
44 minutes ago, millanbel said:

I knew someone would try and be smart and say something like that.

Putting a “leave match” button in a game (I emphasise this so you don’t compare the example to real life again) where you are not allowed to leave matches, would be like putting and OP weapon available to all in the game and saying “you are not allowed to use this weapon”. Developers control all mechanics in their product, so why not remove this one if it is not wanted?

I do see where you are coming from but im glad the option is there. If I have to geniunely go afk for whatever reason(unicorn needs a walk) then im glad i can excuse myself. Either that or give my team more of a disadvantage by my ship respawning and floating straight line into the warm embrace of an enemy team/random player. The only pvp game mode where that wouldnt apply would be beacon hunt where the kills dont matter team point wise.

I get disconnected on occasion. 99% of the time i’m back in the the match before it ends but for that reason alone a blanket ban on disconnect is not a good idea. Any report of a player doing this would have to be closely looked at otherwise the guys without good connection get caught up in a witch hunt.

And a witch hunt it is. Cant think of anything i hate more than player who just wont try. I have accidentaly qued for pvp with a single pve fit ship before it can fun. But something like pvp or tournament can be brutal as it is without players just deciding they had enough after one round leaving you 7,6,5v8 as others follow. Be sure then send a report its about all we can do though.

1 hour ago, millanbel said:

I knew someone would try and be smart and say something like that.

Putting a “leave match” button in a game (I emphasise this so you don’t compare the example to real life again) where you are not allowed to leave matches, would be like putting and OP weapon available to all in the game and saying “you are not allowed to use this weapon”. Developers control all mechanics in their product, so why not remove this one if it is not wanted?

Well, if u really want do dissconnect u can do it, just sever the connection to the game. So the disconnect button is just a conveinience for when it is really necessarry, like ur house burns or stuff. Its absence could not prevent you from disconnecting by brute force.


AAAnd i remember that once claimed ud never dissconnect! What happened?

28 minutes ago, theNoob said:

AAAnd i remember that once claimed ud never dissconnect! What happened?

Did I? I don’t remember ever claiming that. I mean it’s possible, but…

I currently have 13000+ games, so I know a lost game when I see one, and when staying would be a waste of time. I never disconnect right at the start, though, which is what most of this thread is complaining about anyhow.

Changes to MM makes disconnecting much more likely. When u start battle and enemy team has already an advantage of about 20% or more its very unlikely u make a win. So people disconnect and then its for sure. That will be a problem as soon as people figure it out. Its a MM problem cuz MM seems to be unable to produce fair games atm. 

Precisely why more and more lobby-matchmaker-mmo games track disconnect statistics, just like your total games or win ratio. You dont get punished in any way untill you are over certain treshold - like 5-10% of total games and at that point it absolutely does not matter if you dc because you cant take a loss like a man in a video game, or your internet is bending you over, such person is a liability to its team to often, and should work on the problem.

If disconnecting is against the rules, then why the hell do you allow it in the first place?

Also, maybe there would be less disconnects if your game mechanics didn’t make it preferable to abandon matches. This is why I despise missions that are insanely specific. If you’ve only got 20-30 mins to play and the game isn’t cooperating, you’re going to get disconnects. I’ve seen games where most of my team has bailed from a match, and I honestly didn’t blame them given how crap the game quality was.

The problem isn’t people disconnecting - it’s the things you’ve done to make them want to disconnect.

Does anyone know how ‘disconnect’ is handled in PvE?
What I ask:
Firesupport. 4 Players all alive. First encounter with rogues. One goes yolo(or is just plain dumb) and get rekt by them. Not even 10s(or so) later it show ‘disconnect’. He may have just left the battle and joined a new one in another ship(s). Does he get rewards(I know at least loot isn’t handled to such guys)? If yes it’s a shame as this make ‘bot-farming’ possible.

1 hour ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Does anyone know how ‘disconnect’ is handled in PvE?
What I ask:
Firesupport. 4 Players all alive. First encounter with rogues. One goes yolo(or is just plain dumb) and get rekt by them. Not even 10s(or so) later it show ‘disconnect’. He may have just left the battle and joined a new one in another ship(s). Does he get rewards(I know at least loot isn’t handled to such guys)? If yes it’s a shame as this make ‘bot-farming’ possible.

This happens all too often. Then I am forced to solo or die, just to spare my time.

2 hours ago, JasanQuinn said:

If disconnecting is against the rules, then why the hell do you allow it in the first place?

Also, maybe there would be less disconnects if your game mechanics didn’t make it preferable to abandon matches. This is why I despise missions that are insanely specific. If you’ve only got 20-30 mins to play and the game isn’t cooperating, you’re going to get disconnects. I’ve seen games where most of my team has bailed from a match, and I honestly didn’t blame them given how crap the game quality was.

The problem isn’t people disconnecting - it’s the things you’ve done to make them want to disconnect.

Special module missions should be all active at the same time.

You have to do them in specific order. With such mechanics, sometimes even 2 hours isn’t enough, just to get 1 free Spec module pack. 

This is what is WRONG! There should be no sequence.

On 7/12/2016 at 9:21 AM, millanbel said:

Why is there an option to leave battle if it is not allowed? I’m one of those guys that frequently leaves battles a few minutes before the end if there is no chance of coming back and winning. Am I doing something against the game rules?

I leave the game a few seconds before it ends if my team has an ensured victory and i didnt get much score for my x2-5 daily reward. That way i can play the game again and give it a good use. I also disconnect often at custom battles after i finish testing stuff with someone or alone (its way better than self destructing over and over or completing objectives). Its also useful when a wing wants to make a remake of spec ops or something like it.

Im sure there are more uses for it while not going against the “rules”.

What you describe are not abusing your teammates. Therefore more a penalty for yourself.
But the other situation are clear abusing this option.

No its not a penalty, its a functionality that saves me time and effort: if i get more synergy at the 2nd game thx to x2 (after disconnecting at the first game) than i would’ve got for staying both games (gaining x2 at first game), then theres only gain for me. Customs = no rank/rewards = no penalty.

Leaving a team to lose, that requires a sanction.

2 hours ago, Papitas said:

Leaving a team to lose, that requires a sanction.

But they lost it themselves.  By this logic we should also punish the LRFs that sit on the spawn shooting rocks with their disintegrators, without capturing beacons… They are also abusing a mechanic that allows them to SEEM to be playing, while actually doing xxxx all.