Difficult game start

Regardless of how many time i’ve cursed the no-respawn-when-dead feature, i’ve come to see it as part of the game. Either you like it or you dont. I’ve gotten used to it and kinda liking it now :slight_smile:

I understand…

I don’t say you can’t get used to it.

I say most of people will scrap the game before getting used to it.

Obviously some will do just that. It’s never been possible to please everyone and it never will be.

I see it as a design choice.

(well… maybe kinda cruel when you bein ganged by like 4 ship that higher tier than ya hahaha).

if ur not using a frigate its easy to get away when being ganged in an interceptor, fighter if u still have the F ability

i bought a weekly license yesterday and u get tons of xp and a lot more ingame currency …and it kinda sucks not using gold

and the game seems to be p2w game since u can buy ships and other modules like weapons that do a lot more dmg than normal ones, repair hull and shield modules that only have 6 seconds cooldown and the normal ones have 13 seconds and a lot other gold modules that are a ton better than the ones bought with ingame currency … so even from now u can see how the games gonna be a p2w cash cow and that was kinda dissapointing but then again i’ll play the game for a bit and find some other game, but for now i’m still enjoying it

if ur not using a frigate its easy to get away when being ganged in an interceptor, fighter if u still have the F ability

i bought a weekly license yesterday and u get tons of xp and a lot more ingame currency …and it kinda sucks not using gold

and the game seems to be p2w game since u can buy ships and other modules like weapons that do a lot more dmg than normal ones, repair hull and shield modules that only have 6 seconds cooldown and the normal ones have 13 seconds and a lot other gold modules that are a ton better than the ones bought with ingame currency … so even from now u can see how the games gonna be a p2w cash cow and that was kinda dissapointing but then again i’ll play the game for a bit and find some other game, but for now i’m still enjoying it

Well these items are also still in beta so there is enough room for feedback;)

Yep, those items need some balancing. Main problem that i see is with technologies that skip techs, mostly the heavy cannons version. In the skill tree they are a long way up, and just giving them for cash…kinda sucks.

Or, keep the gold reward system as it is or lower. Between some hours of the day, give at least 1 gold per victory and 0 for loss. That’s almost nothing, but it would be highly regarded by the community. People would at least have respec money.

People willing to spend money still would, because if you have a job, you usually don’t have as much time to play, but you have money to pay, for premium at least.

Well these items are also still in beta so there is enough room for feedback;)

i know, i know but i cant fully trust it will be a true f2p and not a p2p with items like mods and ships for gold … but i might be wrong, maybe they wont be as op but i seriously doubt it since all games i played and had items for $ besides War Inc. that gives some gold for ranks, daily gold and had kill events that gave gold still the weapons bought for gold there are extremely op also but at least u get gold from playing also turned to be p2w

now i really hope i’m wrong about this game cause i like it and the license increase in xp, ingame currency and rep would of been enough + ship paint jobs and maybe even a make the ship look totally different with some bought skin would of been great but no modules, ships i’m fine with those if higher tier ships would only be for ingame currency and not have ships for ingame currency and ships for $ that are extremely op stat wise

I am totally not complaining at all. You should be patient. I do not like people, who want to have everything right off the start, when they do not even know how to use a simple ship, that is a First ship - interceptor. It is true though. I mean when I first started I went into a mach with no extra equips, except healing, which i did not even know how to use. Besides, the controls are given to you in .pdf when you install the game and I forgot I had that thing. Anyway I went into a mach…I crashed into a rock…wow… :014j:

Then I had to wait for my ship to be returned. and guess what… my 2nd time was a smash to a stone…again. now here comes the 3rd fight… I pressed F >_> and crashed AGAIN! By the way, I noticed something, that is when you use that super-speed-like thing, you cannot control your ship, in other words, you head exactly the direction, to where you last pointed >_> (but I guess this is no bug, that is supposed to be that way I think) and in my 3rd fight that was a huge rock. And finally 4th fight… before it I remembered the controls I had and became a bit better, until I found out what CTRL key does…Then I was able to deliver kills and gain some nice experience and money too. But you know, it was not for nothing, as I watched others how they play and got used to manoeuvring, avoiding rocks (at last lol), delivering kills and assists. All I can say for starters is this - stay sharp and learn to use CTRL key :smiley: (switches between combat and flight modes (at least is what I would call it)) AND AVOID TEH ROCKS O_o :005j:

kinda same as my experience using the interceptor at first time… but im hit that button just for curiousity… and at 3rd attempt, i can grip it…

Its not hard. You just have to learn set ups and builds. Just with any PVP Game. I started off as a scrub, now I get no less than 3 or 4 kills a game upwards to 12.

And im playing with a 200 + ping at times (american)

I think the OP has a point and since this is beta, should be expressing his opinion on the game play. I see no reason to bash someone for this. If we assume everything is carved in stone, why bother posting at all?

I agree that the new player is punished but for a different reason. A new player has pretty crappy ship. Okay, that’s to be expected that it isn’t as good, being the first. However, people who have played a long time may already have three ships of higher tier and bring all these ships into battle. I didn’t realize (few instructions) that you can’t bring multiple ships of the same tier into a battle so I basically wasted resources by buying another ship of the same tier. Had I known, I’d have saved up for a Medium.

So now you have this more experienced player and not only are they more experienced, they have three ships to use against you and at least two of these are much better than your one ship. Imagine you’re in WoT and have a Leichttraktor. You look across the map and see that your enemy also has a Leichttraktor, but he also has a backup Panzer III and a KV. How would you feel?

I would say the game does not punish you for been new. Its part of starting everyone has to start somewhere. Plus this is beta, Feedback is needed from all players good and bad so that adjustments can be tested and changed around to make everyone happy. It will never be 100% but am sure 99% of the players will be happy in time.

Game sin beta require a lot of time and this been only open for the last year and only just allowing new members into beta its going to take some time for the admins to take the feedback make changes and then make more and more changes if needed.

Indeed things do need to be changed and a new update today has done some changes. Some am more than happy with others I am not. Beta is all about trial and error good and bad. Am sure the more feedback and comments they get the better the outcome of the game will become.

Since the player numbers are low on the closed beta it is hard to start a perfect match because you will never find 16 people with the same ships searching for a match at the same time.

no, dont put all the players with the same ship fighting, this will make “leveling up” useless ( Why will i level up if i will aways fight players with the same ships ? )

that could be a better solution…

no, dont put all the players with the same ship fighting, this will make “leveling up” useless ( Why will i level up if i will aways fight players with the same ships ? )

that could be a better solution…

I agree, but don’t give players three better ships while newbs have one worse ship. Have different tiers in the same match, like WoT. I don’t think it’s fair that people get three ships against one. You also need to have at least three ships available from the start so that when you die, you don’t have to wait 10 minutes to play. You can just pick another ship and go into another battle.

Plus this is beta,

Exactly, and we’re not trying to bash the game. Now is the time for people to voice their ideas and opinions before it’s too late to change. Don’t take my criticisms the wrong way. We are here in the best interest of the game.

Exactly, and we’re not trying to bash the game. Now is the time for people to voice their ideas and opinions before it’s too late to change. Don’t take my criticisms the wrong way. We are here in the best interest of the game.

Nice words you it is beta and now is the best time to get feedback so we can see what the players want;)

Why not combine a few of the above suggestions? have a tier 0 ship or ships to start with, and allow tier 0 ships to gain resources in bot matches. That way, new players can learn against bots in a ship that’s designed for that purpose, and then by the time they’re ready for PvP games, they’ve accrued enough resources to buy a couple of tier 1 ships.

On the other topic: I’m absolutely 100% fine with paying for gear - that’s the nature of Free to Play. But perhaps instead of being able to buy gear that is purely better, why not just be able to buy gear that is from higher levels? Players with money (like me) who want to support the devs can get a boost in the time it takes for them to get higher-grade equipment, while freebie players will eventually be competitive against them too. I will generally spend money in Free to Play games, but not if there are premium-only items that are clearly superior - it dulls the fun. I’d much rather spend cash to get premium xp boosts and such. Just my 2 cents :slight_smile:

if you similiar with game like world of tank or something similiar … you should understand why there’s no respawn…

Exactly, I enjoyed the way WoT did it but in SC if you quit out of a battle after dying you cannot play again with a separate ship until that battle is over. If you could roll up another battle with a different ship you had purchased that would make the game more enjoyable. Just to be clear I love this game and understand it is barely in beta but still.

I played hundreds of games, and they all were balanced , only players with Ships of the same type (1, 2 our 3).

But now** , **** began to **** be unbalanced **.

I have a Level II Spacecraft , but when I enter the battle, o nly against opponents and the B** ot **'s Level III.

I with my Frigate Harpy , with the hull of 11,000 , I’m destroyed with a missile launched by b** ot **** level **** III **.

Honestly I am discouraged with the Star Conflict , I am playing a whole week to be able toget out of the Legion Level 6 to Level 7 Legion**.**

Already tired of being Destroying Bot’s and uneventful in the game.

I hope my dismay not contaminate the rest of the players.

But I know the players and were playing the Star Conflict 've given up.

Not to say that I’m giving up** , but I’m **** bored.**

In what year will put more content in the game?


Now the imbalance is much greater!

My Ships Level II , playing against Starship opponents of Level IV!

Unable to play well**.**
