DLC ship color change

I bought the Mercenary Pack when it first showed up on steam and with the sale they had not too long ago i got the last 3 DLC packs i was missing. now that we got these new paint patterns and such added i thought maybe we would finally be able to change the colors of our DLC ship… NOPE! 


You can change the colors of the premium ships but not DLC ships… why is that?? i know i cant be the only one who wants to change the colors of his Dragonfly!! B^)


So please please please add in the ability to change the DLC ship’s colors!!! PLEASE!!!

First paint jobs were added to T1 and T2, presumably because they have the highest playerbase.  I am still shocked premium ships don’t have the option, since those are customers that have proved they’re willing to pay.


BTW, the camo schemes barely work for most ships with the scheme.

Premiums can be painted, not the DLC ones

Premiums can be painted, not the DLC ones


yup the premiums can be painted. i bought one yesterday just to make sure B^P


the only ships in game that you can NOT customize are the DLC ships

so is there a reason why only DLC ships are unable to have their color changed??

is there anyone that can tell us why?? or maybe even tell us that its in the works or that it will never happen?? 

2.Почему ДЛС корабли нельзя покрасить?

  1. Потому что они имеют тематическую окраску. Например, пиратскую.



Why can’t we paint DLC Ships?

Because DLC Ships have a theme, for example Pirate ships.





Dragonfly and Bear have an horrible theme (DE is kinda good), you can’t compare them to Pirates, at least Pirates have cool colours and paintings.

Dragonfly and Bear have an horrible theme (DE is kinda good), you can’t compare them to Pirates, at least Pirates have cool colours and paintings.

^^^^^^^^^ This!!! pirates aren’t bad but the other ones…there is no theme for those.

Well, I for one wouldn’t mind the ability to paint my Privateer ships jet black with white or grey tribal designs. But that’s just me.


Skula1975, on 02 Jan 2014 - 7:12 PM, said:

Savelui, on 02 Jan 2014 - 1:44 PM, said:

2.Почему ДЛС корабли нельзя покрасить?

  1. Потому что они имеют тематическую окраску. Например, пиратскую.


Skula1975, on 02 Jan 2014 - 7:12 PM, said:

Savelui, on 02 Jan 2014 - 1:44 PM, said:

Why can’t we paint DLC Ships?

Because DLC Ships have a theme, for example Pirate ships.


Weaksauce arguments from the Dev Team; all ships have a theme, yet we’re still allowed to xxxx about with them. Hell, the latest Premium ships (Mauler, Loki and Razor) all allow you to customise their colours. So, how is it they don’t have “theme” but the Desert Eagle does?

Weaksauce arguments from the Dev Team; all ships have a theme, yet we’re still allowed to xxxx about with them. Hell, the latest Premium ships (Mauler, Loki and Razor) all allow you to customise their colours. So, how is it they don’t have “theme” but the Desert Eagle does?

You can change the D-Eagle’s colours?

You can change the D-Eagle’s colours?


No but it has its own cammo theme, dragonfly and bear has average jericho and fed plain colours

residente is correct! there are also a few other DLC ships that have the average colors with no special theme.


really wish we could get official word on this…either it be NO NEVER NOW STOP ASKING!!! or maybe!! or yes hopefully by the end of the year or heck we will look into this B^P