Ellydium Ships: Fixed Requirements Or Incremental Increases For Resources?

So, nobody really knows how much Thar’Ga costs in reality. I am talking about researching all available options in Ellydium Ship Tree for Thar’Ga alone.

Problem is that with each researched upgrade, incremental increases grow even further. The more you upgrade, the more you have to invest in percentages.

Much better and more viable option from the start would be, that we have fixed values for each corresponding research node or module that do not increase after they are researched.

In any case, research costs details in resources should always stay present, even after you unlocked a module, for informational reasons mostly. We got no such information now.

Even worse, we can’t see the costs of any locked modules, which is essential, if we want to plan in advance.

I want to say that Ellydium Interface is good, but it could have been much better, especially, if it would include all required information that would make planning in advance much easier.


I assume that fixed requirements will not be possible to do for Thar’Ga anymore, though. Reason is obvious. Compensation for people that farmed or paid for the content already.

One good example is Federation’s destroyer Sirius, which was the only one, that did not require a 300 Federation Activators. Jericho and Empire both did, later.

However, we will get 9 more Ellydium ships that will come soon. So, fixed requirements for those are still possible and I assume, highly recommended.


So, to summarize.

Costs in total would not be any smaller than right now, but balanced in such way, that you can actually plan in advance, which will make progression a bit slower, but more predictable.


Thar’Ga - Gunship Fighter - stays as it is now (incremental increases)

All upcoming Ellydium ships - fixed resource prices (without any price increases)



Please, vote and express your opinions below.

Thank you.

Added for review too.

I’m against this. Because it would make ellydium ships costs more then they do right now.


Why ? Right now, 40-50% of the price to get everything is once you already have a full build thar ga, and are just unlocking new options.

The fact that the price increases after every node makes that you can get a full build for a reasonable price. But will have to pay a *much* bigger price for tons of diversity. 

If you split the price of the whole tree into fixed prices nodes, the final price may be the same. But the price a full build without having everything will be higher.

IDK, you’re right as much as you’re wrong kinda, rubbish example: pricing 10 nodes like 123456789&10 or 5,5 each, results in the same amount of spent items (55). That’s how i’d understand the suggestion, plus, you can calculate how much you need for a build of any kind easier.

11 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

IDK, you’re right as much as you’re wrong kinda, rubbish example: pricing 10 nodes like 123456789&10 or 5,5 each, results in the same amount of spent items (55). That’s how i’d understand the suggestion, plus, you can calculate how much you need for a build of any kind easier.

Yeah. But you don’t get it.


Fact is that paying 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 may be the same as paying 5.5 each for the total price.

But nobody will take all the 10 nodes. Some will take only 5. And in this case, the former pricing is cheaper then the latter, by nearly 50% (15 to 27.5)


Which is why I’m against the suggestion

Yes but, i doubt people will make the ship just to go like rank 9 tops, they’ll go full on r15 build so it ends up on the same thing, at least to me.

8 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Yes but, i doubt people will make the ship just to go like rank 9 tops, they’ll go full on r15 build so it ends up on the same thing, at least to me.

being r15 doesn’t mean you have the whole tree.

Even me and milf don’t have everything. 

You can get only a third of the tree and be r15. You’ll just have less options. 






r15 build. I only use 24 nodes out of 47.

I know, the prices need to be cut down anyway imho and making them fixed would make it easier to just plainly know the cost and not guess the increments and all. All im saying the ship tree could use some simplification and lesser price tags. The future nerfs will be overwhelming for players that invested time and money into these ships, it’s no joke. That’s why i stopped developing tharga in general.

Yeah right.

The other biggest problem with thar ga tree is that it’s so restricting, that everybody ends up using the same build.


It reminds me of the Thar ga haunt tournament : 2 motor, 1 capacitor, 2 shield, 2 hull, 2 CPU, 10% weapon damage + 30 thermal resist. 

Whoever your opponent was, he always had this build. Always.

Oh and the missions to unlock stuff are a delight lol

![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

Fixed Requirements _ Or _ Incremental Increases For Resources?

How am I supposed to answer this suggestion with yes/no?

Say no.

3 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Say no.

You can say no, but don’t say to other people what they should do. It’s their own call.

In any case, if Commercial Department likes my idea, it will be considered further.

15 hours ago, Koromac said:

if it would include all required information that would make planning in advance much easier.

Yes to that. It would be nice to know the cost of locked bp’s, stat modifiers and bonuses. Before you made your way to the previous node and unlocked it.

Hello) This information is not classified. I think some pilots, who have opened Thar’Ga by now, can say how much resources it required. We’re not planning to rework Ellydium interface at the moment, but it may change in the future with new ships coming up.

I say fix them. The price increase every node is insane.

On 3/13/2017 at 5:13 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

I say fix them. The price increase every node is insane.

You can only imagine destroyer’s costs.

The price increase reflects a new long-.term development strategy for the new Ellydium station line of ships.

And it reflects a business model for adressing needs of the  big spenders on the game who could get it all right from the start - and promoted by specially sponsored players…

On 3/16/2017 at 2:56 PM, avarshina said:

The price increase reflects a new long-.term development strategy for the new Ellydium station line of ships.

And it reflects a business model for adressing needs of the  big spenders on the game who could get it all right from the start - and promoted by specially sponsored players…

The price of one Secret Project ship was around 150 EUR.

I think that we can safely assume that if we want all researched/unlocked features, one such ship would probably cost ten times more.