EMP Hero = so what....?

I don’t think there is good positive reinforcement for playing EMP bomb mode correctly. Several times now I’ve been the one to plant all three bombs, once I even planted all three after the enemy got us down to only one beacon left…but theres no reward, no rep bonus, not even a medal for planting.


I think in general theres a lack of reward for doing well in a match unless you count the exp and rep bonus from winning rather than losing(still top player in the game doesn’t mean crap if you still loose), but EMP in particular. I just played an EMP match where I not only planted all three times to allow our team to win, but I also had most kills and more than 2x anyone elses points, 4x anyone else on my team…but when the match was over 2 stupid medals (neither for planting) and no exp or rep rewards.


Does anyone else think we should reward excellence in a match a little better?



It doesn’t matter how much efficiency you get in a battle because your reward is really only based on if you win or lose rather then your efficiency. If you win it really doesn’t matter if you had 0 efficiency or 2000 you get pretty much the same reward, which I think is a factor in causing the AFK phenomenon.



Alright I’ve got an idea, its true that in the end rep and loyalty and exp wont matter, so why not reward excellence with something a bit more tangible.

I propose that the top player on each team of normal or arcade matches get a guarenteed Green/Purple the same as if they had won a random scenario. A medal for bomb planting or multi bomb planting would be nice too. It will give people an incentive to play well, and a nice reward when they pull it off. Does this sound somewhat agreeable?

From what I know you get pretty big Efficiency score for planting even one bomb - not to mention all three. If you planted all three bombs your team is victorious. I’m not sure if highest efficiency player gets bonus XP and credits even if his team got defeated - but it’s certainly the case when his team wins.

When I plant even one bomb I usually have equal or higher (if I land some kills or assists in the process) efficiency score than highest kill count player in my team so it’s definitely much better for you to play Detonation “correctly” instead of just staying in the back and snipe. Although I don’t say that one or two snipers playing in defence aren’t useful - quite contrary. They get their bonus for playing mode correctly when killing/damaging bomb bearers. 


So, yeah, your reasoning is rather invalid -  although I agree some nice medal for planting all 3 bombs would be nice.


I’m doing research about Efficiency score rewards for each action to make article on that for the wiki but I’m at work right now and can’t give you exact values.

I could do some research and spreadsheets on how Efficiency impacts XP and money gain but honestly - there is too many variables and I’m too lazy to do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

From what I know you get pretty big Efficiency score for planting even one bomb - not to mention all three. If you planted all three bombs your team is victorious. I’m not sure if highest efficiency player gets bonus XP and credits even if his team got defeated - but it’s certainly the case when his team wins.

When I plant even one bomb I usually have equal or higher (if I land some kills or assists in the process) efficiency score than highest kill count player in my team so it’s definitely much better for you to play Detonation “correctly” instead of just staying in the back and snipe. Although I don’t say that one or two snipers playing in defence aren’t useful - quite contrary. They get their bonus for playing mode correctly when killing/damaging bomb bearers. 


So, yeah, your reasoning is rather invalid -  although I agree some nice medal for planting all 3 bombs would be nice.


I’m doing research about Efficiency score rewards for each action to make article on that for the wiki but I’m at work right now and can’t give you exact values.

I could do some research and spreadsheets on how Efficiency impacts XP and money gain but honestly - there is too many variables and I’m too lazy to do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Efficiency is what I ment by points, and for a leveling player trying to get through the grind, loyalty and rep are worth a lot more then a “small” money bonus, but maybe thats just my opinion.

I agree with this.


Doing well in a match isn’t actually rewarded at all.


It’s disappointing and discouraging.

Do objectives to win. Objectives it-selves give good  point bonus (500 for a bomb planting). Win gives double reputation. So do the objectives for double rep + bonus cash from points.

The main goal is to win, not to farm points and the system is good for this. You have to do the objectives if you want better rep and you get more cash from points too as a bonus for doing so.

Thing is though, the rep and XP has a cap you can earn per battle. I often earn EXACT amounts depending on me having a liscence or not or if we won or lost.

Doing objectives to win gets you loot and that what really matters, problem is a lot of people treat it like team death match.

Efficiency is what I ment by points, and for a leveling player trying to get through the grind, loyalty and rep are worth a lot more then a “small” money bonus, but maybe thats just my opinion.


With this I actually agree. There is some randomness in how Reputation and Loyalty rewards are calculated in all game modes and we were discussing it in other thread. It would be useful to do some research to figure out what’s the formula (and optionally petition devs to improve it) - but I guess it’s tweaked to balance grind and make licences worth their price while keeping vertical progression time consuming.


Nonetheless - it would be good to know what really counts - is it playing objective, rescuing your team mates or just ship bonus + premium licence…

Currently the game doesn’t give enough reward to those who play the objective.  I propose the following:



  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies near beacons (not only to those who are currently capturing it).
  • Small efficiency increase over time within capture range of friendly beacon (reward for defending).


  • Efficiency gain upon picking up bomb; small efficiency increase over time for holding the bomb.
  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies who are close to and/or shooting at the bomb carrier.

Combat Recon:

  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies who are near captains of either team; increased reward with respect to distance between target and the captain.
  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies who are shooting at friendly captain.

Currently the game doesn’t give enough reward to those who play the objective.  I propose the following:



  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies near beacons (not only to those who are currently capturing it).
  • Small efficiency increase over time within capture range of friendly beacon (reward for defending).


  • Efficiency gain upon picking up bomb; small efficiency increase over time for holding the bomb.
  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies who are close to and/or shooting at the bomb carrier.

Combat Recon:

  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies who are near captains of either team; increased reward with respect to distance between target and the captain.
  • Extra efficiency for kills of enemies who are shooting at friendly captain.

I think this is kind of missing any of my original points, one of which is that is doesn’t matter how much efficiency you get in a battle because your reward is really only based on if you win or lose rather then your efficiency. If you win it really doesn’t matter if you had 0 efficiency or 2000 you get pretty much the same reward, which I think is causing the AFK phenomenon. Also there is already an efficiency gain for picking up the bomb. Another of my points is that there are no medals or contracts(at least that I’ve seen so far at lvl 5-7 with most factions) that reward bomb planting.

My basis is that efficiency is the measurement on the individual’s contribution to their team, relative to other players in the match.  And yes, the reward scale need some work to reflect players’ skills/contribution more accurately.

My basis is that efficiency is the measurement on the individual’s contribution to their team, relative to other players in the match.  And yes, the reward scale need some work to reflect players’ skills/contribution more accurately.

Alright I’ve got an idea, its true that in the end rep and loyalty and exp wont matter, so why not reward excellence with something a bit more tangible.

I propose that the top player on each team of normal or arcade matches get a guarenteed Green/Purple the same as if they had won a random scenario. It will give people an incentive to play well, and a nice reward when they pull it off. Does this sound somewhat agreeable?

There are several good points here. I personally like the idea of a medal for planting all three EMPs. I despise players who are in my matches that AFK (not even sitting back sniping - just straight up AFKing). I also think it’s a great idea that the player with the most efficiency on each team receive a guaranteed rare loot. This would encourage each player to do their best instead of just queueing for a match and getting whatever reward they get while not risking their ship.