Display detailed ship class icon in pre-battle screen

The current setup with simplified class icons (triangle, diamond, square) makes it necessary to manually mouse over the team’s selected ships to, for example, check if there is an engineer on the team, as for example various frigates of different subclasses share the same silhouettes (Fed Guards/Engis, Empire LRFs/Engis). Therefore, it would improve the game’s flow if the in-battle detailed icons (square with plus, square with circle, dashed square) were used instead to grant an immediate visual overview of the team’s composition.

PS: speaking of which, do tacklers and commands share the same icon?

The current setup with simplified class icons (triangle, diamond, square) makes it necessary to manually mouse over the team’s selected ships to, for example, check if there is an engineer on the team, as for example various frigates of different subclasses share the same silhouettes (Fed Guards/Engis, Empire LRFs/Engis). Therefore, it would improve the game’s flow if the in-battle detailed icons (square with plus, square with circle, dashed square) were used instead to grant an immediate visual overview of the team’s composition.

PS: speaking of which, do tacklers and commands share the same icon?


maybe a setting to shift to icons would be nice.


Tacklers have a dot in the middle of the diamond <.> while commands have a slash across the diamond </>.

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19724-scoreboard-add-ship-class-role-icons/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19724-scoreboard-add-ship-class-role-icons/)



[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19724-scoreboard-add-ship-class-role-icons/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19724-scoreboard-add-ship-class-role-icons/)



That would require the icon to change every time someone swaps a ship around. That’s annoying, though.

But it’d be worth it.  “Uhoh, no engis on my team, I guess it’ll be me.”

@iamablocker: thx m8

@Kine: great minds think alike.


something like this has already been forwarded to the devs and maybe it will be added in one or the other way.

This is a pretty good suggestion tbh. There are too many ships in-game for newer players to recognise their silhouette early in their careers.

not to mention some pictures are the same for different ships…

you can add another column beside the player’s name , with a large icon of the ship they currently have selected.


then it would all be in one column, and you could still view what other ships that player has available.


just replacing the current icons would cause other problems imo.


just leave what it, add another column with selected ship icon in a larger format.

@betatrash - asking for addition not replacement.

@betatrash - asking for addition not replacement.


yea, something like the screenshot you posted, exactly what i was describing.

Thanks for the suggestion, it has been forwarded to the devs.

Error is on a roll baby …