas.  My point is that it’s ridiculous that I have to pick and choose who I want to get destroyed by more.


Out of all of the ECM traits, the Energy Absorber trumps the others because all ships rely on energy.  It is the one ECM module where I am seeing myself get screwed by time and time again.  I’ve changed my tactics, but they do not change their build.  It is a module that completely cripples ships for too long of a duration.


I don’t even know what to do about this module.  Maybe just have a one-time drain…though I can see how it might be useless if the enemy had no energy to begin with.  Or have it transfer for half the duration it currently does.  


Kind of a rage post, but I’m getting tired of this module.

it requires line of sight, however

and you COULD go anti-drain with the implants, albeit that might be deadly with the current tackler meta :smiley:

Just fly near a rock and turn around a corner.

I do find however that it could drain less energy per second

For an interceptor to be able to empty the capacitor of a maxed out, full purple, energy stable engineer with energy emitter is a bit ridiculous.

So I agree it should be nerfed a bit, but not taken out completely or modifying it’s mechanics.

it requires line of sight, however

and you COULD go anti-drain with the implants, albeit that might be deadly with the current tackler meta :smiley:

You started using “albeit” frequently, albeit it’s a nice word and worths to use.



White-noise jammer, IR Pulsar, Energy drain implant and multipurpose modules, Tacklers with drones, Guard Pulsar, Defender Drones, Plasma Arc, Plasma Web, another ECM, etc. That’s what you can use against ECMs. Energy-drain cause problems, when you need your modules. To kill ECMs, you don’t need anything, just a main weapon and a Doomsday missile, if you want to be rude with them. I don’t see your problem. Of course, energy drain sometimes can be really annoying or deadly, but you can counter it.

Why isn’t this in the ECM discussion?

Why isn’t this in the ECM discussion?


Because it’s a rage thread.

Because it’s a rage thread.



Go rage in the ECM thread. This is kinda pointless, imo.

Just fly near a rock and turn around a corner.

I do find however that it could drain less energy per second

For an interceptor to be able to empty the capacitor of a maxed out, full purple, energy stable engineer with energy emitter is a bit ridiculous.

So I agree it should be nerfed a bit, but not taken out completely or modifying it’s mechanics.


I completely agree. There is almost no time to react when ur energy starts to drain, and even if you notice it extremely quickly, it is already too late, as your energy will be either completely gone or gone to the point of not being able to activate any modules. If either the energy/second was reduced this module would balance out and give players more than half a second (give or take) to react.

I completely agree. There is almost no time to react when ur energy starts to drain, and even if you notice it extremely quickly, it is already too late, as your energy will be either completely gone or gone to the point of not being able to activate any modules. If either the energy/second was reduced this module would balance out and give players more than half a second (give or take) to react.

Mmh or maybe some kind of a warning period? Like a couple of seconds activation time between the ECM pilot pressing the button and the module actually activating, time during which there would be a debuff icon on the other ship’s HUD, giving the pilot time to react

Just brainstorming here, but tbh I think the simplest solution is reduce the energy draw a bit.

Just brainstorming here, but tbh I think the simplest solution is reduce the energy draw a bit.


I agree.  No ship can match that kind of energy regen, so it effectively becomes “siphons all enemy energy to your ship.”  If anything, it should be something like 200 pts per second, as some ships exceed that but not all do.  Also decrease active time to 3-4 seconds or make it a one-time transfer.

Mmh or maybe some kind of a warning period? Like a couple of seconds activation time between the ECM pilot pressing the button and the module actually activating, time during which there would be a debuff icon on the other ship’s HUD, giving the pilot time to react

Just brainstorming here, but tbh I think the simplest solution is reduce the energy draw a bit.


Definitely an idea to consider. This module does need a nerf in some form or another.

The main problem with ECM is that they shine in small games. You won’t see people complaining about ECMs in T3 and T4 games, but in T5.


And why? because when you have little team mates and one ECM can duel you for free and kill you with ease.


White noise? yeah right, the ecm can just pop into the bubble and wait almost all the lenght of the white noise.

energy absorber is not more annoyng than shield draining on recons so i would leave it the way it is… it’s well balanced to me… i would change something else… but place for that discussion is the ecm thread :wink:

i would reduce the energy taken too. rather would have a dedicated purge module as alternative, which has better energy breaking characteristics, and does not siphon. but maybe i miss the time where energy stealing was possible on all classes. the module wasn’t always ecm specific.

if it belongs in the ecm thread, the thread can also be moved; forums do that.

What is everybody’s problem with ECM ? 
We had discussion about the Ion Diffuser and after you failed to cry it out and make it useless you go for Energy emitter ?

Why when I drain Engineer’s energy to 0 his auras do not stop ? I have asked this question for 2 years.

The only problem with pretty much every ship is T5 and R13 implant that messes up every balance that can be enforced with cooldowns.

You give ultimate ability to some character/ship/unicorn, but you give them long enough cooldown, so it can be used only 2-3 times in entire match (Old Missile nostalgia anyone?). 
But with R13 implant Cov Ops can have non-stop Orion, Ecm can have endless stuns, Gunship can have endless overdrive, Tackler endless cloak … etc etc.


Why is nobody trashing the (what was the name) the ECM module that reduces damage? 
Simple - nobody uses it. It drains too much energy for not enough benefit. 
I did use it at one point, but only as full support in death squad.

Cov Ops have to learn to focus and use the damn scrambler and disable the ECM before the ECM can stun. 
Go in with camo, so you are guaranteed not th get stunned. Simple isnt it ?

Last 2 months all the cries I read can be summed in 1 sentence " Veterans are too good, nerf them, so half-brains can kill them " And sad to see that people rather cry to nerf skill than work on themselves, improve and try to be competitive.

afaik, engineer modules do run out, if there is not enough energy for the next cycle; but usually the energy regen of an engi is enough to keep them running (but disabling ab, or usage of additional modules not activated)

at least i think i lost engi modules on engis with unstable builds (where energy regen is lower than the energy consumed by all healing modules, and the whole fit relies on energy aura itself)

so far as i understand, the syphon effect comes after running modules - and thats fine. you should not be able to siphon energy which is used before it gets into the capacitor.

also, once ab runs out, most ships have enough energy regen to power their running modules. ab is clearly applied last, since u cannot disable your own modules with it; if the ab has not enough energy, it turns off.

but i could be wrong, thats how it is in my mind.

Engineer auras do not stop. 
I tried again with less regen on engi. The only thing that stops is the AB + you can not pop a station.
The only way to actually stop the auras of engineer (including the energy regen aura) is Ion Diffuser and Command special missile.

Otherwise it is just click when you spawn and forget.
How is that OK ?

Engineer auras do not stop. 

I tried again with less regen on engi. The only thing that stops is the AB + you can not pop a station.

The only way to actually stop the auras of engineer (including the energy regen aura) is Ion Diffuser and Command special missile.

Otherwise it is just click when you spawn and forget.

How is that OK ?

Really? I seem to remember them stopping. I mean, I distinctly remember several situations in which I had to mash the buttons for auras because they kept shutting off. How’d you test it?

Really? I seem to remember them stopping. I mean, I distinctly remember several situations in which I had to mash the buttons for auras because they kept shutting off. How’d you test it?

Unless that changed in the last patch :

Get engineer with Energy Emiter, hull and shield aura and 1 station.

Fit it, so your energy regen < AB drain.

Put your auras up - full afterburner until your energy is depleted. You still have auras. You release afterburner for few sec and you can pop station.

AB stop when you do not have energy, but not the auras.