Developer blog from October 1st: Work in Progress




The Centre is ready to talk about their work.


As you may have noticed, we started the procedure of introducing new modules. Spatial scanner, Reverse Thruster, Duplicator, Spectre Shield, Shared cooling — these devices the pilots already know. Most recently, another module became available on the main servers, ‘Engine Crusie Modification’.

Many have already noticed the experimental prototype of this module in the Armory, available for the third and fourth level of technology. Testing and balancing changes led to the final version, and we decided to release it on the T5.


For those who didn’t have the time to test it:


  • Can only be installed on Fighters,

  • Increases: Speed by 17%;

  • Acceleration to 100%;

  • Afterburner speed increased further increased 1.4+ times (increases with the improvement of the module to 1.66, while in testing the ratio was 1.5)


This engine tweak allows you to take a different look at Fighters, which can now get to the scene almost faster than Interceptors. Now the Fighters are more likely to break out of the ‘carousel’ of dogfighting or quickly change the dislocation. That is, the module focuses on the pilots who dislike endless circling but like to move quickly across the battlefield.


Centre wants to remind you that each module is thoroughly tested and is put in the store only when all the balancing tweaks are finished.


In the two latest patches, many ships have undergone cosmetic changes and now look much nicer. You can check out Golden Eagle, Mammoth, Berserker on the official channel of Star Conflict. And here you can look at the redesigned Jericho ECM Karud.










We also touched upon socialization — you can now get generous rewards for inviting friends!




Integration into Vkontakte also can’t be ignored — now every pilot can share his victories in their personal profile. And this is still not the end of it — plenty more features to add.




We continue working on all fronts.


Centre will soon show a new map for PvP mode, with its gameplay more dependent on team work and tactical decisions.






Most recently, we launched a weekly contest ‘Rest from the Helm!’ in the official Star Conflict community. Here is the selection of the best pictures of the week.












And finally, the most attentive pilots noticed that the special are now run not only on weekends but also during the week. Stay tuned to keep up with the news!

On the Fighters:


If the idea is to allow Fighters Players

“to break out of the ‘carousel’ of dogfighting or quickly change the dislocation.”


Can we expect to see more “Bombs” in the game to diversify the gameplay of Fighters?

On the Fighters:


If the idea is to allow Fighters Players

Can we expect to see more “Bombs” in the game to diversify the gameplay of Fighters?

God, I hope not. The whole idea behind the Fighters IS their ability to dogfight…

See, I don’t get how that works. There’s no way a Fighter is going to outrun an Inty even with this engine module; even at T3 I can get 500-600m/s out of an Interceptor, and at T5 it’s almost a given that Interceptors will push the speed cap. There’s no way a Fighter can outrun that, and from what I’ve heard that module ruins your ability to duck and weave.


So something is off here; either this module hasn’t been tested, or that’s not the actual purpose of the module.

See, I don’t get how that works. There’s no way a Fighter is going to outrun an Inty even with this engine module; even at T3 I can get 500-600m/s out of an Interceptor, and at T5 it’s almost a given that Interceptors will push the speed cap. There’s no way a Fighter can outrun that, and from what I’ve heard that module ruins your ability to duck and weave.


So something is off here; either this module hasn’t been tested, or that’s not the actual purpose of the module.

Yes, something is off here, your knowledge of the current metagame.


In T3, most interceptors builds are around 410-500 m/s top speed. Of course you can build an Eagle B or a sai to be faster, but you will lose any combat utility.


In T5, it is not better. The usual avg speed is around 450-510 m/s, because in interceptors you need to be agile to survive, so your engine mods goes to verniers and compensators, not to speed modules. So any fed or jerry fighter can keep more than 600 m/s with a single cruise module.


So far, I see the cruise module as a nice addition to the game. You trade maneuverability and acceleration in close combat (strafe) for afterburner speed in a straight line. Lot of turret fighter fits are now better thanks to this.


And yes, it is annoying having Swords going 600 m/s, but they cannot use Afterburners in close combat (or they will lose any maneuverability) and energy regen much worse, so it is balanced.

See, I don’t get how that works. There’s no way a Fighter is going to outrun an Inty even with this engine module; even at T3 I can get 500-600m/s out of an Interceptor, and at T5 it’s almost a given that Interceptors will push the speed cap. There’s no way a Fighter can outrun that, and from what I’ve heard that module ruins your ability to duck and weave.


So something is off here; either this module hasn’t been tested, or that’s not the actual purpose of the module.


On Fed in T5 at least you get to cap with 1 cruise engine. You can dogfight no problem, but only if you’re not using the afterburner. When afterburning you mostly go on a straight line. But really freakin’ 700m/s fast. So yes, you will outrun most interceptors if you time it right. On the other hand, energy drain + any form of slow are very very painful. 

On Fed in T5 at least you get to cap with 1 cruise engine. You can dogfight no problem, but only if you’re not using the afterburner. When afterburning you mostly go on a straight line. But really freakin’ 700m/s fast. So yes, you will outrun most interceptors if you time it right. On the other hand, energy drain + any form of slow are very very painful. 

Also, you cannot use adaptive while dogfighting.

The real question here is… Why would you even use that module in PvP?.. Other those useless Beacon capture fits, that is.

Other those useless Beacon capture fits, that is.


For this.  The number of times I see ridiculously fast tacklers in sec con that rush up to one of our exterior beacons, poop two drones, cloak go to the other side and poop two more drones is unbelievable.  They are very hard to kill and by the time you have, the rest of their team have got your drones down and captured one or two beacons.


Reminds me a bit of those recon + fed engy squads we had about a month or two ago.  Thank god that trend seems to have worn off now.






Nothing about the dreadnaughts?  Come on, give us something to chew on for a bit at least XD  I hope you don’t do like with Invasion and just one Thursday integrate the whole thing into the game without any notice or build up of suspense and a sense of expectation  ( *ahem*   advertising   *ahem* )

Cruise is very limited.  It’s pretty much only for long distance maps.  I would avoid fighting with it unless you really had to.


What about that dreadnought picture on facebook?

The Cruise module needs more than just a quick try and decide.

It is clear, that with every new module, the troll tactics emerge before: using it to cap beacons, to run around in circles, or worse, be the most magnificent feeder on the battlefield, delivering your fighter almost as fast into an enemy team, like a failed recon warp, or being as useless as an inefficient sniper, while your team gets slaughtered.


You can get away from most ceptors, however, tacklers can counter this fit pretty effectively. don’t forget, inhibitor turns off the afterburner.


If you fly cruise, imagine, you are a jet, and the others are ground troops. you deliver point strikes.

it is most viable on certain fed tacklers and fighters. on empire and jericho, it is better to be used a repositioning tool.


also, the fit has to be adjusted, to be efficient. energy needs to be recuperated from somewhere…


In T5 this fit is most unnerving, because the games can be very small, leaving you without tacklers - and ECMs are not very helpful against a speed-gunship, or speed tackler, who actually knows what he is doing; especially if he got a team which is not as easy to kill aswell.

ECMs can be lucky and get the fighter as he passes his target; however recons can warp to the point where he feels safe. In T3, a plasma-gun-sai e.g. can deal with multiple cruisers. (but that fit is only viable for mining, bombing and capturing since plasma gun isnt the best dogfight weapon)


But every Cruise Fighter leaves your core team with one member less - so if the jets just fly around, without hitting targets, or being efficient, you lose the ground war, therefore the game.


It’s a lovely addition. But I think, a lot of very skilled players are actually pretty bad in doing new stuff, so they ignore the cruise as a troll mechanism, while a lot of players with imagination just come up with annoying ideas, without being very efficient.



Now what I just miss in this dev blog are actual things from the future, or similar things, like interviews or visions; summing up what has been done is nice, but it feels like a dev blog should contain more bleeding edge information for core fans, not sum up stuff for facebook followers. It’s not bad as it is, just could need a bit more of that, so this is meant as constructive critique.

See, I don’t get how that works. There’s no way a Fighter is going to outrun an Inty even with this engine module; even at T3 I can get 500-600m/s out of an Interceptor, and at T5 it’s almost a given that Interceptors will push the speed cap. There’s no way a Fighter can outrun that, and from what I’ve heard that module ruins your ability to duck and weave.


So something is off here; either this module hasn’t been tested, or that’s not the actual purpose of the module.

Cruise is very limited.  It’s pretty much only for long distance maps.  I would avoid fighting with it unless you really had to.

You haven’t met my new Lion yet. You would not be saying these things if you had. Trust me, the Cruise Module can be very effective.  :fed002:



On the Fighters:


If the idea is to allow Fighters Players

Can we expect to see more “Bombs” in the game to diversify the gameplay of Fighters?


Doomsday missiles are pretty close to a torpedo. Have you tried Cruise Engine + Doomsdays yet? It’s like the trench run from Star Wars.  :fed006:

The Cruise Engine is NOT A PVP MODULE!!

The Cruise Engine is NOT A PVP MODULE!!

And from where come this fact?

The Cruise Engine is NOT A PVP MODULE!!


HAHAH if you say so.



The Cruise module needs more than just a quick try and decide.

The real question here is… Why would you even use that module in PvP?.. Other those useless Beacon capture fits, that is.


And bomb mode, use armor plate and resist, a fighter can go 700m/s while carrying a bomb. Wow, such speed, so fast, much hull strength, moar survivability,

And from where come this fact?

Oh, idk… how about the fact that whoever uses it has a nigh-useless ship? All that module does is give you the boost to run from Beacon to Beacon. While that IS the point of CTB, if a single ship is sitting on the Beacons, you are useless. Utterly and completely useless.


A decently fitted Recon is more useful than this module in PvP. A decently fitted Recon can actually put up a fight AND WIN. A decently fitted Recon will also cap Beacons just as easily.

And bomb mode, use armor plate and resist, a fighter can go 700m/s while carrying a bomb. Wow, such speed, so fast, much hull strength, moar survivability,

Federate Gunship on Overdrive. Federate Covert Ops.

Ory, you are generalizing too much, as usual



Btw, you can orbit beacons without any problems and without overdrive. That also includes bomb planting.

Utterly and completely useless.