Developer blog from October 15th: New formula for skill rating

n00bs in LRFs are always at the very bottom even if they snagged some kills.


I still don’t see any fix to the age old problem of “Guard tanks massive damage at a beacon, Recon captures behind him. Recon gets 300 Synergy, Guard gets 0.”


The blog is making a lot of claims, but you’ll forgive me if I’m not assuming there’s some unmentioned fuckup at the heart of the new system that nobody’s going to want and will undermine the whole thing. Half the issue isn’t just how DSR focuses only on kills - it’s how the synergy allocation does not properly reward and encourage positive behaviour.

I still don’t see any fix to the age old problem of “Guard tanks massive damage at a beacon, Recon captures behind him. Recon gets 300 Synergy, Guard gets 0.”

You still have the Beacon Attacker buff, regardless. Maybe the devs can/are playing with that?


its old version  :fed001: there was a lot of changes

I still don’t see any fix to the age old problem of “Guard tanks massive damage at a beacon, Recon captures behind him. Recon gets 300 Synergy, Guard gets 0.”


Offtopic: A change in how beacons reward players is needed. Currently, the first ones to cap are rewarded, but what about the ones that guard it? Sure, they might get synergy from incoming enemies, but not always. There’s no incentive to guard a beacon.

Offtopic: A change in how beacons reward players is needed. Currently, the first ones to cap are rewarded, but what about the ones that guard it? Sure, they might get synergy from incoming enemies, but not always. There’s no incentive to guard a beacon.

Simple. Let it fall, recapture.

Simple. Let it fall, recapture.

With a Speed Capture Penalty vs Interceptors Bonus (that are swarming Ofc)?


wanna show off, do it here:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20198-best-scores/)

Offtopic: A change in how beacons reward players is needed. Currently, the first ones to cap are rewarded, but what about the ones that guard it? Sure, they might get synergy from incoming enemies, but not always. There’s no incentive to guard a beacon.

Yes there is - you get more for winning a game and being in middle of the table, than if you would top off charts and lose the game.

With a Speed Capture Penalty vs Interceptors Bonus (that are swarming Ofc)?

It’s what Ceptors do, they love it.


wanna show off, do it here:

You said LRFs don’t have high scores. I was offended ;_;

It’s what Ceptors do, they love it.


You said LRFs don’t have high scores. I was offended ;_;

I never said LRFs don’t have high scores. Having tough time reading? I got some ABCs laying around, i can pass them to you, if it helps.

I never said LRFs don’t have high scores. Having tough time reading? I got some ABCs laying around, i can pass them to you, if it helps.

oh, Aces in LRFs. sorry, dyslexia kicking in.

I never said LRFs don’t have high scores. Having tough time reading? I got some ABCs laying around, i can pass them to you, if it helps.

its just very good players. every ship can be deadly in right hands  :fed001: 

and i think high scores wont happen so ofter after improved mm-formula. 

its just very good players. every ship can be deadly in right hands  :fed001: 

and i think high scores wont happen so ofter after improved mm-formula.


so it won’t be better

so it won’t be better

depends. every change has good and bad sides  :001j: 

and happy about every patch




If my Stats are dropping because the MM decide to put me with groups of Incompetents, they are going to heard me Yell a lot.


I don’t care if I loose a game while I tried to carry it (If you could see how it’s stupidly hard sometime in T5). (Well, If I did nothing good in a lost game, I can only blame myself xD).


When you see that Half of the T5 players don’t know where is the Cockpit and where are the Reactors on their ships…


I’m pretty sure that Players don’t want to see their Stats linked to their teamates.



Depends on the team mates. If I’m in a squad, hell yes, I do. If I’m soloing, xxxx that noise.



That’s the point… as solo player i suppose that the new skill rating will be super easy to farm for players that usually play in team…

I think that a rework of the skill rating system has been needed for some time. I would like to see assist pay off better and credit for beacon capture be given to ships at a further range regardless as to whether they were close enough to directly capture it. Consider the LRF that did put down fire on the beacon, and for all rights did help capture yet he gets nothing. The guy on the beacon wont last long with out its support ships keeping the enemy back. I doubt that you will get it in one try but I am glad to see you are working on it.


My off topic: Frigs have yet to see a damage increase on or anywhere near the level of ceptors and gunships. This puts frig pilots at a very large disadvantage in head to head engagements with smaller ships. Take beam lasers for example, a t3 does 1900 and a t5 does 2100. Yet look at ions that do 1700 at t3 and 2800 at t5. None of the t5 frig weapons have scaled like they have needed to and I would love to see some time put into that.

My off topic: Frigs have yet to see a damage increase on or anywhere near the level of ceptors and gunships. This puts frig pilots at a very large disadvantage in head to head engagements with smaller ships. Take beam lasers for example, a t3 does 1900 and a t5 does 2100. Yet look at ions that do 1700 at t3 and 2800 at t5. None of the t5 frig weapons have scaled like they have needed to and I would love to see some time put into that.

Frigates don’t need any buff, they’re good as they are.

Don’t forget modifiers, boosters & implants, that’s a huge difference, a Mauler can have over 7000 Dps + Damn high critical damage.

My off topic: Frigs have yet to see a damage increase on or anywhere near the level of ceptors and gunships. This puts frig pilots at a very large disadvantage in head to head engagements with smaller ships.


they need no buff. frigate is not designed for 1v1 fight with a small ship. the only ship class that needs a buff is the fighters

The problem with the new rating is when you have bad teammates and loosing the battle, this equals in a rating loss.