Double-Press Elimination

I’d like to suggest that for modules like pulsar and the guard’s huge repair kits which stay on until they run out that a half second lock is applied to the toggle after activation, I’ve had a lot of occurrences where I’ve only barely pressed a key for say pulsar and it’s switched on and then immediately switched back off again. This isn’t so much of a problem in engi or for the guard signature masking etc because those modules have a reload time of 1 sec or similar, making them no problem to re-activate. The pulsar and huge repair kits aswell as (i believe) the recon’s parasitic remodulator are able to be toggled, but with long cooldown times.


This can be an option in game, probably a checkbox as I appreciate some players will find this unhelpful or un-needed whilst some (and i hope considerably more) will appreciate this idea.


I think this would help people who regularly suffer from the problem aswell as people with high ping as the ship sometimes does not respond soon enough, prompting another press, which in reality only turns it back off again.

this have already been discussed


it is your responsibility to press buttons correct

it is your responsibility to press buttons correct

with great power comes great responsibility.



i like what star coaster said. he’s right.

Ahh it has been so long since I have seen the paper clip.

this have already been discussed


it is your responsibility to press buttons correct

Then kindly make sure we never get a match where the button presses don’t register fast enough, resulting in people pressing again and then the module “blips” on and off straight away.

And yes, that has happened to me.

Ahh it has been so long since I have seen the paper clip.


I remember the windows 95 days. Back when I was only 134 years old. Clippy was cool. I think Comic Sans was created during that time period as well.