Effectiveness Based on Ship Role

RECON- Max Effectiveness for doing Recon

GUNSHIP- Max Effectiveness for doing Damage

LONG RANGE- Max Effectiveness for doing Precision long Range Strikes

COVERT OPS- Max Effectiveness for doing Hit & Run Tactics

TACKLER- Max Effectiveness for Reducing Speed and Damage Resistance on Fighters & Interceptors

ENGINEERING- Max Effectiveness for Healing

ECM- Max Effectiveness for Disabling

COMMAND- Max Effectiveness for Giving Resistance,Speed & Damage Buffs

GUARD- Max Effectiveness for Guarding Against Missiles, Fighter Speed & Interceptor Proximity to Engineering Ships

SUPPRESSOR- Max Effectiveness for Suppressing

I generally agree with this idea, but I think it’s a bit too much.

Engineers need it.

Commands need it.

Guards need it. (but only with some modules, like ‘missile defence’, pulsar, etc.)

The rest is really a lot of work for little extra effect.


In short, the Support modules that benefit a team.


18 minutes ago, Koromac said:

I generally agree with this idea, but I think it’s a bit too much.

Engineers need it.

Commands need it.

Guards need it. (but only with some modules, like ‘missile defence’, pulsar, etc.)

The rest is really a lot of work for little extra effect.


In short, the Support modules that benefit a team.



Your right but the idea is to force new and old players to actually play the ship role not just point and shoot all day every day forever… This would also remove all benefits from the Tai’Kin decimating the PVP missions… after all they are Recon ships not destroyers.

You want to force players to play a certain way - the way YOU think each ship should be played. That would kill variety, make games predictable and boring. 



I’d say HELL NO to your proposal ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

LONG RANGE- Max Effectiveness for doing Precision long Range Strikes




SUPPRESSOR- Max Effectiveness for Suppressing

Wat? LOL just using a destroyer is supposed to suppress. The only way it isn’t is if you are not shooting at them.



Lastly, an engineer camping on a good dps dealer like a destroyer can rake in the eff and syn like a mad man.

I was sitting on 1 destroyer and got like 80k syn and 2000 eff in a coop battle using Styx. The numbers were stacking most of the time.

1 minute ago, xXConflictionXx said:

LONG RANGE- Max Effectiveness for doing Precision long Range Strikes




SUPPRESSOR- Max Effectiveness for Suppressing

Wat? LOL just using a destroyer is supposed to suppress. The only way it isn’t is if you are not shooting at them.



Lastly, an engineer camping on a good dps dealer like a destroyer can rake in the eff and syn like a mad man.

I was sitting on 1 destroyer and got like 80k syn and 2000 eff in a coop battle using Styx. The numbers were stacking most of the time.


EFF not SYN if the ENG ONLY heals he gets 0 EFF and a lot of SYN

30 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

You want to force players to play a certain way - the way YOU think each ship should be played. That would kill variety, make games predictable and boring. 



I’d say HELL NO to your proposal ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 


I didnt make the ship roles so I’m not forcing you to play a certain way your ship is …or would be… if you want to play another way CHOOSE A DIFFERENT SHIP  that better suits your play style

The only thing i think needs this is Engineers cos they are always at the bottom of the effectivess board, when they actually help alot.

6 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


EFF not SYN if the ENG ONLY heals he gets 0 EFF and a lot of SYN

Why bother with eff? That’s not what you are getting synergy for ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

4 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


I didnt make the ship roles so I’m not forcing you to play a certain way your ship is …or would be… if you want to play another way CHOOSE A DIFFERENT SHIP  that better suits your play style

What if that certain ship suits my play-style best?



Forcing something is bad and you should feel bad



Also could you tell more about your system improvements? For what EXACTLY eff points should be given?

20 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


EFF not SYN if the ENG ONLY heals he gets 0 EFF and a lot of SYN


I was healing ONLY and made certain I did 0 damage in a coop the other day to prove that you can get the 45 kill mission done in coop healing only and I got plenty of EFF. I will admit that Engi eff is normally pretty low in higher ranks but its normally the difference between the win and the loss.

32 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


EFF not SYN if the ENG ONLY heals he gets 0 EFF and a lot of SYN

You get Efficiency scores for BUFF ASSISTS 


The only thing is kinda needed is some efficiency gains for healing guns while healing allies, that is about it


1 hour ago, Koromac said:

I generally agree with this idea, but I think it’s a bit too much.

Engineers need it.

Commands need it.

Guards need it. (but only with some modules, like ‘missile defence’, pulsar, etc.)

The rest is really a lot of work for little extra effect.


In short, the Support modules that benefit a team.



Commands definitely don’t need that, guards definitely don’t need that. The only support module in the game that does not give you any efficiency is Missile Defense, everything else gives Buff/Debuff/Dmg assists and that is plenty

2 hours ago, xKostyan said:

You get Efficiency scores for BUFF ASSISTS 


The only thing is kinda needed is some efficiency gains for healing guns while healing allies, that is about it



Commands definitely don’t need that, guards definitely don’t need that. The only support module in the game that does not give you any efficiency is Missile Defense, everything else gives Buff/Debuff/Dmg assists and that is plenty


Whats the point of posting or responding to posts ? so few players even bother with the forum its not even an accurate poll . then there’s the habitual arguers that only tear down every post they come across . So there you have it … a NASA gunship gets 35 kills and 15 assists for a total of 3500 EFF … a BORG engineer heals over 2,000,000 hull and shield hit points and gets 52 various assists and gets 200 EFF … you make a good point xKostyan we should all fly gunships or be satisfied with 200 EFF and stop posting on the forums. thx for clearing that up for us  … your job is done here .

16 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


Whats the point of posting or responding to posts ? so few players even bother with the forum its not even an accurate poll . then there’s the habitual arguers that only tear down every post they come across . So there you have it … a NASA gunship gets 35 kills and 15 assists for a total of 3500 EFF … a BORG engineer heals over 2,000,000 hull and shield hit points and gets 52 various assists and gets 200 EFF … you make a good point xKostyan we should all fly gunships or be satisfied with 200 EFF and stop posting on the forums. thx for clearing that up for us  … your job is done here .

Do you have logs to prove that such situation happened?

Also why you are so obsessed with eff points?

*u know it’s Q&A sections so you could answer some questions about YOUR IDEA*

6 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

Do you have logs to prove that such situation happened?

Also why you are so obsessed with eff points?

*u know it’s Q&A sections so you could answer some questions about YOUR IDEA*

Come on man, isn’t it obvious? He wants to heal and get top score so he can raise his PR, W/L and not look like a n00b.

There are sooo many players, not saying that he is one of them, that gets mad at the best player in the team for not carrying everyone. LOL


EDIT: W/L has nothing to do with EFF <— i am aware of this XD

39 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


Whats the point of posting or responding to posts ? so few players even bother with the forum its not even an accurate poll . then there’s the habitual arguers that only tear down every post they come across . So there you have it … a NASA gunship gets 35 kills and 15 assists for a total of 3500 EFF … a BORG engineer heals over 2,000,000 hull and shield hit points and gets 52 various assists and gets 200 EFF … you make a good point xKostyan we should all fly gunships or be satisfied with 200 EFF and stop posting on the forums. thx for clearing that up for us  … your job is done here .

Each buff/debuff assist gives you **20 Eff (**or was it 15?) points, unless you did a dmg (DMG has higher priority in EFF calculation than buff/debuf). It is possible to damage the target for less than 20 EFF points, but if there are 52 various assists to the player, chances of the player making only 200 Efficiency are next to zero.

Unless something got broken and you get Assist/Debuffs counters for low ranked auras (that get overwritten by higher ranked ones) which don’t provide any effect on the targets and give no efficiency.

Buffs/Debuffs from Auras give PLENTY OF SCORE, hence why I said that the only thing Engineers need is the Efficiency gain on a Healing Guns while Healing Allies - since that doesn’t really give you anything on a score board, still that contributes a lot towards your W/L ratio. 

Hitting top 3 on a score board In pretty much any role (except for healing gun engineer) is possible, and not that hard as long as you know what you are doing.


rather than quote everybody I’ll just say this … this tread started with a question to CinnamonFake about EFF and Eng’s … no log files no proof … unless my word is proof enough … but i was told to take this question to the appropriate place so i did and here we are… you all know what I’m talking about , you can be trolls or you can get on board with the original idea that EFF should be earned equally between role playing and kills …there are 9 votes but only 5 player replies to this post yet there are 16 replies total … how many players are playing the game per day now ??? 500? 1000? yet only 9 visit the forum and of that 9 only 5 bother to reply. yet ORCA1911 told me to move  from a post that had more visits with my valid question to here where there are 9 votes 3 trolls and 2players that will most likely never be heard in this dead post.

Oh no. Asking questions = Being a troll ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

21 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

rather than quote everybody I’ll just say this … this tread started with a question to CinnamonFake about EFF and Eng’s … no log files no proof … unless my word is proof enough … but i was told to take this question to the appropriate place so i did and here we are… you all know what I’m talking about , you can be trolls or you can get on board with the original idea that EFF should be earned equally between role playing and kills …there are 9 votes but only 5 player replies to this post yet there are 16 replies total … how many players are playing the game per day now ??? 500? 1000? yet only 9 visit the forum and of that 9 only 5 bother to reply. yet ORCA1911 told me to move  from a post that had more visits with my valid question to here where there are 9 votes 3 trolls and 2players that will most likely never be heard in this dead post.

Calm your tits.

Instead of flipping out like a little a dumb blond blogger on a youtube, try to read and comprehend what people are trying to explain to you.

EVERY ROLE IN THE GAME (again except for healing gun engineers) earning enough efficiency for their action to consistently score TOP lines on the efficiency board, some individual ships may need some love, but that does not change the basics of the whole role.


The only role in the game that has own stand alone gameplay architect is an Healing Gun Engineer (and still that is true only in a full team competitive settings, in random PvP Empire Engineer with an eclipse can do plenty of direct damage to the enemy while alternating with healing), all other roles in the game are a mixture of direct dmg, buff/debuffs and objectives game-play some more and some less, but you SUPPOSED to do ALL 3 otherwise you are dragging your team down, with rare exceptions to some speedy recon jumping beacon to beacon or bomb carrying like some fleece. 

26 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Calm your tits.

Instead of flipping out like a little a dumb blond blogger on a youtube, try to read and comprehend what people are trying to explain to you.

EVERY ROLE IN THE GAME (again except for healing gun engineers) earning enough efficiency for their action to consistently score TOP lines on the efficiency board, some individual ships may need some love, but that does not change the basics of the whole role.


The only role in the game that has own stand alone gameplay architect is an Healing Gun Engineer (and still that is true only in a full team competitive settings, in random PvP Empire Engineer with an eclipse can do plenty of direct damage to the enemy while alternating with healing), all other roles in the game are a mixture of direct dmg, buff/debuffs and objectives game-play some more and some less, but you SUPPOSED to do ALL 3 otherwise you are dragging your team down, with rare exceptions to some speedy recon jumping beacon to beacon or bomb carrying like some fleece. 


maybe its because I’m not sure if i have ever been on a real team that plays as a team … but just once i would like to see or be a part of a 10 man team with 1 of each ship types and all playing their true role just to see what the developers were talking about when beta came out… i think it would be cool to see what a complete team could do in this game … sadly its only possible in custom battles with no reward of any kind … its possible that’s why i have never seen it