
Hello there !

im here because im really angry!

im angry about players who make disconnects and ragequits because they are lefting and battle and we are loosing

it was to much i give you here some screeshots

my suggestion

player who leave too much get an game ban because i reportet leaver and got ban for 1 hour!!!

im angry about that


because this is heavy stuff i got 3 disconnect player in one game!!!

why you dont remove players who left the game and add new players from queue ?



not sincerely yours TheDarkMatter

Game starts.

Group of r4 ships.

One disconnect after another.

Was alone after just 1 minute.

That’s not the only time this happened. While not often, such things happen and this is really annoying!

  • For queue refill

  • for ban to those ‘disconnected’ players.

Some games really aren’t worth fighting after a certain point.


And those that disconnect right from the start, it is most likely because of connection problems, so banning them would be unfair.

After disconnecting the ships used are blocked until the end of the battle. So I do not see that there is a real advantage leaving the fight.

Last night had a few matches where we were matched against a squad of 2 destros repeatedly, they ragequit @ the 3rd match. And they were playing destros while our team had none most of the time.

The guy above them also disconnected soon after screenshot.


Disconnecting is bad dont do eet. I only disconnect if i loose but its not my fault cuz othes are nubs and cant play so its ok.

well the problem is that ist a lost player or an easy kill for the enemies that sucks alot and for example in beacon hunt its pretty unfair 2 player both on recon you got an guy with JUST one ship Inquisitor S and he disconnect its an lost game =0fun

I have a couple of names that self destruct and rage quit when they are loosing. 

It’s always a pain when they do even if they are Aces or against you. But when they have good stats and that means that they leaves you against others good players alone: it’s really disturbing.

I’ve reported them, but they are still there…

Once a whole team rage quit. That was more entertaining than the actual match! :stuck_out_tongue:

21 hours ago, TheDarkMatter_ said:

well the problem is that ist a lost player or an easy kill for the enemies that sucks alot and for example in beacon hunt its pretty unfair 2 player both on recon you got an guy with JUST one ship Inquisitor S and he disconnect its an lost game =0fun

Well, keep reporting them is the best approach there. And they will get what they deserve, according to our Rulebook here)


Just now, CinnamonFake said:

Well, keep reporting them is the best approach there. And they will get what they deserve, according to our Rulebook here)


Why is there an option to leave battle if it is not allowed? I’m one of those guys that frequently leaves battles a few minutes before the end if there is no chance of coming back and winning. Am I doing something against the game rules?

18 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

I have a couple of names that self destruct and rage quit when they are loosing. 

It’s always a pain when they do even if they are Aces or against you. But when they have good stats and that means that they leaves you against others good players alone: it’s really disturbing.

I’ve reported them, but they are still there…

Hehe I do it often ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) But only if it is materialistically impossible to win and would be a waste of time, for example in domination not enough time to get enough points even by triple cap, or in combat recon when my captain is dead, enemy cap is a destroyer and I am the only DPS ship on my team. Oh, and when I’m being spawn camped; ain’t nobody got time for that.

On 12.07.2016 at 6:33 PM, millanbel said:

Hehe I do it often ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) But only if it is materialistically impossible to win and would be a waste of time, for example in domination not enough time to get enough points even by triple cap, or in combat recon when my captain is dead, enemy cap is a destroyer and I am the only DPS ship on my team. Oh, and when I’m being spawn camped; ain’t nobody got time for that.

Actualy it’s not good to do that. If Skula will notice several reports on you by this actions, he can deliver a punishment  ![:004_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004_2.png “:004_2:”)

1 hour ago, CinnamonFake said:

Actualy it’s not good to do that. If Skula will notice several reports on you by this actions, he can deliver a punishment  ![:004_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004_2.png “:004_2:”)

By what rule though? And you didn’t answer my question about why there is a “leave battle” button in the first place then?

By that rule: 6.6. Denial to deal damage to the enemy.

That is why you don’t leave battle. You can only have “Internet and Computer” troubles…

Also, “denial to deal damage to the enemy” would mean that you can get banned for fleeing to an engineer if you have low health. yay! Using camo to sneak up? Remember you cannot shoot or you lose camo…Denial to deal damage to the enemy!!!

3 hours ago, theNoob said:

By that rule: 6.6. Denial to deal damage to the enemy.

But if I’m not in the game then I’m not refusing to fight. Also, again: if there’s an option to leave battle then why is it not allowed?

In PvE there are sometimes yolo pilots. They leave after they got rekt by the mobs…
So not only in PvP it’s a problem.

54 minutes ago, millanbel said:

But if I’m not in the game then I’m not refusing to fight. Also, again: if there’s an option to leave battle then why is it not allowed?

Well, u have the option to stab people with a knife, but it is still not allowed.





9 minutes ago, theNoob said:

Well, u have the option to stab people with a knife, but it is still not allowed.





I knew someone would try and be smart and say something like that.

Putting a “leave match” button in a game (I emphasise this so you don’t compare the example to real life again) where you are not allowed to leave matches, would be like putting and OP weapon available to all in the game and saying “you are not allowed to use this weapon”. Developers control all mechanics in their product, so why not remove this one if it is not wanted?