Double_Tap_Blink - Thar Ga Blink.

Perfect suggestion Adam. I’ll push this through to the developers ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

38 minutes ago, Shotan said:

Perfect suggestion Adam. I’ll push this through to the developers ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

But…But… This has been suggested so many times already !

It has been suggested before TharGa even went live…

If most of Thar’Ga’s passive and active modules would be compatible with every alien ship then the recon will be more manoeuvrable and have as much regeneration, stacked with the fact that it’s an interceptor we are talking about and that thing will be pretty much unkillable, it might not be a serial killer but still, who knows what weapons and modules it will have…

I have like 600 Xenocrystals so that should allow me to get some nice toys for whatever name the recon has.

Seriously, a sneak peak every once in a while would be gr8 m8 i r8 8/8 if you no h8 or deb8 i wood appreci8

Matter absorber and Alien Intuition are Thar Ga only. 

So they won’t be too OP


I don’t think they can do worse then giving a 86% damage buff on the ship that already had the biggest DPS in the game.

13 hours ago, xKostyan said:

It has been suggested before TharGa even went live…

if it helps…i also give my thumbs up on the quick double tap feature.

Looks like a nice idea for modifier ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

If rhe double tap functionality was implemented, it could be used for other things, also. For example it could be used to control behavior of active modules. Double-tap the number 3 for active module no. #3 and you can activate/inactivate the module no.3

See e.g. the destroyer’s Plasma Turret module, it fires automatically at every enemy target it reaches. What if you would fly silent-mode? Not possible atm. So double-tap 3 to inactivate the module would be super feature!


On 08.02.2017 at 4:31 PM, AdamWest said:



Better suggestion, give every interceptor this module. (but with double tap.)

well, as another ellydium ships come ur dream will come come true
and suddenly i think that modifier on nightingale. it scares me  ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

On 2/8/2017 at 4:00 PM, xXConflictionXx said:

I have never ran into code where something like this was not possible. I was even going to write a program to show that its possible but it would be work done for nothing considering that I don’t know what language this game is written in or how you guys make use of the keypress events. XNA has wrappers to check for key/button press events so I don’t understand how you can say its not possible.

while key/button pressed if longer than 1.5 seconds then don’t use blink - button++; if button == 2 && timer > 200 use blink type thing lol ofc its more complicated than that but that’s pretty much the jist of it…

Well, don’t blame me. Blame the devs. xD

There are always 2 things that come from them: “Not possible due to technical restrictions or limitations.” or “We do not have enough resources.”

5 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Well, don’t blame me. Blame the devs. xD

There are always 2 things that come from them: “Not possible due to technical restrictions or limitations.” or “We do not have enough resources.”

They forgot to do their dailies, calm down Coromak or I’m calling the pounds on you.

11 minutes ago, Koromac said:

There are always 2 things that come from them: “Not possible due to technical restrictions or limitations.” or “We do not have enough resources.”

Koro… might be possibly the truth!