Double global chat tab and Polish chat

Just some random ideas  :006j:


I would love to see chat for pilots speaking Polish coz dat community is growing as far as I know and they would love feature like that, also could bring some players.



About global chat

There should be option to enable 2nd tab for global.

I bet lots of multiple language speaking pilots would appreciate this

it would help with my spanish. +1


lo queira ayuda con mi espanol. uno mas!!

Chat could definitely be improved. Dunno where the space for the tab would come from, but hey, I’d like it.

+1 for the idea. Especially because many times only the chat can save me from dying of boredom.

Only chat without full translation would be pointless IMO.

thanks for your input - the idea have already been proposed and is at discussion

Only chat without full translation would be pointless IMO.

Step by step…



thanks for your input - the idea have already been proposed and is at discussion


thanks for your input - the idea have already been proposed and is at discussion

woot woot! this would be awesome

we are already in discussion on this

thanks for your input - the idea have already been proposed and is at discussion

we are already in discussion on this


for real! we talk to the Devs regulary


we care about your input and good ideas

A 2nd tab for another langauge is not planned. As for Polish, we will monitor the situation.