End game content ?

Basically - Fuse the Invasion with Sector Conquest and PvE.

First thing that comes to mind - Dreadnoughts. 

Your corp “Invades” Sector X (First come, first serve).

Then another corp challenges your dominance and attacks your Dreadnought with theirs.
In the end one Dreadnought is destroyed and One of the 2 corporations reaps the benefits from the sector.  (Like 10GS/h ) as long as their Dreadnought is not destroyed.


Every player who is not from either of the corporations is instantly red to both of corporations’ members during the war. 
You want to go through a war zone ? On your own risk!

You want to help one of the sides ? Like mercenary? You have to sign a contract with one of the officers of either of the 2 corporations. (like invite, but with clock on it)

They will pay you with 20% of what members benefit per hour if they win. If they lose - you lose your time (and life) too.

But that instantly pops a warning - I have no idea how to manage time zones. 

ex. WPK getting a sector, then while they are sleeping NASA gets it, retaliation and vicious circle of destroyed Dreadnoughts and loss of resources.


You can dock and launch from your Dreadnought.

What happens with the resources you farmed while docked on Dreadnought that was destroyed ? You keep them. They magically transfer to the station of the conflict’s side you are on(The corporation), as well as you.
When we switch stations now all our resources travel with us. Magic.

Only one per corporation, so you have to chose your sector. May be for sector benefits (10GS/h for the highest one) or simply to help your corporation mates farm resources/synergy/blueprints easier.



Remove PvE as a mode and reinforce people farm bots in Invasion instead. (add some synergy gain in invasion too)

That way we have : Invasion, where people hang out, farm, kill each other, corp war over a sector.

and Arena mode - like the good old PvP.
Only 2 modes. One PvP arena and one universal for everything else.


After all - “End game Content” ?

Again I already had this idea. It was stomped harshly by many of you forumites some months ago.

Again I already had this idea. It was stomped harshly by many of you forumites some months ago.

Sometimes great inventions were put on hold, because of lack of knowledge or technology at the time. 

Let’s give it a try today ?

You know the good thing about PvE? The purple spot.

You know the good thing about PvE? The purple spot.

and countless bad things.

In any case Invasion is basically PvE now. Also we have PvE Que. It is redundant.

In any case Invasion is basically PvE now. Also we have PvE Que. It is redundant.

It is only PvE if you want it to be PvE. I’m having quite some fun in PvP in invasion.

Invasion quickly turned into an FFA Aion Abyss.

and countless bad things.

In any case Invasion is basically PvE now. Also we have PvE Que. It is redundant.


pve queue is pretty fast now because there is only one map for your tier. when ever i do my daily pve for the purple reward the queue lasts about 20 seconds

pve queue is pretty fast now because there is only one map for your tier. when ever i do my daily pve for the purple reward the queue lasts about 20 seconds

It is not about the que times there.


Invasion quickly turned into an FFA Aion Abyss.


It is only PvE if you want it to be PvE. I’m having quite some fun in PvP in invasion.

That is a good way to go, but huge part of the invasion population goes there just to farm or do 3 missions per day. We need more incentive to attract all kind of people there. Both PvP and PvE oriented players.


I am terribly sorry for the example that makes me barf, but I do not see a better one on top of my head.

WoW - Open world, you can do everything. PvP, PvE, Quests, Go into enemy zones and PK(I know, I know …). And Arena/BG where you only concentrate on PvP and nothing else.

PvP Que + Invasion(all in one version). A good model.

WoW - Open world, you can do everything. PvP, PvE, Quests, Go into enemy zones and PK(I know, I know …). And Arena/BG where you only concentrate on PvP and nothing else.

I only PK’d when they attacked first. Not too many people could kill an Arms Warrior in the middle of a forest… You’d just be begging to get murdered…

it has already been stated that the dreadnought will  make it into the game

And no, I dont know when

I like this idea. A lot. And maybe dreadnaughts could have a sort of “bot mode” where if enemy attacks, it attacks back. Like passive bots in Invasion. Maybe it could launch a small battalion of bots to counter the attack or something. Idk. Just brain-storming here.