Dual calibre guns for destroyers

Destroyers should have two weapon options so you can equip a primary caliber and then secondary slot can be another main caliber. This would mean you could have mesons and coilguns together. It’d mean projectiles travelling at different speeds but if the setup is right, it’d make it effective, however challenging it would be to get absolutely everything to hit the target because the tracker is trying to calculate how to get everything to hit at once.

Different passives will also be a problem, because different guns respond to different types of passives better than others do.




How about no?



Or at least have a slot for a genuine “main calibre” weapon of a different type.

Oh look. 3/4 of the "no"s are already here. Where’s Omar? If he goes ahead and says no, then that makes room for actual discussion. Xp

Lol foxy, why not just start playing Dreadnought instead - https://www.greybox.com/dreadnought/en/splash/

It would me much more effective if this was implemented with auto aim. . . then you can have both weapons hitting at the same time and never missing.  Probably the only buff destroyers need.  They are really weak without auto aim.  (not sarcasm) 

Lol foxy, why not just start playing Dreadnought instead - https://www.greybox.com/dreadnought/en/splash/

I want to but I have no moneys.

Once Star Citizen is released there’s a good chance of me just swapping over there.

I already have a Vanguard Harbinger and 2 other ships so it’s not a bad idea.

It would me much more effective if this was implemented with auto aim. . . then you can have both weapons hitting at the same time and never missing.  Probably the only buff destroyers need.  They are really weak without auto aim.  (not sarcasm) 

Turrets partially fulfil this role

i was expecting the missile slot to have missiles…instead of a barrier. Considering the actual state of DMG output/survabilty of destroyers, im expecting heavy missiles for the missile slot (so heavy you can hardly hit destroyers and dont even think to shoot something smaller and faster); equipping missiles instead of barriers would reduce survability a lot, so if correctly balanced it would be a trade off between offensive and defensive capabilities. This would have some relation with the “dual caliber” thing.

Destroyers already have a “main calibre” gun.  It’s called Pyro Emitter.