Devs for real? :S

Ok i’d like to adress the current event that you need to get max synergy ship on certain tier to farm the compoments for the new ships, i like the idea of gaining new ships, but i hate the concept of bunching every single player in named tiers (5,8,10).

I’m mad due to the fact that majority of matches are 1 sided, how can you get players on tier 8 that got no clue what the objective is? How to time wise your action, who to attack first… That leads into an instant downfall and not even worth my time, specialy on a heavy ship like frigate or eng, i had 6 games in a row where i just got in didnt do anything big to get some score out of it since there was no time, and the game ended. I could afk even and got the same score with a difference of what 90? That leads into your statistic, exp gain, cash gain… So games like that will waste 3-6 mins of your time, with poorly gained exp, close to 0 cash, and ofc your statistic will go down, that all leads into a negative aspect of the current gameplay. I can fairly say that more than 30% of the games are not even worth playing it’s way better if you just let them win. Even the fact that you wish to do something will just get on your nerve. Since the result will still be the same with or without some points. The main problem that you did is get all players play the same tier, via event wise, but yet didnt ban or balance, teach, force players to play with logic and actualy care about ther gameplay., i’ve even talked to some of the devs a while back and due to lack of players they care for quantity rather than quality, i get that in a way, but i for sure dont get the fact on why do you persist to have a reputation of not doing a thing as you spot a problem. Everything that i’m saying can be predicted with a switft look at your forum from a new player perspective, i’m sorry but did you lose your common sense and gaming aspect when posting such updates or even so balance math? Now i’m asking will you fix the balance issue and teamplaying (people got no clue how to teamplaying, 90% of the games are without teamplaying as it is, so eng, frigate… got no cover, altho they work super well in a team) in a day or 2 that is, or suspend the event till further notice, or let me report those games and you remove the gained stats value, just let me keep the cash( i did waste my time there didnt i)? Something has to be done, if a player is doomed beforehand and cant do anything to fix it, i’m sorry but this one is on you. Tell me what do you wish to do. But you need to do something and you need to do it fast. Dont force a player to play with this issues.

I like it because u see the inevitable failure of mankind reflected in your own actions. I think the Devs where inspired by Lovecraft, especially “The colour out of Space” and just want to show u that u are insignificant in the face of the cosmic horror.

There is a lack of teamplay, I agree. Since devs removed squads for such a long time, people couldn’t play with better pilots and learn the game. However I don’t understand how this has anything to do with flying maxed ships for the missions?

There are still unbalanced games but I have seen some improvement lately, at least in rank 9 (rank 11-15 is still fucked up by destroyers with gravity thingy)

It was last week that I joined a beacon capture game. The score when I joined? 

600 to 999


Of course I was in the 600 team. We didn’t capture even a single beacon before the end. It ended with a score of 0 to 949 (because of some kills). 

How the hell is that balanced. 

What the hell  ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

Biggest joke ever.


“We’ve yound you a game, but you won’t play sorry”

Spectator mode maybe ?

On 07.07.2016 at 8:33 PM, _PainIsMyGame_ said:

I’m mad due to the fact that majority of matches are 1 sided

Our data shows opposite. We had much more of this matches before MM update. There’re always will be few, like in every PvP game, we can just keep trying to reduce their amount as possible. But there’s a way to approach this.


On 13.07.2016 at 4:38 PM, Swifter43021 said:

We didn’t capture even a single beacon before the end. It ended with a score of 0 to 949 (because of some kills). 

How the hell is that balanced. 

If you’re expieriencing this kinds of fights several times in a row, you can make a bug report about it. With Sceershots and logs, of course. Then we will see what’s happening ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Very rarely do I find a balanced match in PVP that is even worth fighting and taking the time.  I usually have to play 6 or more pvp before a win comes out.  And the scores of the lost ones are often typical, 1200 - 2400 Eff or more for each opponent on the red team, at the most 600 for any on our team.  The result is that I debate wether it is even worth the time and effort to play pvp.

2 hours ago, warp51 said:

Very rarely do I find a balanced match in PVP that is even worth fighting and taking the time.  I usually have to play 6 or more pvp before a win comes out.  And the scores of the lost ones are often typical, 1200 - 2400 Eff or more for each opponent on the red team, at the most 600 for any on our team.  The result is that I debate wether it is even worth the time and effort to play pvp.

PVP is very challanging. Despite the often one-sided games, I do manage to keep a 1.0 win/loss ratio though, which means I win half of my matches. Maybe you need to change the sort of ship you are flying? Often the only way to “carry” a bad team is to fly a damage-dealer (gunship, cov ops, tackler in some cases…) and kill as many of the enemy team as you can, until their respawn timers increase and your bad teammates are able to capture a beacon or plant a bomb. Or you can attempt to do the objectives yourself, which is almost impossible in some cases.

But to be very honest with you, I have noticed an increase in balanced matches in t3 at least, since the last patch. T5 is still often unbalanced because of the nature of the ships (every little mistake while flying can punish you a lot).

1 hour ago, millanbel said:

Often the only way to “carry” a bad team is to fly a damage-dealer

There’s basically no way to carry a Star Conflict PvP match. I’m farming for the Kite-E, and because of that I have to play rank 5 matches. In one of the matches I played, I got over 4k points and 12 kills, but still I couldn’t prevent my team from losing… 

But, most of the fights are quite balanced. The matchmaker is fine as it is.

Well sometimes it is impossible yes

Any person playing a PvP “teambased” game, must understand and accept couple simple facts:

  1. You can not win every single game

  2. You are the most common factor in every single game, if your “win ratio” is below 50% (after 100+ games for statistical sample), it is basically your fault, you contribute to your team losses more often than not. You are the most influential factor to your win ratio, that is why there are people that has 30% win percentage, and there are people that have 70%+

  3. There is no such thing as “unlucky matchmaking”, “matchmaking hates me”. Again with bigger sample size, every player is in the same boat.

  4. Every single game there will be an opponent that will “play to win” the game, meaning that he will be using most optimal and efficient builds, instead of d1cking around under influence and convincing himself that he is “trolling people”. Meaning it is up to you to either match enemies desire to win with yours, or not. 

Damn kosty you know how to explain these things well!

Can we discuss ‘balanced’ games?
Because what is ‘balanced’? I hate domination as the most ‘balanced’ matches in this teammode are 300-0 while they are quite often the opposite with 600-0/900-0.
For me beacon hunt is the most balanced, as I have last secs loses(really 23-20 or 3-0 on the counter left). Combat recon: If both captains are still alive the battle can be balanced until the end(even with having one team with 20 to 10 kills) as the captain is the main factor: One yolo rush could turn the lost due kills into win due your captain is alive but the enemy one not.
CtB is funny. Sadly that they removed this.
Detonation can be the same as combat recon. You don’t know if you have lost until the timer or your station run out.

Why should domination be unbalanced? You want every game to be “a close one”? I had most “close ones” in Domination…

Beacon Hunt sometimes can just as well end in a total disaster for your team, if you have the lucky draw of getting the complete braintards. Which happens! Can happen in any online game anyway!

I am not saying, some things could be done better. As atm. capture denial is again easy and it’s repeating itself, I would simply change the whole damage-cancels-capture thing, because obviously, it creates some schizophrenia in the design of new abilities and weapons to be fair. Seriously, capture denial makes no sense in this game anymore.

Anyway, nobody seems to bother deathmatch, which is my favourite gamemode. No bullshit beacons, just kill. While I like combat recon, I would be glad if it wouldnt come as often.

And I can not say, there are not steps which make you “more skilled” in winning games. Bringing a good mix of ships, to switch between objective, support and killing, does wonders. And there are skills in reading the current situation, or seeing which move, you personally can pull off, would change the team. But it includes also to learn really a lot of classes, and learn also to notice your players’ strengths, which becomes a kind of intuition. And also losing a bit, remembering what did and did not work. Basicly becoming a good soldier and seeing your team as an asset, and giving 110% sometimes can result in an epic win. But it’s not something daily.

24 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

don’t forget about 2D map to see objectives and pilot’s location(enemy/ally)

  • this info from hud is useful:


That is exactly how mine is set up. It gets cluttered sometimes, but I don’t mind that.

Youd be more efficient if you bring clusterfuck overlay of info when needed instead of constant - there is a button that toggles it. Same goes for the radar you gotta use both - there is a toggle button for that too.

I dunno man, all my keys near ASDF are taken up, and to press the other side of my keyboard I need to take my eyes off the screen. The extra info doesn’t bother me too much. I do toggle between radar and map though, those are both useful.

Call me a Ace, but I think the radar is just confusing. There are already directional arrows around your hud that tell you where the enemies are. The radar can be useful to spot their exact location relative to you, but imo is hard to interpret. 

28 minutes ago, ShonFrost said:

The radar can be useful to spot their exact location relative to you, but imo is hard to interpret. 

This is not “usefull”, it is “crucial” info.

Pretty much every space game that has a radar, has it this way, so i got used to use it awile ago.

37 minutes ago, millanbel said:

I dunno man, all my keys near ASDF are taken up, and to press the other side of my keyboard I need to take my eyes off the screen. The extra info doesn’t bother me too much. I do toggle between radar and map though, those are both useful.

You can always incorporate a modifier and all of a sudden 1 modifier doubles your awailable keys. It requires some config editing though since client doesnt let you bind it this way through menu.