EMP planting medal

for each EMP plant there should be a medal for it.


i mean, if there is a beacon-capture medal, why not for planting EMP? 


as well as medal for killing a ship thats plating bomb.



great idea

Agreed, that’s a good idea.


Medals for 1, 2 and 3 EMP bomb plants would make some people work a lot harder to try and plant the bombs.


I’ll bring it to the attention of the ‘powers to be’.

Hello and thanks for the suggestion.

Since we will rework the contracts for the other game modes in the future, we may also so some more medals.

My question as more of a support and occasional planter :

What does the escort get now ?


Ex.1 - I see bomb carrier goes to B. I go with him, buff him / debuff or disable enemies if I am ECM or even die soaking damage INSTEAD of him. 

He goes and plants for 500 points and more credits in loot. I get 12-15K added to my after battle expenses.


Ex.2 - I get the bomb and go. Signaling etc. Nobody comes with me. Even in ECM I get ganged by ECM + another interceptor and lose the bomb.

Why nobody supports me ? Why should they? What is their gain from that ?

Please do not say “victory and squad play”.

You are being the team player by helping out the bomb carrier (good job, have a sweet roll). When you have the bomb and no one helps you, they all might be going after an enemy bomb carrier (which is playing-the-objective. if only part of). I suggest that, in the future, ping the bomb as you go to cap it. If no team mates show up, back off and wait. more often than not, solo bomb carrying is suicide, with no team members to go after the bomb when it is dropped.

The point is there is no encouragement to actually go and do that => nobody has the encouragement to help me either.


Should I simply stop helping team, cause of repair costs ?

My question as more of a support and occasional planter :

What does the escort get now ?


Ex.1 - I see bomb carrier goes to B. I go with him, buff him / debuff or disable enemies if I am ECM or even die soaking damage INSTEAD of him. 

He goes and plants for 500 points and more credits in loot. I get 12-15K added to my after battle expenses.


Ex.2 - I get the bomb and go. Signaling etc. Nobody comes with me. Even in ECM I get ganged by ECM + another interceptor and lose the bomb.

Why nobody supports me ? Why should they? What is their gain from that ?

Please do not say “victory and squad play”.


In my topic about skill rating I suggested adding a bomb plant assist just to encourage better teamwork. Right now you either fly with corporation members or you’re stuffed. :slight_smile:

My question as more of a support and occasional planter :

What does the escort get now ?


Ex.1 - I see bomb carrier goes to B. I go with him, buff him / debuff or disable enemies if I am ECM or even die soaking damage INSTEAD of him. 

He goes and plants for 500 points and more credits in loot. I get 12-15K added to my after battle expenses.


Ex.2 - I get the bomb and go. Signaling etc. Nobody comes with me. Even in ECM I get ganged by ECM + another interceptor and lose the bomb.

Why nobody supports me ? Why should they? What is their gain from that ?

Please do not say “victory and squad play”.

I guess me and you do the same thing in detonation.  One of the hardest things in this game is capturing and planting the first bomb.  You’re racing straight to the enemy at full speed, outracing your allies also.  No one’s spreading out yet.  Then you get a giant target sign and your speed reduced.  When finally planting the bomb, you have to slow down so a stasis generator doesn’t send you out of range of the station, so you’re going slow while I giant target.  While defending, you’re also half hoping the enemy targets you on accident if you stay really close to the bomb carrier.  If you stay back to the enemy is between you and the bomb carrier it makes it easier to see and get a lock.  Then an ECM can knock him out of firing for 10 seconds with ion emitter and stasis generator.  That defense can make the difference.


To be perfectly honest, I’ll help defend the bomb carrier, but I’m also staying close in case he dies so I can pick up and plant.  Sometimes at that point I have full hull and shields and I’m near the station.  It’s really weird when I’m at the station, and suddenly pick up the bomb and plant.

So basically one just escorts the carrier hoping of him to die in ~2km of the station so one can plant instead ? 

Does not look like a logical way of doing the things.


But yeah, I get that perk of escorting too.

If I see someone defending the station, and we’re near enough, I’ll rush in.  The bomb carrier will be the main target in five seconds.  Sometimes, it’s just going to an empty station, wait, then try to rush to the new bomb faster than the bomb carrier since I know he also likes carrying and planting.  If you actually stay close to the bomb carrier, you’ll rarely die because everyone will be targetting the carrier.  It’s the safest time to be in the middle of a firefight.