Ellydium mission requirements are insane

I’m sure that you have already gotten complaints about this, but here’s an actual discussion about it for you.

The requirements to swap special modules on the Ellydium are absurdly high. Here is a screenshot of the “Condensing Crystals” requirements:


Please, for the love of everything good and nice in the world, at least do away with the center missions. They are all crazy and exceptionally difficult and time consuming, even for people who have good stuff and lots of time. The other missions are just as bad, such as the “Hive” module. Not only must you complete 45 “Fire suppourt” missions in the Thar’Ga, but you must do it with a weapon that is basically pointless due to either low damage or crazy energy costs. The other middle missions are just as bad, and only get worse as the ranks progress.

Please either SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the mission requirements, or do away with the middle ones.

Also why in hell would you make the costs increase to such a degree on everything else as you unlock things??? What seems like every single new node that I unlock, the price for everything raises by 10%. Cease and desist good sirs; I do beg of thee.

Dunno what you are talking about, a week of half a55ed effort and you are done, plus you can do all of them in the same time.

The only problematic ones are the ones that require a weapon that is currently not available, but counters seems fine to me.


17 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Dunno what you are talking about, a week of half a55ed effort and you are done, plus you can do all of them in the same time.

The only problematic ones are the ones that require a weapon that is currently not available, but counters seems fine to me.


Well let’s see you win 30 r11+ destroyer specops in any decent amount of time.

These kinds of missions take the fun out of playing. It turns it in to a job. (A very ill-paying job at that.)

1 minute ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Well let’s see you win 30 r11+ destroyer specops in any decent amount of time.

These kinds of missions take the fun out of playing. It turns it in to a job. (A very ill-paying job at that.)

i would, i just don’t really want Condensing Crystals module ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

9 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

i would, i just don’t really want Condensing Crystals module ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Well ain’t that something.

You’re not supposed to unlock everything instantly, don’t forget that. 


You are supposed to gather resources for it. Which cost time. Therefore by the time you get all the resources, you’d have finished the mission. 

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

Dunno what you are talking about, a week of half a55ed effort and you are done, plus you can do all of them in the same time.

The only problematic ones are the ones that require a weapon that is currently not available, but counters seems fine to me.


Which weapon? I was able to make progress for it.

28 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

You’re not supposed to unlock everything instantly, don’t forget that. 


You are supposed to gather resources for it. Which cost time. Therefore by the time you get all the resources, you’d have finished the mission. 

I kinda did… but that’s just me, worked full time and still somehow play more Star Conflict than working at work, it’s too addictive. ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:

I kinda did… but that’s just me, worked full time and still somehow play more Star Conflict than working at work, it’s too addictive. ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

I have the same problem, but it’s getting harder to play for a long time because the family has been in distress for the past who knows how long and school is turning to sh** so…

But yeah I at least do dailies. Or try to. Xp

mission are not that insane (at least some ^^'pls don’t kill me) but yea the amount of resources is just crazy 0_0 i’ll probably won’t even use the thar’ga anymore after getting a new special module, cause meanwhile the time you’ll spend on trying to get a new special module (witch you can’t farm anyway cause we can’t farm xenocrystal and alien plate…) a new ship will be already out and we’ll be like “oh i want this ship too” but you’ll have to spend time on this one too to get cool stuff… see you next year for a new special module (for one ship ofc)


hahaha that gona be fun for the destroyer…

16 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

mission are not that insane (at least some ^^'pls don’t kill me) but yea the amount of resources is just crazy 0_0 i’ll probably won’t even use the thar’ga anymore after getting a new special module, cause meanwhile the time you’ll spend on trying to get a new special module (witch you can’t farm anyway cause we can’t farm xenocrystal and alien plate…) a new ship will be already out and we’ll be like “oh i want this ship too” but you’ll have to spend time on this one too to get cool stuff… see you next year for a new special module (for one ship ofc)


hahaha that gona be fun for the destroyer…

Yeahhhhh for Ellydium they will need an event for every new ship or else nobody but super-sponsors will ever get them. XD


If I ever fell in to a large sum of money (like really large) one of the second things I would do is buy this game from the devs and flip it around. Every resource would be in a resource shop for both credits and GS. All GS bundles would give a guaranteed set of items with no randomness. Random containers would all be for credits. Ellydium ships would all have their material prices halved. Daily tournaments would be permanent, but GS tournaments would still only be once per week. Either specops would’ve chosable at any time through the day. Missions for Gage and Ellydium would all be tweaked to have more obtainable goals. Premium ships and standard ships would largely stay the same, but I’d have unique modules made for each and every one of them that you can buy with parts or GS -outright-. Premium parts would still probably be obtained the same way, but in looting you could chose them over other loot if wanted. Looting would be fundamentally changed to allow users to chose what resource they want to farm. New “most wanted” ships and alternate models would be added. Special weapons and modules would be re-added to loot after battle. Easter-egg items would be found everywhere at slightly higher rate than the current ones (because they are basically the most improbable things to find in the game atm.) Boosters would be changed up. New asthetics would be added as well as a pain picker. (For GS.) Ship skins would all be make buyable permanently for GS (but only for the selected ship.) And so much more. The current money grab plan is painful for players and detrimental to the game. I would make everything (aside for aesthetics) obtainable in-game just by playing the game. I would also move some servers around and re-route priority to more traffic-centred areas and begin marketing campaigns through TV and other more widely known websites. The players would also be actively acknowledged by staff and responded to with actually useful responses, not just “soon” and “maybe” and “it’s not planned” because we all know that all of those are lies and completely useless.


But that’s just what I’d do. Maybe not to the T, but somewhere around that.

Basically I would reward people who play, not just people who have no lives.

6 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

You’re not supposed to unlock everything instantly, don’t forget that. 


You are supposed to gather resources for it. Which cost time. Therefore by the time you get all the resources, you’d have finished the mission. 

That’s exactly why a single module costs over twice as much as the ship itself. Yeah. Your argument is invalid.

how do you level karma in open space ?


Did you pay for the tharga to level up?

16 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

That’s exactly why a single module costs over twice as much as the ship itself. Yeah. Your argument is invalid.

Didn’t you just prove my point instead? 

You need 20 days to craft Thar Ga with the event reward. 

Which means you need 40 days for special module. 


In 40 days you can easily do the mission. 


Argument valid. 

35 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Did you pay for the tharga to level up?

I just spent the 8k I got from the short story contest. Otherwise I got Thar’Ga base ship from missions.

17 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Didn’t you just prove my point instead? 

You need 20 days to craft Thar Ga with the event reward. 

Which means you need 40 days for special module. 


In 40 days you can easily do the mission. 


Argument valid. 

The cost is twice as much. You can make that many crystals in that many days (given that the missions still exist for that long).

However! The prerequisites for the modules take ages longer because they involve throwing away your life for a month or longer if you ever want to see the module in action. And even then you aren’t guaranteed the module because the missions are bugged.

You can’t even buy your way in to the modules.

I thought you had all of the mods xD nvm

24 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The cost is twice as much. You can make that many crystals in that many days (given that the missions still exist for that long).

However! The prerequisites for the modules take ages longer because they involve throwing away your life for a month or longer if you ever want to see the module in action. And even then you aren’t guaranteed the module because the missions are bugged.

You can’t even buy your way in to the modules.

 I finished my special module last nigh, Milf had it for almost a week now. And i am like 10-20% into 2 other special modules, that i dont even plan on building and not even directly farming

Sometimes you gotta do some 2-3 steps back to check if you have a collectors fever just in case, i know how it is when it gets to you so my condolences.