Diversify speed-caps

Just a simple suggestion to fix speeds with ships, change speed caps for each of the following classes:

Interceptor: 900m/s

Fighter: 700m/s

Frigate: 500m/s

Destroyer: 400m/s

This way, fighters can still speed out of trouble, but interceptors will remain the fastest ships.

Also change crash-speed to 901m/s to adjust for this.

Also for the love of all things destructive, make the Destroyer warp speed 2000m/s like the other ships. I’ve killed more than enough teammates via warp and it’s silly.

Also for the love of all things destructive, make the Destroyer warp speed 2000m/s like the other ships. I’ve killed more than enough teammates via warp and it’s silly.



Interceptor: 900m/s

Fighter: 700m/s

Frigate: 500m/s

Destroyer: 400m/s

Dunno tbh. I’d rather do something about cruise engine first and foremost. Regarding destroyers… i’m not sure, i have to see more speedy fed ones to figure out how bad / good it would be.


Regarding cruise engines, it’s unfair that fighters get top speed or near it with a single module, while ceptors have to sacrifice at least 3-4 slots AND survivability, while the cruise engine’s single downfall is the high energy activation cost (maneuverability doesn’t count - you just release shift key and turn, while also keeping enough speed inertia, and shift away again).

Cruise is fine, though it’d be better if it was less powerful, and allowed for all ships.

Also for the love of all things destructive, make the Destroyer warp speed 2000m/s like the other ships. I’ve killed more than enough teammates via warp and it’s silly.

I don’t like how I warp and enemies can shot me nicely and calmly while I am warping and like STOP SHOOTING ME

I don’t like how I warp and enemies can shot me nicely and calmly while I am warping and like STOP SHOOTING ME

Stop warping and shoot them back?

Stop warping and shoot them back?

I’m not sure it works for destros, tried multiple times… then i have to try again…

Stop warping and shoot them back?

Doesn’t work with destroyers.

It does work. 100%.

It does work. 100%.

I tried several times before, but will try again, maybe got changed.

When warping in to battle you can no longer exit warp in any ship, yet you can still be hit by projectiles because the invincibility is applied after exit (tested in PvAI not sure about actual PvP.)

As for normal warps, you cannot exit them in a destroyer unless you switch to the alternative control mode.

Making warps normal speed would fix this.

When you are warping in, you are invisible to the enemy team, but technically you are there as an object. If you’re getting hit, while you are spawn-warping, you have much bigger issues at your hand than simply getting hit by accident.

Yes, in order to exit mid normal warp, you change your control to standard model and strafe out of it, I don’t see what is problem with this.

Nvm, just read your second comment kosty :slight_smile:

I’ll need to try that

make interceptors faster… how about no. But diversifying speed caps is a good idea. 

make interceptors faster… how about no. But diversifying speed caps is a good idea. 

Game’s Engine might not allow faster speeds. Like RoF, Speed is also limited it by it.

If you bypass this, then strange stuff will start to happen.

Ships can already fly at 2000m/s with no problem so I don’t see why this would screw so much up.

Ships can already fly at 2000m/s with no problem so I don’t see why this would screw so much up.

Because we use to have speed cap at 900 (and ifrc even higher before that). It was reduced not for balancing reason by due to technical reasons.

Do tell.

Because we use to have speed cap at 900 (and ifrc even higher before that). It was reduced not for balancing reason by due to technical reasons.

I remember now. But it was before i joined in pre-0.8 or so. The meta on ceptors was just simply speed, no rotation / strafe. Especially on Kite / Eagle B.

Game’s Engine might not allow faster speeds. Like RoF, Speed is also limited it by it.

If you bypass this, then strange stuff will start to happen.

if you overclock correctly or incorrectly, depending on how you see it, you can go super speeds in SC. ^^happened to me. 

if you overclock correctly or incorrectly, depending on how you see it, you can go super speeds in SC. ^^happened to me.

You actual speed is this the same, it only looms faster coz the timer runs faster and 100sec ingame = 1sec real.(or smth like that)