Devs for real? :S

28 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

You can always incorporate a modifier and all of a sudden 1 modifier doubles your awailable keys. It requires some config editing though since client doesnt let you bind it this way through menu.

That would be nice indeed. I love using ctrl + … bindings for strategy games, but as you say it’s not standard in SC. I thought once of using the middle of the keyboard instead of ASDF, but it was such a faff.

Deathmatch is just the same as domination. Just with ship lives instead of just points.

What make domination suck is how the beacon work. Even if you have captured one, the enemy points aren’t depleted while yours do. And even if you deny the cap of a beacon, it doesn’t bring you back into game. You hardly can win in this mode if you are way behind the other team. In detonation/Combat recon/CtB you have a second goal(or better said the primary) to achieve even a win in a total ‘lost’ match.
The tournaments show how blatant the mode is there. You either wait until your enemy make a small mistake or you make a last minute push for just one kill.

To the keyboard-issue: Gaming-mouse may work wonder.

Everything has its time to shine, and just like with different 4 ships equipped, there is no reason to limit own options in different sittuations, hence the mode change toggle.

MM worst then ever

new weps are anoying and suck big time

Devs still don’t have a clue what they are doing

SC worst then ever…

maybe it’s time to go off for another 100 days or so… maybe they will change something by then