Duration of Abilities in Buff List

At the moment the Duration of Abilties like the Pulsar or the AntiRocket-System are only told in the description text.

I would suggest that ALL abilities who are activated and that have a duration should be shown in the Buff List on the top half of the screen.

It would improve the understanding of how long you can depend on that or this ability.


What do you think?

At the moment the Duration of Abilties like the Pulsar or the AntiRocket-System are only told in the description text.

I would suggest that ALL abilities who are activated and that have a duration should be shown in the Buff List on the top half of the screen.

It would improve the understanding of how long you can depend on that or this ability.


What do you think?

What ? Every modules that are not infinite duration have their duration displayed on the top of the screen.

Maybe you’re speaking about Target painter and Afterburners disable of tacklers ? They don’t have any duration, they last forever until you hide or he remove it.

Look after Pulsar and AntiRocket-System; they dont have a duration in the buff list.

Look after Pulsar and AntiRocket-System; they dont have a duration in the buff list.

Pulsar shows up on the de/buff list with a timer, yes, but AMS doesn’t show up at all.


I think you’re just asking for all effects and durations to show on the de/bufflist, huh? Yeah, that’d be really neat. Although I don’t think there’s much to do for the AMS, seeing as that affects the missle, not the ships shooting them.