Difficult game start

Okay so I just started playing today, went through a couple bot missions, cool. Learned to control and play just fine. Immediately I noticed that it was very difficult to kill anything, (even when I was repeatedly hitting the bots or others etc). That’s fine, since I guess it’s about as difficult to kill me.

I realized after finishing 2 games that I wasn’t getting any rewards for my efforts and wins, I couldn’t get anything to help me fight, or upgrade even though I had played roughly 30 minutes playing the game. So right off, I’m feeling unsatisfactory. I get no advancement for the time I’ve spent at all except learning the game.

So I join a normal battle. Which takes a couple minutes to get into. I play for a couple minutes and then die. And bam, it hits me. There is no respawning in this mode. The previous mode had it but all of a sudden no longer can I respawn into the fight. Critical game change. Ok… So I try to exit out of the game because I would like to still be playing or doing _something_ other than just staring at a screen with random people firing into the distance. And this is really where the game falls dead.

As a game player I don’t want to be punished for playing your game. Sure there are rules that govern the game, and one of them in this situation is no respawning. But what kills me, is that everyone else had 3 ships total, I only had 1, right there I’m at a serious disadvantage and so is my team. On top of this, I can’t even play the game until this battle is over. I have to sit around until it ends, punished again.

In the end this game may not be for me, but I’d like to bring up that the current way the battles are run is not very fun for me AT ALL. I have played World of Tanks which runs similar battle styles to this, but they at least give you multiple tanks to start with, and the interface makes it very very easy to understand that you’re locked into the battle with the specific tank until the end of it. It also makes it easy to join in another match while your other tanks are still recovering (and did so from the beginning). So right there, even though there are limitations on which ones I can play with at a given time, I’m not simply punished straight out of the box for not having enough resources to play with. This is a huge negative for me.

I agree with the no respawn being a hit in the face, but watching other experienced players was useful.

I only found out about the exit game when I was leaving the game after being killed, and I feel for a new player this is like saying “You’ve already lost you’re bonus and you want to play again?? Funny one! Now wait”. Perhaps a minor punishment would be better, IE you can recall your ship, but if you do, your next game you only get 75% of the credits/experience you would usually get?

Or perhaps a level base, so low levels get the free to rejoin / get out of jail free cards, but as you level up it becomes more expensive to leave early from a match?

I agree with the no respawn being a hit in the face, but watching other experienced players was useful.

I only found out about the exit game when I was leaving the game after being killed, and I feel for a new player this is like saying “You’ve already lost you’re bonus and you want to play again?? Funny one! Now wait”. Perhaps a minor punishment would be better, IE you can recall your ship, but if you do, your next game you only get 75% of the credits/experience you would usually get?

Or perhaps a level base, so low levels get the free to rejoin / get out of jail free cards, but as you level up it becomes more expensive to leave early from a match?

I’m saying that this is going to lead to people not wanting to play the game at all. Looking at how World of Tanks handled it’s matchmaking would give the devs some ideas on how to do the battles properly. Right now there’s way too much time in-game not actually playing.

mate, this is BETA! do you udnerstand this word ? it means, it is test of everything,. version of the game is 0.4.3… its not 1… its 0… in that case, we have to focus on everything not on playing only…

i started my first pvp with t1 vs t3, and you now what? i survived few minutes even… beter, if you wont leave game before end, and finish it like all players (you have to w8 at the begining) you will get your reward.

Man, you came here to play or to help the game develop and test it? Everyone is starting like this and in every game early stages are rather hard until you get used to them. As i can see, most of the players don’t complain.

im already stated on other thread about these…

suggeted solution is :

tutorial that give newplayer rank and enuf muneh to buy both t1 fighter and frigate , or give em as reward completing tutorial

or … let those newplayer have acces to special training with only bots as opponent that give em rank and munneh, until they hit rank 3 and can buy frigate…

im not goin complaint about how T1 vs T4 due the reason system force us with that fight is lack player… should with tons of player when this game open released solve that emself…

Well guys please to stay friendly, we know about this problem and we will try to find a solution.

Since the player numbers are low on the closed beta it is hard to start a perfect match because you will never find 16 people with the same ships searching for a match at the same time.

But lets see what the future brings us.

looking forward to future development and can’t wait to check other 2 nations.

tutorial that give newplayer rank and enuf muneh to buy both t1 fighter and frigate , or give em as reward completing tutorial

I really like this idea. Such tutorial really will introduce new players to game basis and help them not to lose themselves in first battle

Yes, a tutorial would be really good. Especially to master the controls.

its kinda hard at first yes when u have only 1 ship … but after u get 2-3 ships its much better … u can just respawn with other ship … i had to do 5 matches to get the fighter first 3 fights i died pretty fast … first fight i was ganged cause i went in the middle of enemy ships … second fight i pressed f and cause it takes bit to stop when u press f again i went into an helpfull asteroid that stoped me :D, 3rd match i played for a bit but got killed again … 4th match i didnt die cause i learned how to use the ship systems and the f key getting away when i almost died still lost and 5th we won cause some ppl had fighters in my team and i even caped a point … after that i got my fighter and it all became so awsome … now i have frigate also with systems and every game is awsome … i played like 30 matches now and only lost 2 besides the first 4 ones … u just need to get used to the controls and use the system when they are most needed :smiley:

well… like i said… we only need get familiarized with the game… once you can get foot on what you doin… this game isnt that cruel as it look…

that’s why im suggested for tutorial…

(well… maybe kinda cruel when you bein ganged by like 4 ship that higher tier than ya hahaha).

Sleaker I believe you are overreacting. We all played the first few battle rounds and sucked horribly. You can’t expect to pick yourself back up immediately, brush it off, and get back into the game.

Your ship was destroyed.

When the battle is over you can go to the hanger and repair it.

First solution that comes to mind is to have “tier 0” newbie ships that don’t cost anything, are non-upgradeable, and are slightly below the capability of stock tier 1 ships. If the problem is that new players don’t have enough ships to be able to be in the game consistently, I say give them all the ships they want. Make the goal to be able to graduate from the tier 0 filler ships, instead of the goal being to have enough ships you can keep playing without any pauses in the action.

First solution that comes to mind is to have “tier 0” newbie ships that don’t cost anything, are non-upgradeable, and are slightly below the capability of stock tier 1 ships. If the problem is that new players don’t have enough ships to be able to be in the game consistently, I say give them all the ships they want. Make the goal to be able to graduate from the tier 0 filler ships, instead of the goal being to have enough ships you can keep playing without any pauses in the action.

I agree with this. start with 3 newbie ships, not 1 as it is now. Easy

on the fight button press the little box and select play agaits bots.

thats engough of tutorial for now.

I read this thread. I don’t want to flame. Everybody has its own experience. And I’m sure after some hours of play, it would be good.

1- Waiting in line 2mn is really hard for me, but I did it (and it’ll go better when there will be more players). But I was quite disapointed when I saw that I waited 2mn to join a server with 7 players and 20 bots ^^, can’t the server kick a bot so I can play ? That seems crazy to wait for a bot to die ! I’m a real player waiting for a bot… anyways

2 -But when my ship is killed (or all my ships, anyway) and I don’t know how many time I have to wait, and I can’ even play with bots meanwhile… Just have to wait an undefenied time. This looks crazy ! I’m waiting in front of a game with no “remaining time” progress, nothing.

3- Here I speak to marketing guys, (if any). Don’t forget : It’s going to be a free2play game. And free2play are absed on ONE thing :

Have the players stay as long as possible on the game. Have the players addicted.

It has to be easy and rewarding at the beginning, and player who wants to play 24h a day should do it.

How do you want me to spend money on a game that doesn’t allows me to play ?

Unfortunately, I’m 95% agree with the title of this thread, I would say : Game seems to punish new players for playing

You play, you die, and then you cannot play anymore for a while ! So you cannot enjoy. You cannot progress.

Please have something that allows to play without stopping. That’s addictive. That’s how you’ll have addicted players. That’s how you’ll have money…

To the ones that will tell “wait to have 3 ships guy”, I’ll answer that 90% of players won’t play until having 3 ships, they’ll be frustrated before and will quit.

To have a positive ending :slight_smile: the fighting gameplay is quite good, by the way !

about if all ship died… you still can actually… kinda similiar with same style of games like this, after all your ship xploded, you could just quit, change ship, then go to another battle…

but yea… this means you need either separate your ship each battle… (if you only have a set of 3) or get another set of ship (different with one you have already of course…). this actually can fastened rep grind, just gonna costly alot more (aside for buying extra slots and ships, cost for maintaining the ship gonna doubled)

Hi everyone. I’m new here, I started today.

In the first game I played I lasted about 5 minutes. I enjoyed that. Then I died. No respawn… Well, OK, if that is the game rules.

But… the second game I played I died in the 30 first seconds. OK, that was totally my fault but well, I’m new, and I’m learning the game mechanics! And this is when I realized that you cannot absolutely quit a game to start another one.

Guys! This is beta! Beta is made for testing purpose, and failing then waiting for about 15 minutes isn’t really what could give me the craving to test the game…

I really understand why there is no respawn. Kind of giving players responsability for their acts, and make them play seriously. But, please, for beta testing at least, give us respawn, or at least why not another game mode where respawns are (with less rewards for instance)?

Thanks for your game that really looks wonderful.

A beta player that just want to “test” :slight_smile:

edit: I tried to buy a new ship but I got something like 300 credits, dunno why. And ships are so expensive…

if you similiar with game like world of tank or something similiar … you should understand why there’s no respawn…

Courina: I dont blame the game for not having respawn, I understand that. I blame the beta test for not having it. Or, make us, beta testers, have at start 3 ships so that we can test full games.

For now, I have bought other ships so that I never come to spectator mode.

Thanks for your consideration.