Energy Absorber Too OP

Come on MAN !  Nerf this Nerf that…   jeez  In the hands of an “elite\extremely skilled player”  alot of things will seem OP.  


In the hands of the day to day less capable not so much.    


As said already…  in an map with alot of astroids and objects…  use of this module can be LIMITED as it can be broken.  


If you caught in OPEN space… Yes you will pay the price. 


I am going out on the “PLANK” and go a little further to than esteemed member Mapoko 


We have the EXTREME SKILLED pilots who no matter the scope have the knowledge, experience and SKILL to handle any senerio.  These Pilots though faced with so called situational events deal with them and then as it is presented again use the knowledge\experience to continually overcome.  


We have the upcoming skilled pilots who may have the “RIGHT STUFF” but have not gained the experience thus the knowledge to handle just about any type of senerio.  But they are continiouly improving and gaining that experience to move up to the next level


We have your “AVERAGE JOE\JANE”  who just have reached thier potential and in order to ensure they are not 'TARGET DUCKS" for the higher ''SKILLED" try and take advantage of everything they can get thier hands on. 


We also have the WANNABEs…  who seem to have confidence in thier so called “abilities\skills”  as it may be considred HIGH ( numerically).     When faced with senerios that they cannot overcome may voice thier opinion that something is too OP or there may be too much.   



Hello I am AVERAGE JOE and proud of it.    :012j:  

Unless that changed in the last patch :

Get engineer with Energy Emiter, hull and shield aura and 1 station.

Fit it, so your energy regen < AB drain.

Put your auras up - full afterburner until your energy is depleted. You still have auras. You release afterburner for few sec and you can pop station.

AB stop when you do not have energy, but not the auras.

I’m aware of that one, but energy absorber doesn’t work quite the same way, if I recall correctly.

I’m aware of that one, but energy absorber doesn’t work quite the same way, if I recall correctly.

Last time I drained engineer with ECM I never saw him activating his auras (only engi in enemy team), but he still regenerated both hull and shield in pretty fast rates. Guess they were not off ?  I drained him for full duration + energy vamp missile. I could not drain him dry maybe ? If so I call BS.

Last time I drained engineer with ECM I never saw him activating his auras (only engi in enemy team), but he still regenerated both hull and shield in pretty fast rates. Guess they were not off ?  I drained him for full duration + energy vamp missile. I could not drain him dry maybe ? If so I call BS.

Hmmm. I’m going to have to see if I can test this later. Can’t play right now. I’ll get back to you on that.

you do not disable modules by draining energy into zero, they are still active.

I am not sure ECM can completely drain the energy level down to 0 on a good percentage of the Engineering frigates given all the extra capacitor bonus, slots and implants available.  


it can be deactivated TWICE…  in one session.

energy siphon takes something like 325ish-above 400 per second :confused: thats a lot of energy regen.


if i did my math right. i might be wrong.

i think the auras which are running not turning off is actually nice.


they are directly taking the energy from the power plant. activating new stuff however does not work.


i probably had sometimes a command missile hitting me, maybe the same happened to others, since it’s sometimes so short you don’t notice it in a fight (which is why ion warheads were really nice with the op pylon mechanics)


i still think, it would be cooler if there is vamp and neut, aka siphon and purge. purge would be as strong as siphon now but eliminate energy without giving the ecm stuff, therefore requiring the ecm to be energy stable on itself. siphon however should take energy and put it into the ecms capacitor as now, but at a lower, tankable rate (if you put some cap modules in)

I know the idea isn’t original, and it’s easy to get where I got it from, manaburn in wc3 of course.

nah, eve.

you do not disable modules by draining energy into zero, they are still active.

And that is one of the main reasons energy drain missiles are not used. 

You shoot one at guard with liquid metal/ESBooster and he just laughs at you. Same as engineer. etc. And in the end you hurt your own team more.

I remember back in deep beta 0.6 ? there was class called “energy disruptor”.

But with dropping one’s energy to 0 doing nothing except canceling the diffusion shield it is not desireable role.


I have no problems of transforming ECM to Energy dusruptor class, as long as dropping energy to 0 cancels presisting modules like auras, target painter etc.

however if energy game becomes more important, currently only the ecm plays it :frowning:

back in the days, you could also put on energy siphon on every role, too.


the energy missiles are not used, because the effect persists and hurts your own team aswell, if it wants to actually move into that position, if it would explode and drain all energy at once, like an emp bomb, only erecting the field shortly, it might be more useful; still in that scenario, turning off modules is the job of inhibitors, which are already present on 2 roles; it’s debatable, whether thats cool, if ecms can turn off your modules with every button on the keyboard.

i think the auras which are running not turning off is actually nice.


they are directly taking the energy from the power plant. activating new stuff however does not work.


i probably had sometimes a command missile hitting me, maybe the same happened to others, since it’s sometimes so short you don’t notice it in a fight (which is why ion warheads were really nice with the op pylon mechanics)


i still think, it would be cooler if there is vamp and neut, aka siphon and purge. purge would be as strong as siphon now but eliminate energy without giving the ecm stuff, therefore requiring the ecm to be energy stable on itself. siphon however should take energy and put it into the ecms capacitor as now, but at a lower, tankable rate (if you put some cap modules in)

I know the idea isn’t original, and it’s easy to get where I got it from, manaburn in wc3 of course.

nah, eve.

Switching the burn rates sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Energy neuts are basically nothing, especially if you’re queuing solo and there happens to be an engineer with energy emitter. Whereas energy siphon is entirely ridiculous - Even the strongest of diffusion tanks, plus energy emitter, is gonna fall to that thing. I get the logic on them being what they are - one is an aoe and should be weaker, and one is targetted and should be stronger - but as it turns out, energy siphon is, like, ten times better than energy neutralizing missiles.

Exactly, I was considering using those missiles, then I looked at how pathetic they are.  So they drain small amounts of energy, but that energy is regained before you can fire another missile. So it’s practically worthless unless you hit a ship who had little energy to begin with.

Switching the burn rates sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Energy neuts are basically nothing, especially if you’re queuing solo and there happens to be an engineer with energy emitter. Whereas energy siphon is entirely ridiculous - Even the strongest of diffusion tanks, plus energy emitter, is gonna fall to that thing. I get the logic on them being what they are - one is an aoe and should be weaker, and one is targetted and should be stronger - but as it turns out, energy siphon is, like, ten times better than energy neutralizing missiles.

since u quoted me, i was rather talking about neuts as a module (neutralizing instead of siphoning, so “Purge”). This would have no gain for the ECM; splitting it into two modules might however sound crazy to some maybe. But basicly we both agree on the energy siphoning part being far too much :slight_smile:

The energy neutralizing missiles however could really benefit from another mechanic. There are slowing missiles, which still retain the “bubble characteristic” to create “hazardous areas to fly” anyway. if an energy neut missile would instantly flush a lot of energy, and then keep its relatively slow energy drain field up, for a much shorter time, it could be however immensely useful, as an attack weapon in a siege situation.

I am still however finding it okay, that running systems are not affected by this. As stated, anything disrupting your capacitors, cannot touch energy which is routed to a running module before it reaches the capacitor, so as long the energy regeneration rate itself keeps those modules running, they should keep running, otherwise the energy drain mechanic becomes too powerful.

The energy neutralizing missiles however could really benefit from another mechanic. There are slowing missiles, which still retain the “bubble characteristic” to create “hazardous areas to fly” anyway. if an energy neut missile would instantly flush a lot of energy, and then keep its relatively slow energy drain field up, for a much shorter time, it could be however immensely useful, as an attack weapon in a siege situation.



Ah that’d be wonderful.  Great idea.