Different shooting system

Can we get a system where: once the shots come out they do it where the mouse is currently aiming and not where the mouse was when you made the click? Just like shots come out at the lead marker (wich is constantly changing position). This is specially important with high ping since it would make proyectile weapons and unguided missiles much more like hit track weapons are (lasers) and would prevent missing by enormous amounts of distance if not hitting precisely in the lead marker circle, making proyectile weapons a viable option for high ping players specially at close quarter combats (like orbiting a ship and shooting it with RF blaster).

This system is pretty similar to lock on lead marker ping assistance, only that instead of relegating to the dynamic circle predicting the current ship trayectory to the center of it, it would be relegated to current mouse position. Delay on shots would still happen of course, thats part of how SC handles ping related to shooting and movement.


Why doing this? Because in many times you will know for sure that correctly aiming at the lead marker will grant you a 100% ensured miss, moment where low ping players will slightly correct their aim, and moment where high ping players will rage because they cant do anything at all (but wait for an ECM with stasis to make their guns usefull again), except to get the only really high proyectile speed weapon that is known as mass driver (with acceleration coils).

In case this is going to be implemented, it should never be a replacement of the old system, because for some occasions you will want to aim well and rest (like hitting steady targets/buildings), specially for well placed shots. The advantage of this new system comes specially on sustained fire and when dogfighting. Depending on ping and player playing style one system will work better for him, so this option MUST be an option (changed at settings or keybinded to allow ingame flexibility) and not a replacement.

What you are proposing is a client side computation, which is not going to happen in this game since everything is already on the server side. This is why AimAssistance even exist in the 1st place.

And because everything is server side is why your servers are slowly dying inside.

What you are proposing is a client side computation, which is not going to happen in this game since everything is already on the server side. This is why AimAssistance even exist in the 1st place.

Then how does aim assistance works? Shots come out according to actual ship position prediction, wich in most of the times is different than where you initially aimed. Thats why you can keep firing and hitting for a short time period to ships that just cloacked even if you stopped firing or if you are aiming in a very wrong place (i would dare to say that with 5000 ping you would be able to hit and decloack ships that just cloacked only by shooting them when they were not cloacked, with 100% success). Thats also why your few next shots after a LRF has RTed will direct to the new position of the ship, or in any situation where enemy ship drastically changes direction and your shot is correctly directed to the prediction lead, something that wouldnt commonly happen with low ping because human response its usually not that fast. Of course you had a delay in the shot wich makes things harder in first place, so i dont see benefits from having high ping, i consider this a sort of balance…that its still not enough to compensate its downsides.

The only way to compensate for high Ping in shooting game is either by removing ballistics and have everything hit scan (even that can potentially screwed up) or you move computations to the client. There is simply no other way around, all server side calculations are subject to ping, no matter how much you extrapolate and predict the future.

Have everything hitscan is not really “diverse” and client side is an open road for cheating.

And because everything is server side is why your servers are slowly dying inside.

Nope, server utilization is very rarely at its maximum.

Whats the opinion of the experts? Can it be done? Does it requires too much work? Seems reasonable/beneficial to the game?