Disconected players

There shud be some penalty for people who does this.

There is. Your ship gets destroyed, you get no credits, you lose money repairing it, and worst of all, disconnects are not the player’s fault but that of a crappy server.

There is. Your ship gets destroyed, you get no credits, you lose money repairing it, and worst of all, disconnects are not the player’s fault but that of a crappy server.


Oh so that is why I have never been disconnected from the game yet?

Played some 400battles and never been disconected, server works ok for me.

You forgot to mention that if you disconnect and your team wins, you never get the chance to loot the battlefield!

May not be “crapy server” but your own internet provider. I have been having lots of trouble with Frontier Comm past few months as internet just drops out completely for a few minutes. Enought to get disconnected from the game.


But that’s not all. I quit as I am only a weekend warrior. I have to work… But because of this, I only get 1 kill to 10 deaths or more, being killed from super warriors with super ships/armor.

I find these types of games too annoying in having to rank up to be able to compete when I don’t have the time to do so.


How I miss the good old days like DFBHD where your starting off with the same armory choices as everyone else. Then its just skill to deal with.

I like the game look, but its no fun to play being owned and unable to rank up playing an hour or 2/week.


Good thing its a free game on steam as I’d wouldn’t buy it. But Its still cool. However it ill be a rare day I play this sadly, as I’ll be in different games that I have a better chance to stay alive.