Different shapes and colours for containers

I suggest a container overhaul that allows you to visually identify what is wishing said container. Not by the items themselves, but the types of items. Right now we have fuel in fuel canisters and everything else tucked away in the same old looking container. I suggest a simple visual change like the following examples:

  1. Credit cargo and trophies is the standard white cargo container as seen now.

  2. Materials of all types are shown in darker brown/bronze containers or rocks if unrefined.

  3. Iridium is contained in green containers.

  4. Special items like blueprints and parts and other items without category are placed in larger, golden containers.

  5. If you pick it up in a certain container, you drop it in the same container.

Containers should rotate longer so they aren’t static items after 2s. Would look more spacey. It probably wouldn’t be as nice for them to drift longer as then you have to chase them to pick them up :slight_smile:

Containers should rotate longer so they aren’t static items after 2s. Would look more spacey. It probably wouldn’t be as nice for them to drift longer as then you have to chase them to pick them up :slight_smile:

i could get used of setting a steady vector to pick the item up, but first you need to take out the enemies, then loot…in the heat of battle you cant see where containers go, so unless you have them on the hud, you will miss most of them spreading all over the map. I would really love to see more lasting movement of objects hit, but in order to work right there have to be a few changes in the game first.