Difficult game start

thats why i am waiting for more players

I don’t like read this forum and find this thread title,

The companies are dumbing down so much the games, and this topic may give the impression this game is so hardcore… When that’s just not true.

It have to punish for defeat, that’s obvious, but the waiting time to fight is just the result of CBT low population.

/Case closed.

I don’t like read this forum and find this thread title,

The companies are dumbing down so much the games, and this topic may give the impression this game is so hardcore… When that’s just not true.

It have to punish for defeat, that’s obvious, but the waiting time to fight is just the result of CBT low population.

/Case closed.


His comments did not help at all.

Do not like the game, stay away!

We are here doing serious work.

We Close Beta phase , and we are always aware of the problems of the game and Reporting to Support.

Our game is under construction and we are doing this together as a team.

You are not obligated to enter the Forum and is not obligated to Play.

If not here to help develop the game** , get out **** and **** do not **** bother **.



Re-read my post. I didnt say that what we are going here is wrong -giving feedback and ideas to the devs. What I just said is that the title of this thread -“Gameplay seems to punish new players for playing”-, gives a wrong impression about this game.

This is not Eve Online, that requires about a month to learn the basics. This game is easy as it is for beginners. You click “Play” and shoot another people to death.

Please, do not ask the devs to dumb down the game. Think how the matchmaking will work when the game is released and there are thousands of players, not what is now with 30 players at the same time in the closed beta.

If you are a beginner in the final release, you will just click the “Fight” button, star playing immediately, and play against other beginners with one/two ships, or even maybe some veterans that are starting in a new faction.

PS: Im not taking offense of your comments like “His comments did not help at all”, cause I understand that your english is not perfect and you didn’t quite understand my previous post.

And I really like the game and I want it to success, and I’m even participating in the traslation to my language of all oficial information in my Star Conflict site: http://star-conflict.es/

Congratulations on your site.

I wish you success.

I’ll meet you in space! :fed012:



hi all ,

i just started today and i can tell you that’s this game could be quite cool.

We are here for beta testing not for fun games , in order to give devs some hints we need to understand what

are theyr purposes for this game.

Overall the game is really similar to WoT , start with Ace ships and then upgrade it (and much more with those tech trees ).

U have to understand how u ship works and how u can get rid of enemies , u cant fight a tier3 with a tier 1 ?? good , then try to

capture a beam while bigger tiers are facing ech others…use ur brains = make exp and money.

At the moment it lack on tooltips for equipment ( i don’t understand how better is a gun , we have energy cost , RoF , range but no dmg meter ) , it will be usefull a tutorial but at this moment

it is not a priority.

I just played 4 games , got 15k money and 2400 exp ( 10k money wasted on a weap i cant equip ^^ ) but i want to say again tha if u mind to test this game u have to

understant how all it’s working , from shopping to equipping and obviusly fighting.

See u all tomorrow.

hi all ,

i just started today and i can tell you that’s this game could be quite cool.

We are here for beta testing not for fun games , in order to give devs some hints we need to understand what

are theyr purposes for this game.

Overall the game is really similar to WoT , start with Ace ships and then upgrade it (and much more with those tech trees ).

U have to understand how u ship works and how u can get rid of enemies , u cant fight a tier3 with a tier 1 ?? good , then try to

capture a beam while bigger tiers are facing ech others…use ur brains = make exp and money.

At the moment it lack on tooltips for equipment ( i don’t understand how better is a gun , we have energy cost , RoF , range but no dmg meter ) , it will be usefull a tutorial but at this moment

it is not a priority.

I just played 4 games , got 15k money and 2400 exp ( 10k money wasted on a weap i cant equip ^^ ) but i want to say again tha if u mind to test this game u have to

understant how all it’s working , from shopping to equipping and obviusly fighting.

See u all tomorrow.

Thanks for the nice post.

There is a dmg stat on every weapon or what exactly were you looking for?

There is a dmg stat on every weapon or what exactly were you looking for?

i feel so stupid :wink: , just this morning a guy told me that " unit " it’s like the dmg deal from weapon ^^ .

At this point i think it will be usefull a pop up comparing what you are currently equipped to the weapon you are looking.

i feel so stupid :wink: , just this morning a guy told me that " unit " it’s like the dmg deal from weapon ^^ .

At this point i think it will be usefull a pop up comparing what you are currently equipped to the weapon you are looking.

Yes something like this would be very usefull I will try to forward this to the devs.