DLC Bonus Display

On the debrief screen after battle, it would be nice if there was a section that showed the various DLC bonuses that are being applied to our rewards (credits and synergy). Similar to how a premium license displays the extra amount earned.


Currently, there is absolutely no way to tell how much extra the DLC bonuses are contributing, or even IF these bonuses exist.


It’s a small change, but it would instill confidence in your playerbase by showing them that they are indeed getting what they paid for, and how much it is helping them progress.

This suggestion is known and most likely we will see it in one or the other way in the future.

Good idea!

Still only getting 3 loot attempts instead of 4 after battles. Did they ninja nerf loot attempts or is DLC bonus *still * not working? Makes me wonder if the other bonuses are working…

oh, come on…I am forwarding and chasing all suggestions and Error is getting 4 thanks to say they may consider it? :frowning:

Yep, even the devs/mods care about thumbs up ;p

oh, come on…I am forwarding and chasing all suggestions and Error is getting 4 thanks to say they may consider it? :frowning:


Well, Error gives a positive answer :stuck_out_tongue:  You only say that you forwarded the suggestion! After that the suggestions could be put in the bin by the devs!