Different Ping Color for Squad Mates

Instead of the ping being red all the time, I’d like to see it be Yellow if being used by a team mate, and then Green if being used by a person in my squad.


I care about pings from my squad mates much more than some random person.


Add a skull to the ping icon if it is a ping from ‘Captain’ in the captain matches.


I think red is a bad color to choose since its the color of the opposing team and lasers/etc.

I don’t see how red for general team is a problem but green ping from squad mates could be pretty useful

Speaking of the ping, someone knows how to bring it back to the chat window? I mean, for the text to reappear, since it seems to have dissapeared for me u.u

Speaking of the ping, someone knows how to bring it back to the chat window? I mean, for the text to reappear, since it seems to have dissapeared for me u.u

And everyone else.


Another example of ninja changes NOT NOTED ON THE PATCH NOTES.

And everyone else.


Another example of ninja changes NOT NOTED ON THE PATCH NOTES.

worked for me when switching to general chat from squad/corp. Have to check if it is still there.

worked for me when switching to general chat from squad/corp. Have to check if it is still there.

tried that, didnt work


and the entire thing is something that was suggested months ago iirc

There should be an option to TOGGLE those notifications. For me are important and necessary, but maybe they are not for someone else. So instead of completely removing them, why not to add a simple option to switch it ON/OFF?

F*ck Logic.

There is


Settings > game > Toggle coordination chat messages

There was a thread about PINGS revamped or something…

There is


Settings > game > Toggle coordination chat messages

Nice confusing name and location, no doubt I haven’t seen it.

Anyway, thanks a lot for clearing that up :slight_smile:

as a member of ESB it was very difficult to play at a high level on russian servers ( i live in texas, usa )


different ping color may help who knows but it still was difficult

as a member of ESB it was very difficult to play at a high level on russian servers ( i live in texas, usa )


different ping color may help who knows but it still was difficult


I thought ESB was purely Russian and you HAD to live in Russia to join them…lol

I thought ESB was purely Russian and you HAD to live in Russia to join them…lol


Clearly they are recruiting Texans.

i want the auto info in the chat back when you ping, like it used to have some stuff typed into the chat

Settings -> Game -> Team coordination chat messages.


I wish the devs would put things like this in patch notes.

There was this poll, it was conducted in the game as well. 

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21286-do-you-find-the-“all-eyes-on-target”-spam-in-combat-annoying/?mode=show](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21286-do-you-find-the-%E2%80%9Call-eyes-on-target%E2%80%9D-spam-in-combat-annoying/?mode=show)

Also, players have decided that messages are annoying and the don’t want them in the chat. We have removed them. 


You can use Settings -> Game -> Team coordination chat messages for that. 

We are trying to figure out, why was it not included in the patchnotes.