Developer Game Improvements Priorities

Basically, what do you think that devs should do now and what they should save for later. Name your top 5 (or 10, if you want).

Mine are as follows:

  1. Please give us the old camera back!

  2. More guns and weapon types. I made a huge thread for this in the weapons and modules section.

  3. Free roaming would be awesome.

  4. Make a credits to GS exchanger, make GS cheaper.

  5. Looting system fix. GS should give us the modules 100% of the time, otherwise I believe it’s borderline illegal. Free extraction can stay at 10%, pay 30% of the module for a 25% chance, 50% for a 40% chance, and 75% for a 60% chance.

  6. Complete ship customisation. Start with a hull or a preset, maybe even an existing ship. Then add new parts to it, like wings, spoilers, engines etc. The type of ship depends on what hull you used. Adding more weapon mounts decreases your speed and manoeuvrability.

  7. Squad chat. Having to speak through private messages is tiring.

  8. Premium Improvements. Instead of just levelling up faster and having access to unique ships (which need a slight buff), they should get bonuses such as discounts on weaponry, mods and modules.

  9. Contract Panel. Someone suggested that moving you mouse over a particular level on a faction should reveal what you get at that level. Other than that, maybe possible to have both contracts in the same alignment (Emmpire, Jericho, Federation) if you’re premium. More incentive to buy.

  10. When purchasing ships, they come EMPTY. No modules, no weapons, nothing. They should come at a slightly reduced cost, though.

  1. Rollback FoV to pre 0.8.1 (Frigate is unbearable).

  2. Give an option to buy ships with or without equpitment (for a lower price ofc.) 

  3. Reduce repair costs in T4. 

  4. Revamp ship tree, so that there is every class available at the end rank. (i.e. there is no recon rank 9 nor tackler rank 9 (bear doesnt count)). 

  5. A few more Maps would be great (the new one is awesome btw.).

  1. Rollback game to 7.13(Everything since then has gone downhill hard, 7.13 was doable, contracts were bad, but gameplay was fun as hell)

  2. Fix the looting system(Non-pay 40% Pay 60% and make it cost 50 GS instead of 75 GS(I do hate the new looting system, but it has it’s fun sides and I’m willing to see it as part of the game if it gets fixed))

  3. *To iterate on 1.* Roll back ship tree(To make progression logical again)

  4. Roll back ship specials(Because I liked the diversity between the races)

  5. Roll back ship classes(Because currently it’s entirely stupid)

  1. Rollback camera to 0.8.0 and leave it alone.

  2. Rollback looting system to 0.8.0.

  3. Rollback ship tree to 0.7.10 but keep current roles.

  4. Reduce ship repair costs across the board, but especially for T3/4.

  5. Rollback Friendly Fire to 0.7.13.

  6. Bring back unique variants in special ship abilities.

  7. Fix corporations fighting their own pilots in sector conquest.

  8. Start introducing visual customizations.

  1. Rollback loyalty gain to 0.7.9

  2. Rollback camera to before (for example, to 0.7.9)

  3. Rollback  Ship tree,ship role changes and module slot layout / fitting restrictions to before the big change (for example like in 0.7.9)

  4. Rollback to no mixed tiers fights (for example 0.7.9)

  5. Rollback loot system to when loot isnt breaking and gives decent cash (for example, 0.7.9)

  6. Rollback to when new players coming into the game got a free license for a full week  (0.7.9)

  7. Rollback the silly implant/reimplant cost change (back to 0.7.9) or at least lower the cost significantly

  8. Rollback friendly fire (for example like it was in 0.7.9) but add message and penalties for teamdamage/ -kills

  9. Rollback so ships we buy dont come full of crappy mk I modules and Rollback ship prices (for example to 0.7.9)


Some of the things I’d like to be rolled back were changed later than 0.7.10 but I have chosen 0.7.9 as example because it was the last version of the game before you devs started all those patches annoying a big part of your playerbase.

So the simplest solution would be imho to simply Rollback the whole game to 0.7.9 version and then add all the useful stuff back in that you developed after that, like the new map (which I love), UI improvements (camera was NOT an improvement), sector control (needs some more work, but its a start) and all the other stuff we actually liked.


TL;DR bring back 0.7.9 + the good stuff you made since then.

Basically, what do you think that devs should do now and what they should save for later. Name your top 5 (or 10, if you want).

Mine are as follows:

  1. Please give us the old camera back!

  2. More guns and weapon types. I made a huge thread for this in the weapons and modules section.

  3. Free roaming would be awesome.

  4. Make a credits to GS exchanger, make GS cheaper.

  5. Looting system fix. GS should give us the modules 100% of the time, otherwise I believe it’s borderline illegal. Free extraction can stay at 10%, pay 30% of the module for a 25% chance, 50% for a 40% chance, and 75% for a 60% chance.

  6. Complete ship customisation. Start with a hull or a preset, maybe even an existing ship. Then add new parts to it, like wings, spoilers, engines etc. The type of ship depends on what hull you used. Adding more weapon mounts decreases your speed and manoeuvrability.

  7. Squad chat. Having to speak through private messages is tiring.

  8. Premium Improvements. Instead of just levelling up faster and having access to unique ships (which need a slight buff), they should get bonuses such as discounts on weaponry, mods and modules.

  9. Contract Panel. Someone suggested that moving you mouse over a particular level on a faction should reveal what you get at that level. Other than that, maybe possible to have both contracts in the same alignment (Emmpire, Jericho, Federation) if you’re premium. More incentive to buy.

  10. When purchasing ships, they come EMPTY. No modules, no weapons, nothing. They should come at a slightly reduced cost, though.

  1. Camera will hopefully be adjusted soon.

  2. Will be done in the near future.

  3. Could you explain it more detailed?

  4. Won’t happen. GS are already really cheap compared to other games.

  5. We will hopefully see a change here soon.

  6. Has already been suggested, but cannot be realized in the near future.

  7. This already exists.

  8. We need to see what can be added without making the game P2W.

  9. Contract system will get some rework in the future.

  10. Has already been forwarded.

  1. Camera will hopefully be adjusted soon.

  2. Will be done in the near future.

  3. Could you explain it more detailed?

  4. Won’t happen. GS are already really cheap compared to other games.

  5. We will hopefully see a change here soon.

  6. Has already been suggested, but cannot be realized in the near future.

  7. This already exists.

  8. We need to see what can be added without making the game P2W.

  9. Contract system will get some rework in the future.

  10. Has already been forwarded.


  1. Okay, this one is a bit long-winded, so bear with me.

The image I have for this is to use the current sector conquest layout, however, each small ‘block’ of the map would be an individual map unto itself, or modified versions of the same map (for example, simplicity dictates most sectors be empty space with a few anomalies here and there, plus faction-controlled stations and outposts within each sector). Clicking a small map icon in the bottom left opens up how the sector conquest launch screen currently looks now (maybe called the world map?), except you can pick any sector that belongs to your faction and instead of ‘engage’, it’s just ‘travel’. However, like the current sector conquest system, some sectors will pulse their faction colour, indicating a war occurring in that area. Clicking one of those on the world map will change ‘travel’ to ‘enagage’. Obviously, clicking ‘engage’ would initiate a battle like the ones that occur now, although maybe with a choice of gamemode. That’s a vague idea of what I had in mind; it’s up to you if you want to use it. If you want some more details I can give you what I’ve written.

  1. Okay, sure. Is there any way to get GS without paying for them though (besides polls)? Maybe as very rare discoveries/prizes? And can you purchase them in pounds?

  2. It’s needed. Like I said before, I checked and the system currently in place and the law is very iffy about whether you can actually do it or not. Each time we use GS to extract a module, it’s technically gambling, and some of the people you have playing this are underage, and even then you need a gambling license per country. You may want to iron this out as fast as possible to avoid getting into any legal troubles.

  3. I can live with that.

  4. Huh… Never noticed it before. How exactly do you do that?

  5. Well, I tried to keep the suggestion in a balance between getting benefits worthy of paying for and not making the game a P2W.

Error, you guys desperately need to adjust the European GS prices, it keeps people from purchasing them since currently the GS can cost up to twice as much in the UK as they do in the US, that is not acceptable.

“They are working on it”

Error, you guys desperately need to adjust the European GS prices, it keeps people from purchasing them since currently the GS can cost up to twice as much in the UK as they do in the US, that is not acceptable.

I have already forwarded this to the publisher.


  1. Okay, this one is a bit long-winded, so bear with me.

The image I have for this is to use the current sector conquest layout, however, each small ‘block’ of the map would be an individual map unto itself, or modified versions of the same map (for example, simplicity dictates most sectors be empty space with a few anomalies here and there, plus faction-controlled stations and outposts within each sector). Clicking a small map icon in the bottom left opens up how the sector conquest launch screen currently looks now (maybe called the world map?), except you can pick any sector that belongs to your faction and instead of ‘engage’, it’s just ‘travel’. However, like the current sector conquest system, some sectors will pulse their faction colour, indicating a war occurring in that area. Clicking one of those on the world map will change ‘travel’ to ‘enagage’. Obviously, clicking ‘engage’ would initiate a battle like the ones that occur now, although maybe with a choice of gamemode. That’s a vague idea of what I had in mind; it’s up to you if you want to use it. If you want some more details I can give you what I’ve written.

  1. Okay, sure. Is there any way to get GS without paying for them though (besides polls)? Maybe as very rare discoveries/prizes? And can you purchase them in pounds?

  2. It’s needed. Like I said before, I checked and the system currently in place and the law is very iffy about whether you can actually do it or not. Each time we use GS to extract a module, it’s technically gambling, and some of the people you have playing this are underage, and even then you need a gambling license per country. You may want to iron this out as fast as possible to avoid getting into any legal troubles.

  3. I can live with that.

  4. Huh… Never noticed it before. How exactly do you do that?

  5. Well, I tried to keep the suggestion in a balance between getting benefits worthy of paying for and not making the game a P2W.

3.We already have some plans for the sector conquest. One of these will be that we will have certain sectors which will be especially for corporation battles.

4.We have events from time to time, where you can get a decent amount of GS.(The last event gave 4500GS to the winners).

5.The loot is still under discussion and I cannot give any details about its future at the moment.

7.As soon as you join a squad the squad chat appears next to the Global/Corporation chat.

Error, give the devs my praise. The new camera is almost as good as the old one, if not just a tad better.