Empire Interceptors and Ship Ranks (Balance)

There is no Rank 6 (T2) Interceptors for Empire wich means empire interceptor pilots (like me) doesn’t get the Rank 6 implant bonuses. Sugestion: Move one of the ceptors to the rank 6 slot (Diamond Dwarf if possible xD).

The other factions have all 3 types of ships in their max rank per tier.


This doesnt happen in other Tiers (3 and 4).





the same thing is that Empire and jericho dont have fighters for Rank 9(except steam dlc and premium). Thats not anything new, but it’s designed that way and they have no real reason to switch it around.

On the other hand , some complain that the empire ships are OP , still even after the nerv to overdrive, esspecially the fighter class.

So added any of the T3-3 Implantats , what would they then say.

Btw: Currently i’ve a Desert Eagle in my start list , a premium empire Fighter and play with the T3-3 empire implantat . In my opinion no other fighter of same status can have the survivability like a Frig + the ability to turn it into a semi tank-interceptor by pushin the F button xD

I do hard saying sth. Is OP , but this fighter + this implantat + my fittings for high resistances ( without polarization and T3-3 implantat, 95,105,115) is very strong :slight_smile:

Ps : right now i can’t Look it up , but about the numbers im not 100% sure. I will correct them when i’ve tooked a look. So now it’s for 90 % sue :wink:

Pps : ignore my post, sry didnt read you where Talking about T2 , my fault sry;(

And including T3-3 for every enemy that lock on you get + 10 resistance to your hull, which fits perfectly for Empire fighter/frig. So, you will always resist more than 50% of any incoming dmg. This is scary.

And including T3-3 for every enemy that lock on you get + 10 resistance to your hull, which fits perfectly for Empire fighter/frig. So, you will always resist more than 50% of any incoming dmg. This is scary.

Yep, Pretty awesome when picking up the bomb and fly to an good protected beacon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think you forgot the polarization buff mk3 , wich gives an additional + 30 to all resistances. So i would say with locked enemy’s about 60%- 70% when enough Lock on me :wink:

Ahhhh , and i forgot that i’ve additionally equiped a purple hull enforcement modul which gives an additional 68? (im not sure) points for about 8 secs. I know may be a bit over the top , but i like it xD

Sry EterN for these 2 not to topic belonging post, will stop it now, honestly ;(

Just to let ppl know that, @ Tier 2… the last implant (rank 6) makes a BIG difference!