Discussion of old features!

Almost all of Development resources are dedicated to Open Box PvP creation, there is pretty much no one working on anything else at this moment.

Well… so long as it comes out soon! Also a word of advice for when it does come out: please don’t kill me on sight!


I wonder if we’ll see something else with it’s release?

I wonder if we’ll see something else with it’s release?

There are a few things in the pipeline, but the big one that will be in for release is certainly the open world with some related features.

Also I kill people I know from the forums as a priority as a way to say hello (and so do they), so get ready, we’re coming for ya!

There are a few things in the pipeline, but the big one that will be in for release is certainly the open world with some related features.

Also I kill people I know from the forums as a priority as a way to say hello (and so do they), so get ready, we’re coming for ya!


Uh oh… better setup my ships for emergency escapes then. :smoke:

Also I kill people I know from the forums as a priority as a way to say hello (and so do they), so get ready, we’re coming for ya!

If I see someone from the forums, I might ignore the “win” objective and say “hi.”  Sometimes they scream “hi” back at the top of their lungs.

There are a few things in the pipeline, but the big one that will be in for release is certainly the open world with some related features.

Also I kill people I know from the forums as a priority as a way to say hello (and so do they), so get ready, we’re coming for ya!


If I see someone from the forums, I might ignore the “win” objective and say “hi.”  Sometimes they scream “hi” back at the top of their lungs.



Hehe don’t we KNOW it !!!    KILL or be KILLED  No mercy … No quarter given…  ( unless your on my side)  


Sometimes followed up by a PM…   Why ya do that for !!! 

I just had the odd experience for someone apologizing after killing me…

I just had the odd experience for someone apologizing after killing me…

probably Canadian

probably Canadian




Gets EM torp to the face


“sorry again”


Gets anomalie generated, killing me instantly


“Gosh, Im sorry”


Disinigrator to the butt. 



Gets EM torp to the face


“sorry again”


Gets anomalie generated, killing me instantly


“Gosh, Im sorry”


Disinigrator to the butt. 

I believe I have a video of you getting hit by an Anomaly Gen. :Dwop

I believe I have a video of you getting hit by an Anomaly Gen. :Dwop

You did that to jp? Please post it.

I did not get the kill, it was a member of NERDS who did it. I will start uploading it shortly. :yes_yes:

I believe I have a video of you getting hit by an Anomaly Gen. :Dwop


I do have a video of both of us in a team, giving some sweet rolls to JP using a gauss cannon… :taunt:

I kinda want to see the old stab rails come back for use on all ships, maybe as an event. I never did get to try them out back in the day.

I believe I have a video of you getting hit by an Anomaly Gen. :Dwop


Damn crappy LRF. Can barley strafe with those things. 


I do have a video of both of us in a team, giving some sweet rolls to JP using a gauss cannon… :taunt:


Gauss cannon is deadly OP in the hands of a Vet in T2/3


I kinda want to see the old stab rails come back for use on all ships, maybe as an event. I never did get to try them out back in the day.


Or how about heavy weapons on interceptors?

I kinda want to see the old stab rails come back for use on all ships, maybe as an event. I never did get to try them out back in the day.

Someone run the math how much a charged shot from a Mauler could do… also stab rail cov-ops with orion boost everywhere weren’t a good thing. No way. I’d take RFR back though.