Empire & Jericho Themed Destroyer Repair Drones

Since it seems like the Federation is the only nation that can effectively use repair drones and are better than static shields, here are a few suggestions to bring repair drones a few buffs to give Empire and Jerico Destroyers a few new ways to play their destros.


Empire Repair Drones (Max 2 Drones)

Has the same repair ability as the regular repair drone, however once under fire, the drones will reduce repairs for hull resistances, depending on how much DPS the destroyer is tanking, the drones can direct all power just to hull resistances and no hull regen. Once fire ceases, it takes a few seconds until the drones wind down and swap back to regular repair ability.

I’m not sure how much the max hull resistance should be, but I’m thinking 40-60 pts for all damage types.


Jerico Repair Drones (Max 2 Drones)

A bit more complicated than the Empire drones, but still very useful.


Will repair hull but only at 200 pts instead of 250pts per seccond.

Once under enemy fire, the repair drones will drop hull repairs completely and instead use the enemy fire as a shield regen.


  1. When enemy fires, drones DO NOT reduce incoming fire.

  2. When enemy fires, drones DO NOT regen shields.

  3. Once under enemy fire, repair drones will give a very small 10 pts of extra resistance to all damage types.

  4. After 5 seconds without incoming fire, the repair drones will release all the shield energy they had collected from the enemies firepower and burst out a good chunk of shield regen.


I’ll leave the maximum shield regen to you guys as I don’t have any jerico destroyers to play with so I wouldn’t know what would be OP or not.


Anyways, what do you all think? Good idea?


Oh and FYI, I suggest we also make the drones way easier to kill.****…

I like the idea but they could both work in a way more simple way ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) :


Emipre drones: regen x2.5 more than the classic drone


Jericho drones: regen both shield and hull but hull 25% less than the original value 


Edit: implant will now affect drones and barriers




Barriers get 10% more life


Barriers reload faster


Barriers are larger




Drones heal 10% more


Drones are tougher


Drones healing area is larger

You guys buff Empire and Jericho destroyers.

Federation destroyer repair drones may also get a slight buff:


Federation destroyer repair drones: under fire, drones will increase shield resistances and deal additional damage proportional to incoming damage (~+10%, like the active module [Energy converter 15]).


What you say?

Fed already have it’s special ability, there is 3 of them

Added to the list ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I agree, that’s why I brought up buffing Empire and Jerico drones, Federation destroyer doesn’t need any fancy drones. The special ability they have is the ability to have three of them at once.


BTW… I’ve heard that the drones only do 250-259pts per second of hull regen, but I’ve seen them do 300pts per second of hull regen each, how is that possible?

5 hours ago, avarshina said:

You guys buff Empire and Jericho destroyers.

Federation destroyer repair drones may also get a slight buff:


Federation destroyer repair drones: under fire, drones will increase shield resistances and deal additional damage proportional to incoming damage (~+10%, like the active module [Energy converter 15]).


What you say?


If you must buff fed drones I’d rather make them more unique than just doing more resistances, instead perhaps more energy regen or rotational speed or something like that. Either way I think fed drones are fine as is in game.

4 minutes ago, HBZK100 said:

I agree, that’s why I brought up buffing Empire and Jerico drones, Federation destroyer doesn’t need any fancy drones. The special ability they have is the ability to have three of them at once.


BTW… I’ve heard that the drones only do 250-259pts per second of hull regen, but I’ve seen them do 300pts per second of hull regen each, how is that possible?

Each ship class (size) has its own modification for receiving healing. 

Fighters being 100%

2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Each ship class (size) has its own modification for receiving healing. 

Fighters being 100%


Huh, I wonder how I can make my drones do 300pts then.

mine does 369 ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

27 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

mine does 369 ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


How??? Oh, do you need to increase hull strength to get into a bigger ship size so the drones heal more?

idk,i’ve never paid attention to it, what is strange is that i didn’t increased the hull volume ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

1 minute ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

idk,i’ve never paid attention to it, what is strange is that i didn’t increased the hull volume ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

Maybe rank difference? IOW Rank 8 is lower heal amount than rank 11 like the barrier is less durable.

40 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Maybe rank difference? IOW Rank 8 is lower heal amount than rank 11 like the barrier is less durable.

Hmmm maybe. Now I’m trying to remember if it was Antares or SIrius i saw with the 300pts hull regen.

4 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Each ship class (size) has its own modification for receiving healing. 

Fighters being 100%

He means destroyers heal more than other ships.


BTW jeri drones are fine (the cost 50% less energy), but aint so smart to bring them since they rely on shield tanking, static shields are amazing soaking up dmg and you can regen (shields). Fed has an extra drone/shield (50% extra max number). Emp used to have 50% effectiveness (tank for static shield), but they removed them: no bonus to emp nowadays.