DSR and Split T4/5 Queue

He will lose his precious DSR in T4/5… He won’t go there

I play SQ all days, and i’ve no damn problem with it, i don’t care about my SR. Just about my sweet rolls. My problem is that i’ve a lot of premium ships & high tech equipment in T3 while i’ve except ships NOTHING in T4. And maybe some stuff in T5. But don’t worth playing it as general.

If anything, T4/T5 is better to “farm” DSR 

Devs combined t3/t4 so veteran players would be forced to play T4 ships where they should have been all along. T5 is only for rushers/synergizers/secconers

Devs combined t3/t4 so veteran players would be forced to play T4 ships where they should have been all along. T5 is only for rushers/synergizers/secconers

I have 90% of my T4 ships maxed out, I do not poses a single MK2 T4 module (forget about mk3/4/5)

I hate it when I duel someone in my command and suddenly a frigate joins… I was fine before that huge THING came and pissed on my soul.

To that frigate–


Devs combined t3/t4 so veteran players would be forced to play T4 ships where they should have been all along. T5 is only for rushers/synergizers/secconers

I won’t waste resources to go T4. T4 is mixed with T5 so doesn’t make sense to synergized them up totally, then go against T5 and crafted ships.

So I think this patch just push the players like me down to T2/T3 to farm freesynergi until I reach the end of T5.

I would buy golden T5 ships too but the gold is too expensive for me and I already have all the DLCs.


I would buy golden T5 ships too but the gold is too expensive for me and I already have all the DLCs.

Just wait for the discounts. Though I wouldn’t buy any of the T5 Premiums, other than the Recon… Everything else is pretty terrible…

Just wait for the discounts. Though I wouldn’t buy any of the T5 Premiums, other than the Recon… Everything else is pretty terrible…

The Excalibur and the spark are good also. When I say “good” I mean above the premium avg. Although Excalibur maybe is a tad better than the Sword S. But the problem is that the Sword S is pretty bad to begin with.

The Excalibur and the spark are good also. When I say “good” I mean above the premium avg. Although Excalibur maybe is a tad better than the Sword S. But the problem is that the Sword S is pretty bad to begin with.

The only Command worth a damn in T5 is the Aura. That’s it. Not even the Excalibur.


As for the Spark… I’d still rather have the Lightbringer. Even the Piranha.

The only Command worth a damn in T5 is the Aura. That’s it. Not even the Excalibur.


As for the Spark… I’d still rather have the Lightbringer. Even the Piranha.

Well, for raw performance, none of the premiums, except maybe the Berserker and the Black dragon are useful.


But for income… oh my. I’m getting 140 k syn per game and 450k credits.


It is a pity I don’t have anything to spend that on…


In fact I’m flying my premiums with mostly green modules. My purples are all in credit ships for SQ.

T5 is only for rushers/synergizers/secconers


This is not entirely true. T5 is for the majority seccon players, but many players do T5 pvp for the increase in credits as well as access to more contracts, making it slightly easier to farm vouchers in the broken voucher system, but that is a topic for another forum post. I enjoy playing T5 pvp, even in my green/white ships. T5 gives much more reward, making it a viable area for pilots to earn credits, thus making it easier to upgrade their ships for seccon.


Devs combined t3/t4 so veteran players would be forced to play T4 ships where they should have been all along.


This was a horrible way to encourage players (veteran or not) to play T4. I know I personally skipped through T4 as fast as possible using free synergy from my T3 Premiums in order to avoid playing T4, since T4 and T5 were combined. Playing against fully synergized and all purple T5 ships in low-synergy green/white T4 ships is a horrible grind, and one that most players would prefer to avoid. Playing with the low-synergy low-quality module T4 ships is difficult enough vs. full-synergy all purple T4s, but against T5 it makes it even harder to synergize and upgrade the T4s. While they do get the rewards of T5 (Credits and Synergy), the vouchers still remain a huge issue as does the gameplay. It is much more fun to play in an unsynergized ship vs. ships of the same tier that are fully synergized because it gives a nice challenge. Playing against the full-synergy all purple T5s is too much of a challenge to be fun.


They did separate T4 and T5 finally, which would have solved the issue, but combining T3/T4 created a new problem. The problem of players not playing T4 would have been solved (for the most part) had they only separated T4 and T5. Combining T3 and T4 has only caused the veterans in T3 to equip lower rank ships in order to stay in T3. Very few pilots are moving up to T4.

The problem of players not playing T4 would have been solved (for the most part) had they only separated T4 and T5.


I don’t think so, it would just go back to t4 being dead



Combining T3 and T4 has only caused the veterans in T3 to equip lower rank ships in order to stay in T3. Very few pilots are moving up to T4.


I disagree.  I have had some 10 v 10 t3/4 matches over the weekend, some of which were quite fun.  However it means that all my none premium full purple rank 9 ships (prom X, styx…) are now pretty much useless.  However, BRING OUT THE MINOTAUR!!! ROAR!!!  :-D



I still rmember when SQ was open to R5 ships or something… Now THAT was ridiculous.

guys why do you have a problem with free kills in t4+?

guys why do you have a problem with free kills in t4+?

I don’t have a problem with free kills anywhere. The problem is that the MM always puts in in the “free kill” zone and I can’t fly like that.

oh poor you…

but I like those games… Every match ended in spawn, mine or enemy XD

That’s the damn problem!

Devs wanted to remove the ultimate advantage aspect with this MM and that nubs get farmed. Yes, they wanted.

Fixed T3 PvP - Chance of ridiculous domination by one of the teams - 40%

Mixed T3/T4 PvP - Chance of ridiculous domination by one of the teams - 80%

I played some of the T4 and one team always had the ultimate advantage and pwned the enemy like a chainsaw the forest.

Yes Tillo, now you lost your op pylons, now you need another way to have the ultimate advantage above other pilots, there you got it. Of course you like it, but ask your victims what they think about it.

In general it’s just bad.

With fixed tiers almost everyone was happy.

With this around 2/3 of the community is complaining.

To be honest I want fixed T4 tier and with good population on it as well.

To be honest I want fixed T4 tier and with good population on it as well.


wouldn’t it be possible to create teams for matches by some king of bell-curve averging out of a pilots overall 
PvP ranking?? i’m imagining there must be a way to take the players in que and order them in a bell-curve of 
based on a players total kills or thier total deaths so that both teams have a roughly even distrobution of “good” players and “not good” players.