Ellydiums' Special Modules - Provide Assignments To Obtain Them

F2P - Free To Play. This word is strongly associated with many people that like to play such games.

People like this term, because we can play the game for free. Is it enough? No, it isn’t enough. There must also be incentives to choose from!

We play the game, because we can earn resources or items for free, too. Well, only, when we have all the options for it. So far, we do not!



Playing (completing objectives), Farming (Iridium drops for random Ellydiums’ items), Trading (getting things directly, fast and efficient way by using GS currency)

People without money, or other essential resources that still have time on their hands to play the game, should still be able to earn or access certain privileges by just playing the game.


Give players three choices, like you did with Thar’Ga special modules. That applies for Tai’Kin and all future Ellydiums’ ships!

Provide the assignments, that will consist of multiple tasks that you need to complete in order to get the special module/s for free, just like we used to have it with Thar’Ga.


You can only get such module for free, once. Such special module that you get cannot be traded with anyone.

If it can be traded, you are then required to get it either from Iridium caches or by buying it via Trading system.



Screenshot example:

Screenshot: (Tai’Kin and all future Ellydiums’ ships should have assignments such as these to unlock a module or get a module for free.)


This is an excellent opportunity to provide players with 3 choices - Play to Get, Grind to Get, Pay to Get.



Please, comment and vote!





Koromac [DESU]

Ill add this for review. The whole new idea of special tasks is bonkers with taikin.

I mostly agree but i’m unsure. 

The lottery boxes are a pain but the Thar’Ga quest too, i haven’t complete yet any of the special modules for Thar’Ga since they require to fly a specific ship whith specific weapon and/or ammo or to play spec ops at high rank, wich is difficult if you don’t find a “pro” party and they take with you.

I hope i have explained well enough ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

56 minutes ago, Nizelien said:

The lottery boxes are a pain but the Thar’Ga quest too, I haven’t complete yet any of the special modules for Thar’Ga since they require to fly a specific ship with specific weapon and/or ammo or to play spec ops at high rank, which is difficult if you don’t find a “pro” party and they take with you.

The spec ops party is hard to organize. It often takes 30 minutes to get one going. Many quit after the first one, or worse the leader disbands it. It’s a frustrating task, because no one wants to grind spec ops. Even without the missions, grinding spec ops could be a decent way to earn loot and credits at r11 up. Eventually loot drops something useful. I feel like I am the only one who sees it that way.

T3 SO is really fun to grind with Tai’Kin, even on randoms you can get out some decent times, now imagine 12 Tai’Kins on T5 raining death balls, sounds like a fun Saturday night if you ask me.

With Tai’kin we decided to take a different approach to obtaining special modules. Instead of missions from Thar’Ga we went to special items and trading system. According to statistic this system seems better and more popular, also trade can make a time to obtain certain special module ability much shorter. We will see where we go with next Alien Engineer though.

5 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

With Tai’kin we decided to take a different approach to obtaining special modules. Instead of missions from Thar’Ga we went to special items and trading system. According to statistic this system seems better and more popular, also trade can make a time to obtain certain special module ability much shorter. We will see where we go with next Alien Engineer though.

Well, that decision actually made me abandon evolving this ship.

Even with minimal GS prices and random module drops from Tai’Kin’s assignments makes Thar’Ga costs and resources look like a joke in comparison.

You can see what the vote poll says! It would not be a wrong thing to do.


There would be nothing wrong, if you would just stick with the same approach as you did with Thar’Ga and include Trading as a cherry on the top, now it basically became a must to invest GS - P2W, if you want to remain competitive, unless if you don’t want to spend months, if not years, evolving the ship and play daily for 8 hours against better odds, which paid for it and got a significant advantage.

Containers with random drop chances will make sure of that.

Iridium that you can’t obtain more than 3 times per day from 1 purple daily slot will probably get you around 60-100 on average, if you’re lucky.

Not all players all in NASA to get the luxury of spending tokens on that.


As for new Ellydiums’ ships, as you already demonstrated, we can already predict that you will follow the same approach, which basically means that, if a player wants to remain competitive, investment is pretty much required to progress at this point.


Sad thing is, that people responsible don’t want to realize, that this suggestion basically makes all parties happy, effectively not favoring only the paying side.

Iridium becoming so hard to obtain, that you can’t even replenish enough resources for 1 Iridium cache for Tier V daily.


A better option is this:


I am not blaming you, CinnamonFake, but those on top are not making really smart decisions with this one.

I got nothing against earning money, but there are better ways than this.


In short, this is only my opinion and I can’t really decide anything.

My post will probably not even get read and most opinions here will be swiftly disregarded as false.