Discussion of New changes in the Matchmaking system

Welcome to discuss [New changes in MM system!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33309-new-changes-in-the-matchmaking-system/)


Some clarifications may be good.


What does this means ? That when using r14, you’ll only face r14-r15, never r11-r13, and that you removed the bonus to lower rank ?

The proof of the pudding is eating it.

What you should have done is make the Queue r10 to r 15, the 3 easy, medium, hard, queues where fine. Unfortunatly you still kept in this 3 year old +3/-3 rule in squad so we could never experience this system properly.

Remove this rule, and stop slicing up the Queue, there is no population for that. Also once ppl realise how this “skill balancing” works, they will start to abuse it.

When r10 to rank 15 where mixed, meta was at it’s best. So many niche roles that played a big role in those battles, Star Conflict ships from 10 to 15 are designed to play in the same Queue.

It’s sad that so few ppl used the advantages of lower rank ships in high queue, fitting buff tank must be hard…

This is very saddening for me, as we have history repeating² now.

please sell the ships on unity asset store, i make a better game out of it.

with stuff like… consistence. and vision.

and then u go on back and forth. unify, stretch apart. listen to one side. listen to the other.

but never really listen at all.

oh wait, yeah, it means i dont like it, but oreg kinda put it into words already. he is even right, that the new ships like gargoyle only make sense in the unified queue

I just sincerely hope that we can use both r11-r13 with r14-r15. 


IMO the funiest ships are r11-r13 (dart gargoyle mauler brokk cutter  hello~~). But we are forced to play r15 to complete missions. Soo…




please sell the ships on unity asset store, i make a better game out of it.

with stuff like… consistence. and vision.

and then u go on back and forth. unify, stretch apart. listen to one side. listen to the other.

but never really listen at all.

oh wait, yeah, it means i dont like it, but oreg kinda put it into words already.

Add me in your team. I’ll help. 

There should be 3 tiers of difficulty. Easy 1-5, Medium 6-10 and Hard 11-15. Problem solved.

Your ships must not be of any lower or higher ranks, or you get MM message saying that you got ships outside that rank range, so you cannot start a battle.

If you got Premium, I think it still adds +1, but this should be removed now.

Hard difficulty should not have any resistances and damage buffs at all.

Keep this up, it should be good ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Can someone confirm if we can still use both r11-r13 and r14-r15 in the same lineup ?


Because the r14-r15 ship choice is extremely limited, with only 4 ships per role, including 1 special ship and 1 premium …

the 3 queue system was fine with the buffs. I played even R9 without issues against R15 (apart from Thargas).
I don’t get wtf is this new system again and why did we needed this? Instead of waste time to screw the parts what is working you should work on the things whats not working or gonna create problems (like thargas and Taikin) and the new server issues. (seriously servers are almost unplayable sometime).

IMO the old tier system was great and fair ppl was able to build and max out their fleet to the tiers. But there was issues with the 5 tiers since the population was too low… ok lets go to the tierless system. And finally you was manage to reach a balanced tierless system. Why we need the changes? Because thargas 1-2 shots any ship? Warp away with no health? Unstoppable with an extra hacked active module? That is not the rank system’s fault. You can’t balance the game with OP ships like that.

But whatever lets see how it goes, maybe I’ll have to stop play again.

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

If you got Premium, I think it still adds +1, but this should be removed now.

i think they finally removed that at some point when the queues were reworked, and destros came. i mean, it seemed like it was a bug, anyway.

it’s a problem for who play with op ships… not for me. Apart from thar’ga, play in R9-R10 it’s what i want and i’m happy with this new MM system ^^. There will be maybe also fewer players in each match… and challenge to play against a same level player it’s a good thing :). The difference between ships (R6 against R10 for exemple), between skills, even with the buffs, was sometimes too importante, no ? And these differences could frighten the new players… just my opinion

like always, sry for my english

I don’t understand.

4 hours ago, g4borg said:

please sell the ships on unity asset store, i make a better game out of it.

with stuff like… consistence. and vision.

and then u go on back and forth. unify, stretch apart. listen to one side. listen to the other.

but never really listen at all.

oh wait, yeah, it means i dont like it, but oreg kinda put it into words already. he is even right, that the new ships like gargoyle only make sense in the unified queue

Do you need modeller?

5 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

What does this means ? That when using r14, you’ll only face r14-r15, never r11-r13, and that you removed the bonus to lower rank ?

There’s still a gap in 2 ranks. So when you picked up rank 14 ship as highest, you will be matched by it. But you actually can use r13 and r12 ships in this battle, if they were equiped as well. Also bonus system was reworked according to higher ranks in every range.

8 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

There’s still a gap in 2 ranks. So when you picked up rank 14 ship as highest, you will be matched by it. But you actually can use r13 and r12 ships in this battle, if they were equiped as well. Also bonus system was reworked according to higher ranks in every range.

So what does this change for players in the end, if you face the same ships and can use the same ships ?

The onliest thing i currently ask myself is “the how maniest time they changed the MM now?”. I mean did they make a change already 2 or 3 weeks ago (along with all the missed changes from before from my perspective).

In the end i ask myself for what did it give the “offical 5 tiers” if the no system can throw 2 tiers in the same match anyways now? Well not that i really care about PvP anyways but this constand back and forth is not really something that should happen (feeled) every 2-3 weeks.

Way to kill a diversity in battles, this is even worse than old 5 Tiers system ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)



No more players with one ship 

No more player’s who only post on forum and don’t play

No more Gargoyle, Dart , Mauler and Brokk

No more respawn on LRF an camp 10 min

Speed in game increased

Each game very hard and animated


5/10 ships will be Thar’Ga

2/10 ships will be destro’s

play on Russians server’s Collisions and handling deficit

no perfect MM always one team very hard , skilled etc.


if u also stop forced us to play in the team would be great

16 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

If even kosty is dissing this change then it has to be really SPECIAL ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

indeed, after all, at least we share sanity!