DSR and Split T4/5 Queue

So for awhile now, due to complains about the “unfairness” of T5 being full of full-purple bullies, T4/5 matchmaking has been split by pilots’ DSR rating. Those with below 1300 and those with above. Now in theory this sounds like a good idea. Skilled pilots play with other skilled pilots without bots on even terms, while the rest of the population plays like the other queues.


Now where this falls apart, is that, to be frank, the 1300+ DSR T5 queue blows. I don’t want to sit for 10+ minutes for a 2v2 that almost always ends in a roll for one side or makes entire classes useless because they do not function well in a duel situation (Command, Engineer and other “support” ships which I entirely play) and otherwise being excluded from a proper gaming experience by being thrown into a separate queue because I happen to be over 1300 by face-torping inties in my Mammoth or otherwise playing smart with a low-death playstyle rather than a high-kill skilled style.


And now, the big thing is to intentionally lower your DSR below the 1300 cutoff in order to avoid the “skilled” T5 queue and now I am seeing pilots with 1250 ratings do things that only a 1400+ should manage or other DSR-gaming tactics such as Self-Destructing in battle to avoid being killed. While nothing new, it now circumvents a measure put in place by the devs to placate the complaining “general population” about T5 games and it makes the DSR rating completely useless and leads right back to the unfairness of before the split queue, on top of now unfair matches because of a misleading DSR.


I feel like I’m being punished for playing classes that I’m good with, or naturally do not die often because they are midline ships like Engineer or Command. That I have to find ways to avoid being over 1300 in order to stay with the queue that delivers a proper and enjoyable gaming experience otherwise I am tossed into the “Skilled” queue where I find zero enjoyment because of extended queue times and exclusively 2v2 or 3v3 games, which are entirely different from the 8v8s+ of the general queue.


I also cannot squad with any friends with 1300+ in T5 because even if I am below 1300, I will be put into the split queue anyway and I am stuck flying solo unless I want to deal with the bogus 2v2 queue.


So I’d like to hear what others think of the split T5 queue. I like it, but it can’t function with such an easily abused metric as DSR, which is a glorified K/DR number.

I agree that the 1300+ queue sucks to be in, for those of us not already synergy/purple’d up - in larger games you can hide in your team, no such luxury with 2v2 game. And then there is the fact that the game is more fun with more people per team.

I think what most annoyed me about it is feeling punished for being good in a lower tier - the step up a tier is bad enough at the best of times, but going from t3 to t4 straight into the 1300+ queue really makes things difficult, so incentivises staying down in t3 until you have enough free syn/vouchers/credits to make several upgrades, where the lower skilled players (who arguably should spend more time practising in t3) get to move up much more easily, and get larger, more enjoyable matches to boot.

And somehow, the DSR split doesn’t happen to some pilots apparently:




Needless to say their team won.

Definitely. The move up to T4 has completely wrecked my play, since I am at this point, getting used to 2v2s with some guy with a half orange, half purple R15 murdering me. If queue is to be split, it ought to be between T4 and T5, not <1300 and >1300 skill rating.

I realize that that would make T4 a graveyard where queue times go to die. It’d still be better, though. Less complaining of getting murdered in T4 by T5s, less complaints of getting farmed in T5 due to larger matches (hopefully), less complaints of ridiculous queue times in T5, and less people purposely tanking their skill rating so they can play a game by the time they go to sleep.

Since I usually have to wait in the high queue, I agree that they should merge high skill and low skill queue and remove bots.

That will avoid high time queue, and exploiting of some pilots like that you have shown.

Ohman, thank god the matches are determined by your W/L ratio…

You can duel in a command. You will last much longer than your opponent.

Use Assualt Railguns or Singularity Cannons. Use the stun missiles and learn when to use them. Get verniers. Make sure you have the Valkyrie system. Build according to your ship type after that.

When you activate your diffusion shield you can turn the aegis/nano off and no ally will be hurt by you removing it in a 2v2.

Thanks for the advice, but it’s rather beside the issue. I’m bad with rails and hitting an inty pilot who knows what to do with bubbles is a challenge, especially for someone like me who plays mainly frigate. I straight up do not have the dogfight skills to survive any sort of small 2v2 situation. I’d rather not be put into a 2v2 match to begin with.


I’m smart, but (relatively) unskilled. Having a good build with the know-how to use it is rather useless when you can’t put damage on target.

I hate it when I duel someone in my command and suddenly a frigate joins… I was fine before that huge THING came and pissed on my soul.

I tanked from 1650 to 1250 just to be able to synergize my R10 ships in proper matches. 
All my R11, and 12 are Full, but having Synergy level 1-4 r10 vs full R15 in 2v2 match is suicide. In 8v8 it is doable, but not in 2v2.

I think it was fair to fight lower skill players on my no synergy ships anyway.

I am bouncing between 1290 and 1300 all the time now, and it really sucks.


To avoid the split queue, I’m forced to tier-down into T3. It doesn’t matter if I load up all T4 ships, or some T5s. I end up with a 5 minute wait, and a 2v2 match where Interceptors are mandatory if you want to win…

I’m going to be frank about this, the new MM sucks after the last hot-patch. T3 pvp has suffered greatly. This new MM system was tested months ago, and almost all the pilots hated it. It is stupid that a pilot running even 1 rank 9 ship is forced into a r9-11 queue. Many players, including myself, are now finding that we are forced to run either rank 8 or premium ships in order to stay in the queue for 7-9 (or 6-8 as I’ve been told it actually is). Having tiers mix like this is a very poor system to implement, and one that was heavily criticized the last time it was tested. The matchmaking system should only queue within tier. Forcing players running rank 9 ships to fight players in rank 10 and 11 ships may seem fair on paper, but in practice, it is utterly stupid and unfair. I know that many players have been forced to change their tier 3 loadouts to accommodate this change. I know I personally enjoy flying some rank 9 standard ships over their premium counterparts (Most notably the Kite over the Eagle-B and the Prometheus X over the Strong/Dragonfly). This new matchmaking system is preventing players from flying the ships they want to.

The matchmaking system needs to be changed back to how it was. There is no reason why tier 3 ships should be fighting t4 ships or why tier 2 ships should be fighting t3. The exception to this is when a pilot chooses to take a rank 7 and 2 rank 6s into a battle, or similarly for taking a r10 and 2-3 tier 3s.


Note: This is my opinion, but I’m sure many players share the same opinion.


Any other thoughts on the new system?

I’m going to be frank about this, the new MM sucks after the last hot-patch. T3 pvp has suffered greatly. This new MM system was tested months ago, and almost all the pilots hated it. It is stupid that a pilot running even 1 rank 9 ship is forced into a r9-11 queue. Many players, including myself, are now finding that we are forced to run either rank 8 or premium ships in order to stay in the queue for 7-9 (or 6-8 as I’ve been told it actually is). Having tiers mix like this is a very poor system to implement, and one that was heavily criticized the last time it was tested. The matchmaking system should only queue within tier. Forcing players running rank 9 ships to fight players in rank 10 and 11 ships may seem fair on paper, but in practice, it is utterly stupid and unfair. I know that many players have been forced to change their tier 3 loadouts to accommodate this change. I know I personally enjoy flying some rank 9 standard ships over their premium counterparts (Most notably the Kite over the Eagle-B and the Prometheus X over the Strong/Dragonfly). This new matchmaking system is preventing players from flying the ships they want to.

The matchmaking system needs to be changed back to how it was. There is no reason why tier 3 ships should be fighting t4 ships or why tier 2 ships should be fighting t3. The exception to this is when a pilot chooses to take a rank 7 and 2 rank 6s into a battle, or similarly for taking a r10 and 2-3 tier 3s.


Note: This is my opinion, but I’m sure many players share the same opinion.


Any other thoughts on the new system?

I’m getting more matches, and squads get better queue times. For me is OK.

I’m getting more matches, and squads get better queue times. For me is OK.

Damn yes, because YOU are playing T4/T5, for those pilots it might be excellent. But for T2/T3 it’s just damn bad, believe me. It’s so damn bad.

dunno about t1/t2 but for low/high t3 it is great

Damn yes, because YOU are playing T4/T5, for those pilots it might be excellent. But for T2/T3 it’s just damn bad, believe me. It’s so damn bad.


Well you have almost 5k played games, isn’t it time to play some T5 and leave the kindergarten?  :005j:

Damn yes, because YOU are playing T4/T5, for those pilots it might be excellent. But for T2/T3 it’s just damn bad, believe me. It’s so damn bad.

Should I recommend you move your xxxx out of tier 3 and start playing tier 4/5? Tier 3 death squads are always a pain for new people.

If you leave tier 3 and start playing tier 4/5 more people will do the same

Well you have almost 5k played games, isn’t it time to play some T5 and leave the kindergarten?  :005j:

He will lose his precious DSR in T4/5… He won’t go there

Should I recommend you move your xxxx out of tier 3 and start playing tier 4/5? Tier 3 death squads are always a pain for new people.

If you leave tier 3 and start playing tier 4/5 more people will do the same

T4 sucks, and i play T5 for Sector Conquest. Not more, T3 is my home and they destroyed it. Another fact is that i don’t want to grind the same xxxx amount of vouchers again, no more than the double amount + shitloads of artifacts just to get the stuff Mk4, no. Never again.

You wot m8? They start playing T4/T5 because i do it? Lol.

When the devs fix voucher grinding i will consider your offer.

@Resi, Almost 5500 :stuck_out_tongue:

T4 sucks, and i play T5 for Sector Conquest. Not more, T3 is my home and they destroyed it. Another fact is that i don’t want to grind the same xxxx amount of vouchers again, no more than the double amount + shitloads of artifacts just to get the stuff Mk4, no. Never again.

You wot m8? They start playing T4/T5 because i do it? Lol.

When the devs fix voucher grinding i will consider your offer.

@Resi, Almost 5500 :stuck_out_tongue:


So yeah, 5500 games and you don’t have vouchers for T4? Where did you spend them on? Even if you did in T5, with that shitload of vouchers you should have at least 2 ships ready to go. 


Anyway you don’t need to play T4 PvP, play T5 PvP, leave your comfort zone, you say it sucks but can you say why? because you can’t farm guys on white Katanas and Anacondas?


He will lose his precious DSR in T4/5… He won’t go there


T5 is full of newbies and you just posted a picture proving it, his DSR will be safe, that’s not a valid excuse.